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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 61

The atmosphere in the bathroom was a little embarrassing.

Jocelyn looked stiff. She looked at Arthur who was almost half naked, and suddenly she could not find any reason to refute.

"What's wrong? Don't you study medicine and have you forgot that I am a patient?

Arthur looked at her expressionlessly. Although he looked calm, there was a sense of urgency in his words.

Jocelyn was shocked for a while, then she gritted her teeth and had no choice but walk over.

It was true that she inherited the memory of the original owner of the body, but as for the attitude of medical students towards patients, she did not inherit at all. It was too difficult for her to look at a naked man calmly.

After taking the dry towel from the shelf, she took a deep breath and stood behind Arthur, wiping his body from his shoulder bit by bit.

Perhaps because he has not been exposed to the sunshine all for many years, he was much whiter than the average male, but he was also very strong. And the fine drops of water fell down along his beautiful lines of the scapula.

Looking that, Jocelyn was embarrassed so that she secretly swallowed saliva.

Arthur's voice suddenly came out.

"Is it true that the incident happened this afternoon is really like what you said?"

She stopped, "You don't believe me?"

"It's true that you and Antony are intimate with each other. I have seen that, so you think I'll believe that you're really as innocent as you said?"

Jocelyn clearly knew that this matter could not be avoided, .

Although she was cautious in her words and deeds when she returned to Morrison family, the previous Jocelyn wasn't. The original owner of this body left herself an awful mess. Even she herself could not deny that her spiritual derailment was really true.

But she still held a glimmer of hope and denied, "I don't know what you're talking about."


Arthur was suddenly silent for a second, then he suddenly tightly held her wrist. A sudden force pulled Jocelyn revolve around and slip suddenly. Then her screams echoed in the bathroom.

By the time she regained her consciousness, she had been sitting horizontally on Arthur's legs.

Turning around, she almost hit the tip of his nose.

She struggled unconsciously, but although Arthur was disabled, his arms were very strong, and he held her wrist tightly. As she struggled, he held her wrist more tightly, which was very painful.

"What are you doing? You let me go." She growled with pain.

Arthur's eyes were full of warnings. "You'd better not move. When you speak in this way, I can see your eyes. So if you lie, I can immediately discover.

Jocelyn was frightened by his eyes and dared not move.

"Three years ago, when you married me, I still remember the wrist cutting on the wedding night. Now I don't have to pretend to be affectionate in front of me. You know that there is no love at all between us."

When Arthur said this, Jocelyn felt her hands and feet were cold.

Chapter 61: There Was No Love Between Us 1

Chapter 61: There Was No Love Between Us 2


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