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Rush into Your Heart novel Chapter 2

"You should know, I can't treat you as my brother-in-law so easily." Sofia Pai looked at Fitzgerald and sneered.

"Hey, Sofia, stop kidding. We will prepare a red pocket for you. You are still as naughty as before." Yes, this was Wendy Pai. She could pretend that nothing happened, although they can't go back anymore.

There's one thing that she thought Wendy was so self-righteous, Yes, she also was a good "actress", she would gain the Oscar prize if she went to Hollywood.

"Please forgive her rudeness, she's just a kid. Fitzgerald, come here, have a seat. It's time for a meal." Qin Li greeted them when she felt the embarrassment. And she stared at Sofia Pai. But Sofia didn't care about it at all, she had already been used to it.

What she felt pity was for those delicious dishes, these were all her favorites. But Sofia lost her appetite because of the two.

At this time, Sofia felt extraordinarily free, she wasn't so sad as she thought. As if she had overcome the difficulties.

"Sofia, your sister is going to engage. Your mother had died for decades and your father is in a bad situation. We should take care of you. You're 22 years old now, it seems that you haven't had a boyfriend? Your uncle and I know a good one who's pretty good, he's a bit older than you, but he has divorced. If you married him, you will be his treasure. I've called him just now, you'll have a date tomorrow night at MD Hotel. What about 8 p.m? After that, you can decide the date of your engagement."

Sofia put down her chopsticks and looked at her untie:" Untie, I am an adult now, I don't need you to raise me. Just let it go."

"Yes, we don't need to raise you, but what about your father? We need to pay for his bills. He's staying at the hospital now, you have no idea how much he needs to spend every single day. Our company can't afford that. To be honest, our company has some problems. Mr. Liu agrees, as long as you marry him, he will help us to save the company. Although Fitzgerald is your brother-in-law, we can't ask him to do that for us. So, it's done! I'm here to notify you. It's time for you to pay back, after all, you took the advantage from us for so many years."

Sofia didn't speak, she just looked at her uncle, but she only saw that her uncle signed hopelessly. Then he answered:" Sofia, I'm sorry. I have no other ways. If this matter can't be solved, I'm afraid that your dad..."

"So I have to marry an old man? He even can be my father!" Sofia was so angry. Her untie wasn't a nice woman, but this time, she's too excessive.

As for Fitzgerald, he just stayed aside and kept silent.

"The accident of your parents is all because of you. You are a jinx. You always make trouble for others. Now, you can marry a rich guy, you know it's a rare chance for you. You have no choice, that's all."

Qin Li said indifferently, she was so mean. But now, she was so proud, her daughter would marry such a perfect man, and she can't let Sofia marry a man who would be better than Fitzgerald. Sofia can marry a rich man, she had treated her better enough.

Sofia looked at all of them. These people were her family. This place was her home. That's why she didn't want to come back here. She knew it, she shouldn't come back again.

"Sofia, my mom is good for you. You don't need to worry about money when you married Mr. Liu, isn't it good enough? So many girls desire this kind of life. If you agree that, it will be a happy ending."

Sofia sneered, she stood up and refuted: "Since it's a good matter, why don't you marry that man yourself?"

"Sofia, what are you talking about? Fitzgerald's here!"

Sofia took a deep breath, then she looked at Qin Li:" Uncle, Untie, I don't care what kind of business Mr. Liu and you have, I won't agree with that. EVER! If you insist, you can let your daughter marry him. Bye."

After that, Sofia turned back and left the box. What a wonderful day today!

She was going to see Jean, but God was like kidding her, Jiajia was at a party.

Sofia was planning to hang around and then went back. But her phone kept ringing.

As soon as Sofia answered the phone call, she heard Qin Li's voice:" Sofia Pai, you have been living in my home and spent my money since you were 13 years old. I warn you, you can't run away just like that. You'd better come to the hotel tomorrow night obediently. Otherwise, I'm not sure if your dad can stay in VIP hospital, and for his further treatment, you know what you should do."

She didn't allow Sofia to refuse, so she hung up directly. Qin Li was an arrogant woman, no one can disobey her.

Sofia was so angry now, and when she heard what Qin Li said just now, she felt a headache. She had compromised for so many years. When she was at school, she gave up so many chances because of Wendy, now she still...

"You want my answer? Fine, Lehnn Qin, I tell you. I, Sofia Pai, will never marry that old man as you wish. If you want, just marry yourself with him." Sofia felt upset after she hanging up.

This matter was related to her whole-life happiness, she wouldn't compromise. But, she believed what untie just said. If she didn't marry that old man, what about dad's treatment fees? She can't pay that at all and she just went back...

"Sofia Pai, it's okay. You will have money. You need to trust yourself. You have been graduated. Let's find a job tomorrow." But the problem was, she even didn't have a place to sleep.

The thunder sounded from the sky, and the rain dropped heavily. Damn it, why this stupid place was so empty? She can't seek shelter from the rain.

Sofia complained. She gave up totally. Fine, since she had been so embarrassed and there's no taxi at all, what could she do?

Sofia was standing at the crossroads, she felt dizzy suddenly. At this time, a White Land Rover was coming from another direction. The man in the car was frowning, his fingers kept tapping o the laptop. His thin lips were closed tightly.

It was often said that serious men were the most attractive, and this was probably the exact picture.

There was calm music in the car, and the car had been driving very steadily. Suddenly, the driver braked. The man's upper body leaned forward slightly, he frowned.

Sofia Pai looked at the car in front of her dumbly. She was a little dizzy just now, and she almost lost her life. The driver got out of the car and glanced at her who was in a great mess. He took out several hundred yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Sofia's hand. With a helpless sigh, he turned to the car.

Sofia only realized then. It turned out that she was regarded as a blackmailer, then she realized how awfully-looked she was. It was not like that!

Sofia was inherently unyielding stubborn. She won't take this money, let alone it was her fault not being cautious. Sofia didn't care about that much. She ran over and patted the window of the car, trying to return the money to the driver.

Chapter 2 A New Boyfriend 1

Chapter 2 A New Boyfriend 2

Chapter 2 A New Boyfriend 3


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