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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 31

Witches Attack.


I assumed maybe he is having an illusion or something, we all know Esther died years back, or could it be that the red moon is raising the dead back to life, I saw my dad dead cousin Freya, now it's Esther, no I doubt this. I kept on contemplating it.

"Are you sure it's Esther you saw or someone who looks exactly just like her? father asked him the question.

" Primus I saw Esther myself, I thought it was someone that looks like her not until she gave me a message to deliver to you personally my Prince", he said.

"What message", I asked.

" Dimitro my love, you know what happened between us and how you couldn't save me but now am back to steal something from you, I will be back soon my love", he delivered the message then I staggered a little.

"We talk about this later, for now, we have our kinds to protect from the witches and the lycans, when we have some space we can talk about Esther", father concluded.

" Father, I will join you soon, just go, I need to check on something". I said to them before leaving.

The truth is Esther and I had a little fight before that war, I noticed she was having an affair with my brother Gustavo but I had no proof to prove I was right, it was off recent I find out that Gustavo loves her that's why he's ready to torture me by not letting anyone love me but am happy he knows nothing about Amelia, right about now she will be in her world now and hopefully she might forget about me since am a monster.

If truly Esther is alive by any means then a powerful witch might be alive doing this, what if she has met with Gustavo well am not scared of that because we are brothers no matter what. I became confused by the whole thing happening.

I haven't seen Gustavo yet, I need to meet him now and find out indirectly from him if he has seen Esther or maybe just an illusion.



Seeing my brother in his vampire state fighting aggressively, he got caught by a witch using a spell to get him before he does, I had to save him.

I rushed to her holding her neck and said," Hello witch, hope your blood tastes nice", I said before feeding on her and Gustavo did the same.

"I thought you are still sleeping hum", he said to me.

" Oh brother how ungrateful can you be, I just saved your life now from a little witch and all you could say was about my sleep, I should have let her torment you with her powers", I said to him.

"Whatever, we need to meet the others, it's getting dark right now", he said.

"Sure, wait a minute Gustavo, did you by any chance see any familiar face today", I asked reading his facial reactions.

" The only familiar face have seen that I hate right now is the witches who joined the war killing us because of a silly revenge", he said.

I concluded saying to myself," Maybe an illusion".

I tap my brother's shoulder saying," let's join the others".


Sometimes I wonder how come they are all able to sleep in this scary place, I can't find sleep, I just need to speak with Dimitro, he might be a monster to everyone but not to me, he won my heart already, I love him so much.

I don't understand why he's not talking to me, I thought he will be happy to see me here, I guess he never wishes to see me.

I talked with myself and I got startled when I heard from behind, "Finding it hard to sleep", Catalina said sitting with me.

I don't trust her and I don't know why she is speaking to me now, " Hey what is your plan this time around, am well ready for you if you wish to pick up a fight here with me now everyone is asleep", I said with an angry face.

"Your right I would love to pick up a fight now but am not a fool you jerk, we all are stuck in this scary place meaning we need to keep our differences aside and look for a way to work together and get the hell out of this scary place for good", she said to me and she is kinda right though.


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