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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16*** Finding A mate for me!

Derek pov***

I heard everything, they have chosen the room next to me. I heard him fucking her so roughly. I heard her screams, I wanted to barge into the room and ask him to stop. But when I have heard her moans later, I figured out that she wasn't forced t to have sex with king Valdo.

Actually, her tone meant she was enjoying everything. And that killed me emotionally.

Why did she feel so with him and not with me?

Why did she run away from me? I did my best and almost humiliated her and made her suffer for all of the past years to keep her between my arms. How all of that happened?

I was sure for that moment and finally concluded that she was different and more powerful, which could be more than me. To make a powerful king Valdo fall head over heels that means one thing ‘she meant to rule the kingdoms and us’

Scared me for a while to hear myself saying that out loud, but for once I didn’t care at all about all that. because I loved her. She should be my mate, not king Valdo mate.

How I could fall for her and she didn’t mean to be my mate, that was strange for a werewolf to feel the love of someone who wouldn’t be mated to him.

I tried to cover my ears and snap to myself to not hear the Pink and king Valdo room's voices. I couldn't even shift several times, throwing a tantrum and smashing everything in my room.

For a few hours, I couldn’t move my feet and get out of my room. I didn’t want any one of the maids or from my men or even Garret to see me in this insane case.

Definitely, they will figure out later because my room was totally destroyed. I suppressed my screams and my cursing. Until they finally stopped and silence filled the atmosphere.

But the silence was just in the castle, but in my chest didn’t stop sending anger and rage and hammers in my head with evil thoughts didn’t stop even for a second.

The pain in my heart was mere and out of limits.

Why the hell I was in love with Pink to that degree?

Why the hell I can’t get rid of king Valdo?

Talking to myself for another one hour, until my devil found a small solution. It could be temporary after all. but I had no choice but to replace Pink by one way or another. Even if that was just in my cold bed.


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