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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 2

The Unexpected


Seems an unexpected fight is about to happen...

Chloe walked to one of the mean girls named Martina, she cleaned her body with her hand, rubbing it on Martina's face and uniform, " I guess you look pretty now" she said.

The three of us did the same thing and it leads to a fight, each of us picked our target, I focused on the leader of the mean girls, dragging her hair as she screamed aloud, I lost my balance instantly she pushed me to the floor, then I restrain her from hitting me continuously, I hate involving myself in a fight but they started it so we just have to defend ourselves.

Chloe made sure Martina loses the button of her uniform to the extent her pink camisole started revealing but Chloe's uniform also got torn.

Sofia on the other hand kept on hitting Julieta to the extent that blood gushed down her nostrils.

We stopped immediately we heard familiar footsteps approaching us, " oh no Principal is here"

We stood on our feet and greeted the principal but our faces were facing the ground, we were too scared to maintain eye contact with him.

He looked at every one of us and other students just murmured as they passed, " I believe we have not forgotten rule number twelve that guides this school"

"No sir"

" I don't buy that response, the rules state that; fighting is prohibited in the school, if truly you know these rules, you won't have made your self victims by breaking the rules".

The leader of the mean girls cried saying," principal we were minding our business when the star lights started the fight with us by blocking our path"

"What!!! " she is a good liar," she is lying principal, they started it by blocking our path and pouring their lunch at us", I said.

"Shut up, all of you!", He said in a harsh tone.

I blinked my eyes twice after he shouted at us, I notice one of the mean girls is already shaking.

" I believe you girls know the punishment attached to each rule when broken "

" Oh no, not that punishment, nothing but that"

We tried apologizing to him but he gave us deaf ears, we have no option than to face our punishment," am so going to teach the mean girls a lesson", I said to myself mentally.

We were asked to clean the old library in the school, it's so dusty, filled with cobwebs. Julieta screamed immediately she saw a rat, this made us laugh.

" She is scared of rats and not us, don't you all agree with me she needs help and must go for a check-up", Chloe said, mocking her.

Too bad they won't be able to start a fight because they know full well it will double the punishment already given to us.

Some of us swept the floor, some mop the ground and I just decided to remove the cobwebs and clean the books since it's dusty.


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