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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 33

After spending time with the were panther group, the family of three - Maya, Xavier and Sam, went roaming in the forest some more.

Sam was running in the forest at his full speed while Maya and Xavier were following him at a normal pace. The simple act of running as a pack made Maya's wolf calm and happy. She reminisced about the days when she used to run in a pack in her childhood. Maya could see traces of herself in Sam's innocence and his nature.

Maya's wolf had started seeing Sam as her own child instead of her nephew. She also knew that Sam carried in his blood a potential to be a true Alpha. She made a decision to hone his skills and his nature to become that of a leader.

Xavier was following Maya's wolf as she trotted after Sam. Her tail kept brushing against his nose. Xavier was enjoying her scent and her touch. His wolf pushed for control of the body from Xavier and in a moment of weakness Xavier allowed the wolf to reign over him. His wolf pushed ahead and started walking shoulder to shoulder with Maya. He lightly jostled and guided her onto a different path and gave a mental command to Sam to follow them.

Maya was amused by Xavier's insistence on guiding the path and allowed him to lead her. They unexpectedly stepped into a small clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing were countless small lights just flying around. Sam and Maya were both awestruck by the thousands of fireflies buzzing around the clearing. It seemed very dream like and Sam dashed in middle of the clearing to chase fireflies. Maya sat on her haunches to observe the beautiful vista. Xavier's wolf sat beside her, his tail swishing around to engulf her body and then flicking back again and again.

Maya turned to look in Xavier's eyes and realised that Xavier's wolf was the one in charge. Instinct told her to give over the control to her wolf and she followed that feeling. Maya's wolf leaned against Xavier's body and sniffed his scent deeply. Both of them could feel small sparks in the touch they shared. Xavier's tongue brushed against Maya's face and licked her lovingly.

Perhaps it was at that moment that Maya realised that even her wolf required a mate by her side. Even though her wolf was all powerful, she truly craved the gentleness and the love that a mate bond could bring in her life. She realised that her inability to find trust in their relationship was not only hurting Xavier and his wolf but also was affecting her own wolf badly.

'A werewolf is a strange creature; it's a wolf and a human mind staying in one body. Then are the wolf and human different or are they the same?' Maya questioned herself. As if reflecting on herself she realised that this strain of their relationship has reached the point where she has to make a decision to move forward or to step back and away.

Calmly she lifted herself and trotted towards the bushes. Changing back into her human self, she wore the long t-shirt she had carried tied to her leg. Although a little wet from the river, it was enough to keep her modesty. Sensing her need to talk, Xavier to changed in his human form and wore a pair of track pants. Maya was lounging on the ground with her arms supporting her and staring at Sam's antics. A smile garced her beautiful face and it was at that moment Xavier fell a little more in love with her.

"Maya" he called out softly breaking her trance.

Turning towards him, she beckoned him closer and patted the ground beside her. When Xavier sat besides her, she leaned her head against his shoulder. Xavier went still as a statue. Admitted that it was the most innocent form of intimacy but it was the first ever gesture from Maya's end.

"It hurts." she whispered, "It hurts not being able to trust our own mate. It hurts not being courageous enough to take next step. It hurts not being able to be a part of a pack. But most of all, it hurts to see the pain of an unfulfilled mate bond in your eyes. It hurts most not being able to give Sam a stable family. It hurts, Xavier." Pain laced her voice and though it wasn't spoken loudly, Xavier felt the impact of those words in his very bones.

Hope had blossomed unbidden in Xavier's heart at her action and it further grew by her words. He desperately wanted to ask her if she was finally allowing him in her life. He wanted to hug her in his arms and kiss her so very badly. But he retained a bit of control and spoke softly, "Take your time to heal. I am here. Besides you. Whenever you need me."

"When a mate bond is completed, we are able to hear each other's thoughts..." Maya spoke just as softly as him.

Chapter 33 1


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