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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 38

Cathy looked at her indifferently.

"Aren't you the new assistant that just came today? Have you studied the designs of Spring and Summer Series?"

Jocelyn nodded earnestly, "Yes, the previous designs of spring and summer series focuses on the theme of splashing ink on mountains and waters with four main styles, flowers, birds, fish and insects, which are in line with the seasonal characteristics of spring and summer, but why does it seem that there is still no change for the design of the autumn and winter series?"

In fact, she also had noticed that when she said, the people around her seemed to show their sympathy for her. Although she didn't understand what that meant, she always asked questions when she had something confusing in the aspect of jewelry and she always spoke out when she found there was something wrong. So she did not worry too much at that time.

Cathy looked at her.

"Do you think what changes should be made?"

"I..."Jocelyn was stunned, "I haven't thought about it yet, but I just feel that..."

"You just feel?" Cathy glanced at her coldly and interrupted her directly.

"Do you think only depending on your feeling, you can rebut the achievements of others? Originally, I think you have some good ideas. Considering that today is the first you go to work here, I will not bother about you. But please remember that I don't like people who always talk nonsense, either you can design or you can only shut up and do chores."

After that, she put the design drawings in her hand on the table and said in a cool voice.

"The meeting was over and you can get off work."

The colleagues in the studio scattered and left just like birds and beasts, and many of them looked at Jocelyn sympathetically as they left.

Others had left, only one colleague who was at the opposite work station of Jocelyn was tidying up his things. while tidying up, the colleague said in a low voice.

"Don't mind that. This is Cathy's personality. After getting on with her for a long time, you will know that she doesn't like talking nonsense and she puts the efficiency in the first place. This time, the time left on designing the autumn and winter series is not enough and the leaders are badly in need of them, so you may not understand well the reason for that..."

Hearing the words, Jocelyn looked shocked and looked up, then she asked, "Do you mean that she just follows the Spring and Summer Series intentionally?"

"Shh..." The male colleague reached out his finger and made a silent gesture, "Keep it down. Are you afraid that people in other departments won't hear you?"

Hearing that, Jocelyn felt that the thing must be complicate. Although she did not intend to inherit the Leonard Group, she had been influenced by her parents from an early age. And the competitions between her uncles were also serious, she had been used to these means since her childhood.

"Well, thank you for reminding me. By the way, my name is Jocelyn Turner."

Jocelyn took the initiative to say hello, "Sorry, I'm very busy today, and I haven't had time to say hello to you."

"It's all right," The male colleague smiled, exposing two beautiful protruding canine teeth, "My name is Leo White. Everyone calls me Leo. You don't need to tidy up hurriedly. I'll go first."

Jocelyn quickly tidied up her things and followed him.

"Let's go together."

She had just entered the Morrison Group. This department was not unfamiliar to her speciality, but she didn't know anything about interpersonal relationship and internal interests entanglement at present. So she urgently needed a breakthrough to quickly understand the relationship between design department and other various departments.

At night, Yanjing was shrouded in prosperity.

When Jocelyn returned home, it was completely dark, and the domestic servants were preparing dinner.

"Young lady, you are back."

"Well." Jocelyn changed shoes and hung bags up the hallstand.

Hearing that the servant was talking to Jocelyn, Selena raised her head from the sofa and looked at Jocelyn unhappily, then she said unpleasantly.

"It is your important business to be a full-time wife at home and have a child with Arthur as soon as possible. I think you have been living a very good life so that you come up with new tricks and run out to work."

In the living room, besides Selena and Julia, only left the servants who were busy with arranging dinner, and there was no one else.


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