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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34*** You belong to me!

King Valdo pov***

I froze in my place stunned by the way she commanded me. for a second I was going to obey but suddenly as if I was shifted into someone else.

I retorted and diverted with so much deep voice “you on your knees now.”

She gasped, but in less than a second, she was down on her knees. I rotated around her slowly tapping her head like a puppy “good girl.”

She nodded her head shyly.

“head down and ass up,” I commanded her firmly.

She was still in her clothes and actually I didn’t know what I was going to do yet.

I slapped her ass, moving my hands on her ass cheeks and squeezing it roughly. She startled a bit but soon she said “daddy,” it was almost in a whisper tone.

I moaned on that word, definitely, that word does things abnormal to my body and my dick. I slammed her cheeks “say daddy again.”

She repeated in the seductive tone “daddy.”

I rubbed my chin staring at her big ass admiring how lucky I am to have such a gorgeous mate. And by thinking for a few seconds I realized that I would never be able to touch another girl. All I wanted was just her.

I walked to one of the shelves that was filled and crowded with too much stuff. even me I didn’t know about most of that stuff.

But I wanted to try some of what I have heard about. I grabbed the thin lash and then walked to her. her breathing was fitful. As if she worried or as if she felt what I was going to do.

I moved my hands on her ass and slipped my hands under her dress, I raised the tail up to leave her ass almost bare with just the G-string. That didn’t actually work much on covering her ass cheeks.

Then I whipped her ass all of sudden. She screamed in pain “Valdo!”

But I growled “here, I’m a daddy. Say, daddy,, please. And never say anything unless I give you permission to talk.” I said firmly.

She nodded her head in submission. Then I whipped her ass again. Not so strong but it was enough to give her pain that was soon turning into pleasure.

She bit her lips suppressing her loud voice that was echoing in the room. After whipping her ten times.

I said “that’s your punishment for yelling at me in front of everyone. Now we are going into second punishment,”

She tried moving her hands rubbing her ass. But I slapped her hands away “don’t touch yourself, unless I give you permission. Second punishment now.”

Then I grabbed a long paddle stick that ends with a big dildo. I grabbed the lube and dropped some oil on the head of the dildo.

I wasn’t sure if she might move or not, that’s why I grabbed her up and gestured to her to lay on her stomach on the wooden bench in the corner of the room. She was curious about the stick paddle in my hand. Or maybe scared to death.

I wrapped her hands up to her head to the hook in the pinch, then I bent down and cuffed her legs to make sure she won’t move or squirm with every whack by the paddle.

“are you ready?” I shouted.

She blows a deep breath away “yes daddy.”

And then I shoved her pussy with the paddle deeply, she screamed and I could feel her tears falling down on her cheeks. But I was sure that she would soon moan from pleasure and amazing satisfaction.

“that’s your second punishment for commanding me! I will give you twenty by the paddle. Now count with me.” I firmly said.

She sealed her eyes, but sooner than I expected her voice turned from count mixed with sore and painful to counting mixed with moans.

But when I noticed that her voice was in fainted tone. I stopped to take a close look at her face. She was gone into subspace. I have heard a lot about that.

I didn’t know what I should do at that moment. But to be honest I realized that I wasn’t normal. I loved the idea of fucking her while she was in another world. After all, she was dreaming of me, feeling me.

I pulled the puddle out of her pussy. Then I slapped her face several times to make her come back to consciousness. Once I have seen her freeing her eyes.

I dropped down my pants immediately and shoved it into her throat making her struggling to breathe “every time you disobey me. I will make you cry. Make you scream. Make you beg me to stop.” I barked loudly, shoving fatter and deeper.

Once I felt my dick was choking her, I pulled it out. The tears filled her eyes. She gasped for some air.


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