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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17*** they will use her!

King Valdo pov***

I was already awake but I was tightly hugging Pink and cared to not move to not wake her up. I made love to her so rough and I was sure she was feeling sore down there in her tight holes and her bones were almost smashed from my slaps.

I loved being embracing her and the way she snuggled as if she and I were one body. I felt so protective even so I hated being in Derek's same castle, but I couldn’t just wake her up and bother her.

I just wanted her to take some rest and then we would come back later to my kingdom. After all, no one would dare to face me and harm my Pink by any way or another. I was the most powerful werewolf and the king of all the Alpha kings.

But we were interrupted by bangs on the door. It wasn’t too loud but it was enough for my baby Pink to startle a bit. She stiffened and gasped as if she felt scared from something.

The pity for her, deep inside she was not feeling safe yet. She didn’t forget what happened to her in the past.

I placed a soft kiss on her lips to assure her that I was next to her. She sighed in relief “good morning, my king.”

I smiled softly “it still noon,” I brushed my nose to her small one and I stood up growling at the door annoyed. Who would interrupt us and why?

I opened the door without covering my body, okay I didn’t forget to do so. I just didn’t care.

I raised my brow when I found garret standing in front of me “what is it, Garrett?”

He scratched the back of his neck “my king, I just wanted to invite you and my sister, I mean to invite your highness and my queen to the mating party tonight.” He said he was distracted by something down there.

I looked down to see what it, I smirked “what? Do you like what you see? Do you want me to fuck your ass?” I teased him.

He gasped and stepped one inch back “no my king, sorry, I didn’t mean to check you out. It’s just— um too huge.” He smiled awkwardly then lifted up his eyes to look into my eyes “dear king could you please attend tonight?” he asked politely.

I nodded “okay, I will, but tell me first— Did you say it was a mating party? But for whom?” I asked in curiosity but I didn’t expect that answer to be honest.

Garret gulped nervously and then he spat out as if he was confused or hesitated to tell me or not “it’s Derek, your highness. He will choose a mate for him tonight and he asked me to convince your highness to attend and maybe stay the night in the castle.”

I didn’t think that Derek was moving faster than me. or maybe he decided to move forward and forget about Pink finally.

I rubbed my chin and gazed at him for a while then I nodded “okay, we will attend.” I said in a firm tone but with blank expressions.

I dismissed Garrett who dragged his feet as fast as he could. I guess he was worried that I might throw him with my deadly anger again. Or maybe he really got scared after seeing my big dick!

I didn’t give a shit, I just shut the door behind me and laid back next to my baby, she widened her eyes “Derek is choosing a mate? Is that even possible to happen? Isn’t it breaking for the werewolf rules?”

I shook my head “actually yes and no, remember that he was a king after all. Getting mated early was good enough for the kingdom and actually if I attended that gives him permission to get mated legally. But—” I was explaining to her but I paused for a second with cornered eyes.

She stood up and glared at me, I pulled her back to my lap, “why do you look so worried, Pink?”

She fiddled nervously with her fingers “I’m so worried about the one he will choose. He is a monster. What if he did something bad with her?”

What a kind and pure innocent heart she has? For god's sake! She was worried about an unknown girl? All of the packs in that kingdom disgraced her and abused her and treated her like trash already. How could she care about anyone?


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King