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Reborn to Revenge novel Chapter 7

"Is it enough? If you say enough, just shut up! My ears are going be deaf. Can’t you leave me quiet to watch the news?"

The oldest man in Morrison family, who was sitting alone on the sofa, suddenly scolded, with his crutches knocked twice.

Selena glowered at Julia, and Julia immediately stopped talking. "OK, Grandpa."

The oldest man, Abner Morrison,had only one son: Jeff Morrison, who was Selena’s husband and Arthur’s father. He flew to France a month ago to go on business, so Abner was now in charge of the family.

Being an old cadre in the military region,Abner still possess the character of an old soldier.

On the financial channel, the news was on live: the financial magnate of Leonard had been taken over by Stan Judd, and the death of the Leonard was just a traffic accident.

And their daughter Joanne Leonard was also in the death list.

Jocelyn stared at the screen with her eyes unmoved, her eyes gradually moistened and her fists tightened.

At this time, on the second floor of the villa, the man in the wheelchair looked coldly at everything that happened in the living room, his eyes frowned.

Jocelyn was indeed different from before.

Throughout the day, Jocelyn did not see Arthur appear. This man was like a ghost, nobody knowing what he was doing and thinking.

In the middle of the night, a jingle sound came from the bedroom next door to her, and there was a fierce voice, accompanied it seemed being a movement of the wheelchair.

This awoke Jocelyn, who was always in a light sleep. she grabbed her hair hard.

She meant to not get up, but the sound was too loud, even if she wrapped her head in the bedding, she could still hear it.

Finally, she had to put on her slippers and go to the next door.

She knocked a few times, but no one answered.

Something wrong?


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