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Rush into Your Heart novel Chapter 1

It was Christmas Eve. Sofia Pai specially came back from the UK to meet her boyfriend Fitzgerald, she prepared a big surprise for him. On the phone call, Fitzgerald said that he was to tell her something important after she came back. Sofia looked forward to it, maybe Fitzgerald was going to propose to her!

At half-past eleven, she arrived at Fitzgerald's house door with happiness and sweetness. In her hand, lied in an exquistie bag a scarf she knitted for Fitzgerald, waiting impatiently to be opened. Sofia was about to take out the key; when she looked down, she found that the door was unlocked.

She felt a little bit strange; Slowly, she pushed the door open, only to find the floor full of rose petals; it was a candlelight dinner. There was a strange sound coming from the bedroom upstairs, she followed the sound upstairs. Before she was there, she heard a burst of a woman's joyful and delicate chants. The sound became louder and louder, and this voice was incredibly familiar to Sofia.

A devastating thought flashed through Sofia's mind, but she quickly overruled it. No, impossble! He was Fitzgerald! how would he do this to her? He wouldn’t, anyone could except for her Fitzgerald!

Yet the moment she reached the last stair, clothes, suits, ties, skirts, stockings, lace underwears, and red high-heeled shoes scattered in the corridor…

Sofia breathed sluggishly, and her legs seemed to be filled with lead, she slowly moved to the bedroom door. In the half-open room, two bodies intertwined with each other. The woman, lying naked under her boyfriend was her good cousin, Wendy Pai.

"Honey, has Sofia failed to satisfy you in these seven years? You are so wonderful."

"It seems that I haven't worked hard enough, you still could think about other things. Ah!"

"That's it? The important thing you want to tell me? Ha? Fitzgerald!" Standing at the door, Sofia thought that one more step would make her sick.

Fitzgerald's body was stunned. He suddenly turned around and saw Sofia standing at the door with a brush of surprise on his face. Then he calmly got up and picked up one of the clothes to put on.

"Don't you want to say anything?" At the moment, there was still a glimmer of hope in Sofia's heart. She hoped he would say that none of this was real and it's not like what she thought.

"Explain? Didn't you see everything? We have been together for seven years and I am a normal man. Wendy knows better than you how to please men." Fitzgerald said and held Wendy in his arms; then he kissed her face gently.

Facing this scene, Sofia suffered pain as if a knife pierced into her heart; she even felt pain when she breathed.

The next moment, just as Fitzgerald got up, Sofia slapped Fitzgerald in the face; it was a loud slap.

"You deserve it!" With heartache, she raised her head and looked upward toward the ceiling to hold back her tears.

How could she cry in front of this pair of scumbags? It's an insult to her.

Fitzgerald sneered: "Satisfied? Leave! Now!"

Sofia looked at Fitzgerald in disbelief. Did he just ask her to leave? He asked her to leave this place, where she carefully selected everything for him? Now, it had become a love nest for him and a bitch.

"Fitzgerald asked you to leave, so do it as you heard! You're not Fitzgerald's plate of dish at all, look at yourself, you are just as thin as an inmature child, how can you arouse Fitzgerald's interest."

"Oh! You want me to leave? Alright..." Sofia's eyes became cold, then she suddenly raised her hand and slapped Wendy again in the face.

She never knew that her cousin was so depraved and seduced her boyfriend. How could she bear it?

"Have you had enough?" Sofia tried to slap her for a second time, but Fitzgerald grabbed her and pushed her aside.

Sofia was pushed over on the ground, looking at the man she loved. At the moment, he only cared about other women.

Wendy nestled in Fitzgerald's arms; her eyes tearful, she covered her face with a hand while sobbing. Fitzgerald frowned while looking at Sofia.

"Haha!" Sofia stood up from the ground with a sneer and picked up the bag: "You know what? This is the New Year gift I prepared for you, with all my heart. Now, you don't deserve it. I am blind... "

Sofia lit the lighter, ignited the whole bag, and watched it burn. What disappered along with the bag is the love in her heart.

She then placed the burning bag on the bed, subsequently turned away and left.

Sofia ignored the panicking screams of the woman and the indignant mockery of the man.

That night, the wind was incredibly cold that it made her tear up. Sofia smiled, wiped the tears off her face, pulled the case and took out a phone from the pocket.

"Where are you? Let's grab a drink. I'll wait for you in the old bar." Sofia hung up and got in a cab. As of now, she would carefully give vent to her feelings.

A lively and impure atmosphere was present. Sofia placed the suitcase aside and kept pouring glasses of wine for herself until she became losing consciounseness.

This bar was where Sofia and her best friend, Jean Chen, used to hang out. Needless to say, because her family's financial state wasn't as good as before, she could never afford those luxury things. Jean paid everything for her, she always took her as one of her most important.

It was Christmas Eve that night, and the atmosphere was full of joy. The carnival had started just a few moments after midnight. The joyful atmosphere made Sofia even more sorrowful.

How unforgettable this year’s Christmas Eve was.

When Jean arrived at the bar, it's evident that Sofia had had drunk too much.

"What's the matter Sofia?"

"My goodness! Jean…you're here finally! Good, let me tell you something. Guess what happened when I went to Fitzgerald’s place? I caught that bastard sleeping with Wendy. Haha, I'm an idiot. Jean, do you think I'm the most stupid woman in the world? Actually, I'm not that sad, I just feel really stupid. Come on, let's have a toast. I just caught a jerk red-handed."

Sofia screamed hysterically while holding on to Jean's hand, also occasionally giggling without reason. The loud music around them immediately covered her voice. Even Sofia herself wasn't sure whether she's sad or happy.

She just wanted to forget everything that had ever happened. After that night, she was determined to be strong-willed, just like always.

There's nothing in this world that could bring her down. Whatever the problem, nothing could break her.

“You silly girl! Such a scum isn’t worth your love. It’s lucky to know his real face without suffering a lot. You deserve a better one, and when you find your Mr Right, just let Wendy cry and feel jealous. This woman played dirty tricks on you when you were in school. She should hope that she will not fall into my hands. Otherwise, I’m going to hang her ass!”


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