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Regretted Rejection : Wrath of the Moon novel Chapter 32

Before Bella arrived at Council Headquarters, Maya was pacing up and down while waiting for Xander to load up the car with camping gear.

"Good Morning Maya... are you guys all set for your trip?" Dylan asked, pulling Maya off her thoughts.

"Yes. Xavier is bringing down the bags to the car." Maya gestured towards the entrance.

"So, where are you guys going?" Dylan asked.

"There is a private forest area located about a couple hours from here. It is kind of a reservation for were creatures. We thought that it would be perfect for Sam. He could experience the life of being a wolf thoroughly. He could also meet different were creatures and get some exposure to their culture." Maya replied.

"That seems like a good plan." Dylan nodded.

"Hey guys... how about giving me a hand here?" Xander was standing with a bunch of bags in his hands and staring at the door of the car trunk.

Maya glanced at him in confusion, before hastily mumbling, "Sorry! I was distracted." Maya apologized when she realised that she had been too absorbed in her thoughts and had left all of the work to Xander.

"Are you still thinking about Ryder and Bella?" Xander asked noticing the frown on her face.

"Yes. I don't want them to hurt each other. They have already been through a lot. There is no need for added trauma." Bella said softly.

"Don't worry Maya. I will keep an eye on them and make sure that they behave." Dylan assured Maya.

Xander looked at her sad face and felt that her words also suited their situation. Maya had been through a lot and that trauma sometimes made itself known in form of nightmares. He wondered if his presence was adding onto her trauma. As her mate, he wanted to take away her pain but he didn't know how to take away the pain that he himself had caused her. Perhaps there was no need for him in her life...

Before Xander could start thinking deeply on the matter, a pair of little arms wrapped around his leg. He looked down to see Sam hugging him, looking all excited. Maya had put away few bags in the trunk when he was caught up in his thoughts.

Xander shook his head and squatted down to Sam's level. "Someone is looking very excited for the trip." Xavier said in a teasing tone.


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