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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 38

Love In The Rain


I hate my brother so much right now, why is he guessing right about me knowing anything about the humans.

I can't let harm come to my love Amelia, I must protect her from my ruthless brother by all means.

"Dimitro are you truly hiding anything from us?", father asked and now I feel he's going to believe my so-called brother.

" Father I have no idea what he's saying, he's just looking for someone to pour his failure on for not been able to prove the humans are here", I said.

"You pervert, I know you are hiding something", he said.

" Very well then, I can't pick a side but one thing is for sure, the truth always comes up when we don't expect it," Father said.

" Father I got news about the lycans, ever since the red moon they take time to heal meaning we are still on the winning side", I said.

"Exactly but all the same will need to always be careful and be on our guards, they take time to heal doesn't mean they are just weak" Father added.

"So I guess this meeting is over?", I asked and my dad nodded.

" I don't want to see you two fighting, okay, I have something urgent to attend to this instance", Father said before leaving.

"Dimitro I know full well you hiding the humans, my instincts tells me so. Just know that when I found them, I will kill them and if I also find out that you are in love with any one of them, that's why you are hiding them, I will compel her to jump over the cliff". He threatened.

" Are you threatening me now brother, good luck with your findings, and will be ready to meet you at the battle, and one last thing you should know, anyone I cherish so much, if a finger scratches them, I will forget you are my brother and place you into a deep sleep for eternity", I threatened back.

"Let's see to that brother," he said before leaving.

"Phew, I hate the fact my brother and I don't get along, even if we get along, it only lasts for some hours and if too nice maybe a day. I must protect Amelia and make sure my brother never finds her or hurt her too. I must be careful from today henceforth in case he tries to monitor my movement.



Father announced to us that we can move freely for now because the lycans are fighting themselves and also the witches are very much around but stopped fighting.

Primus is still trying to find who took Freya's body, I concluded that the war is not over but just starting.

Soon our enemy will reveal him or herself.

I went to see Amelia to know if she is alright but I was careful enough to make sure I wasn't followed.

" Hi, you came", she said hugging me.

"Am so worried because my brother is so desperate to prove to father that you all are in my world and I have something in hiding your kinds", I said to her smiling.

" I believe this is bad, what if they find out, will your people despise you?", she asked.

"Amelia my love, don't worry about me but your safety, allow me to worry about that okay".

She smiled and she looks more beautiful daily.

The atmosphere suddenly changed and it became cloudy. It's like a sign of rain, it hasn't rained for years now, the humans brought us rain.

" Come with me Amelia", I said to her.


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