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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 40

My Feelings Are Real.


I woke up dreaming about the Lycan guy,I haven't seen him or heard from him since the day we all moved here.

Julieta and Martina came to me and we had a little talk.

"So what are we going to be doing here in this scary place, am getting bored already," Martina said.

"Same here, nothing like fun here, I miss pizza and everything in our world, I can't remember the last time I bath in Jacuzzi and applied nice body lotion making my skin glitter" Julieta added.

I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying, I just kept thinking of the handsome Santiago, his perfect body stature, his just exactly the guy I dream of dating.

"Catalina", they both called my name and I got snapped out of my thought.

" You are glowing, tell us, are you hiding anything from us?", Martina said.

"You don't look bothered at all staying in this scary place, seems you are hiding something", Juileta said wanting to know.

" Well I met someone that night I went with Amelia, his damn cute that I couldn't stop thinking of him", I said blushing.

"Wow, tell us about him, when are we going to meet him".

" Wait,you met someone in this world meaning his a monster as well just like Dimitro right? No way,you are totally out of your mind", Martina said hitting my cheek and checking my temperature.

"Take your hands off me, am perfectly okay and you can call him whatever you wish but I like him,that's enough for you both to respect that ", I said to them.

They wished to know about him as well,I told them soon.



Amelia wasn't around so I decided to take a walk out of the lakes,I was bored as hell ,I didn't tell Gael cause he won't allow it since we are hiding from monster not to slaughter us.

I stopped at a point and notice the change in weather, turning back seeing the distance back to the lake ,I got discourage of walking so fast there to get shelter..

The heavy downpour started and I started rushing to see if I can get shelter to hide from the rain that was when I slipped almost landing on the ground when I felt a hand around my waist helping me not to fall..

I just said thank you but when I looked at him, I realise it was Santiago,I was super excited not caring about the rain,I thought I would never see him again.

" Are you hurt?", was the first question that came out from his mouth.

He was damn hot in the rain that I couldn't resist or hold my self,I just wished to kiss him which I finally did but after some seconds he stopped.

"Am sorry for doing that,I don't know what came over me", I said to him bowing my head since I was shy.

" I would have done same,I came back to search for you but couldn't find you,I was worried about you thinking maybe something must have happened to you,I was happy I got your scent,I know its sudden but I feel, ever since we meet,I started developing feelings for you just like I did to my mate who is no more", he said.

Did he just confess his feelings for me,I didn't care if he was a beast or not,I just want to experience true love with him while I still have the opportunity being stuck in his world.

"I feel same way but don't you think we should take it slow", I know I just lied but I just wanted him.

He nodded his head and we both looked at ourselves while the rain continued to soak us.

I don't know how it happened, we just started kissing ourself as he carried me while I crossed my legs on his waist.

He took me to a place which has shelter as we continued kissing and offing our clothes

He placed a kiss around my body and the way he romance me,I felt so good.

We were both in our birthday suit as he made passionate love to me and expressed his true feelings to me and I just kept on failing for him and I felt like a lady with him.


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