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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 33

He Likes The Human


We had to nod in agreement not to scream out, he then removed his hands from our mouth.

We were still sweating, I was the first to turn around to see him, I almost screamed out because he was naked but I remembered his words, what his going to do to us when we scream out.

"Oh mine, Amelia it's best for you not to turn because my eyes have seen what am not supposed to see", I said to Amelia and she listened.

After some seconds, he said," You both can turn around now", which we did.

He already put on his shorts but he was shirtless.

He has a great body built.

He's bleeding out," Amelia said in fear.

Truly he had a terrible wound on his body and he said, "I guess you both are witches, easy I will let you live if you stitch this wound to heal fast with your powers, you know because of the red moon, we don't heal fast".

Amelia and I were looking so dumb at what he said, we don't understand a thing.

" Why standing around, do your thing and I let you live just for today or I kill you both now", he threatened.

I whisper to Amelia, "What are we going to do now, he thinks we are witches right?".

"Yes, the bad thing is if we don't do as he says, we are both dead, you watched magical movies right, just say any word from there and tell him it's going to work after he sleeps and wake up, then we can leave and run as far as our legs can carry us", Amelia whispered back.

" I don't like the word you Amelia, why are you telling me to do it, why not you", I whispered.

"Can't you see he likes you, all his focus was on you when he talked, meaning he can believe this little trick, I don't wish to die yet", Amelia added?

I was about to reply when he yelled at us," Hey you two, what are you whispering about, I don't like gossip if not I would have used my Lycan hearing to hear everything you just whispered about".

Amelia and I looked at each other in fear, "What kind of scary place are we in now", I said silently to myself.

" Be fast you two, the war is not over yet".

Amelia gave me a go-ahead look.

I stretched my hands to the wound and said, "Arbra ta Debra", Amelia just hum along with some sounds but when I opened my eyes to peep at the wound, nothing was happening, the wound was still there and I felt like vomiting but I fear he might kill me so I just hold myself.

He yelled at us," Why is it not working hum?".

"Well, it wo.....or ks actually", I stammered.

" You just have to sleep now and when you wake up in the morning, the pains will be all gone", I lied and I shivered.

Amelia added, "Yes, that's how Debra magic works because it's busy now, so you have to await the healing, so by the time you sleep, it must have gotten to your turn and no scratch of wounds would be seen".

We looked at each other again, our hands were shaking, hoping he believes and lets us go.

" You two think am so dumb right, powerless witches, I think time up, I will start by killing your friend", he said with his hands on Amelia who was struggling.

"Please I beg of you, let her go, we mean no harm, we just got unlucky to be stuck in your world, we are humans please, once we find a route out, we promise that you will never see us again", I almost cried.

He removed his hands from Amelia's neck and walked to me, I wondered how someone injured like him still having this strength to stand and Yell.

" Humans, how come, you are not supposed to be here, you all wish for death, why come here hum".he said but we kept on begging.

I was supposed to see the anger in his eyes but instead, I saw likeness just like when a guy has a crush on you.

"Well I can't hurt human even when your kinds called us an abomination, I still remember am a half-wolf and half-human meaning I should not hurt you but I need to heal fast since you are human, I think you can run an errand for me to get Burdgeri for me, lycans can't go there but one of you can, a bite from it my strength will come back", he said.

" Just give us the description and we both will go and get it for you", Amelia said.

"No way, you stay", he pointed at me," You go and get it", he pointed at Amelia.

"But, this place is scary, she can't just go on her own", I said.


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