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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 31

Bella was driving down in a car, a smile on her lips. She was looking forward to the new challenge that Maya had thrown in front of her. Running a company as a CEO required her to step out of her comfort zone and take charge. She steadfastly ignored the fact that she would also be guiding a child on how to handle the company. After all, people tend to ignore complicated blocks and focus only on the pleasing parts in their life. However, Bella was soon reminded of another complicated block when she reached Council Headquarters.

As soon as she stepped through the main doors of the Council Headquarters, she came face to face with Ryder. Bella stopped walking and her face paled slightly before she recovered composure and started walking inside, completely ignoring the man.

Ryder instead stood as if frozen when he saw her. The laptop in his hand slipped to the floor. 'Bella... What is she doing here?' he thought to himself. He saw her pause slightly and then start walking again. He expected her to start pestering him again. As soon as that thought entered his head, a grimace settled on his face. He decided to ignore her as soon as she approached him. He watched her walk towards him and steeled himself.

However, Bella didn't stop by him and walked past him without throwing him another glance. Her hair streaming behind her, she walked away from him. The natural fragrance of her body  surrounded Ryder and caused him to stiffen again. Ryder glanced at her back as she walked away.

'Is this for real? After pestering me every time we met, she decided to ignore me now? Is this the mate bond that she had claimed to have with me? Hmph. Since she is staying away from me, that's good.' Ryder thought to himself and walked away with a nonchalant expression. However even unknown to him, a complex emotion flashed in his eyes before it disappeared.

Bella walked past a corner and then finally slowed her steps. She sighed at her behaviour. It had hurt her when she saw a grimace on his face. She felt that he didn't even want her in front of him whereas she hurt every time his memory rose in her mind. This mate bond hurt her and for the thousandth time she wished that she was a normal vampire instead of the freak she was.

Her mood and her face down, she quietly made way to Maya's cabin. Pausing in front of the door, she composed herself and knocked, before entering the room.

"Hey Maya, I am.... Dylan.. you?" Bella halted her words as she saw Dylan instead of Maya.

"Hello Bella." Dylan greeted her with a smile and extended his hand.

Bella shook her head and grasped the hand shaking it twice. "Hello Dylan. I was expecting to meet Maya here." Bella said in a questioning tone.

"Ah yes.. she is out with her family. She will be back soon though. In the meantime, make yourself at home here." Dylan replied to her.

"You want me to stay in the Council Headquarters?" Bella asked surprised.

"Yes. Well, I haven't made any accommodation for you yet. Maya will make those when she gets back." Dylan replied calmly.

Bella didn't want to stay in Council Headquarters as she was not here in an official Council capacity and also mainly as Ryder was here. "Oh.. then I guess.. I will be fine here." Bella murmured softly. Unfortunately nothing could be done at the moment and she had to adjust according to the situation.

"Come, you can stay in Maya's room." Dylan said encouragingly.

"When will she be back?" Bella asked curiously.

Chapter 31 1


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