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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 35

chapter 35*** Two mates?!

Pink pov**

After what happened, I couldn’t stay anymore. I don’t know why I just left even so after Valdo apologized to me. I know that his tears weren’t something easy for him. He wasn’t the man who could show his weakness.

But I felt shocked from everything.

I can’t deny that I imagined him as Derek. Yes, as if he was Derek topping me and torturing me. I wouldn’t mind the sexual pain if he was doing that as kind of making new stuff with me.

In the beginning, I thought so, until he started to growl and bark like an animal telling me it was a punishment. And even so after that, I convinced myself that It was just DOM and Sub stuff.

Yes, I made my search for new kinds of sexual games. So finally I collected my information about BDSM stuff and toys. But then. I felt him as merciless as Derek. No, actually he was more heartless than Derek.

He didn’t stop with all the pain in my body and tears that blinded me. with all the begging of me to stop!

That was a disgrace for me, he shattered my heart into a small piece. I felt broken. What he did to me wasn’t something to be forgiven. What was the meaning of being a Luna and queen and at the same time I was being treated like a slave? It looked as if I was imprisoned everywhere.

And the shock was when I stormed off the room downstairs. That’s when I bumped into the great king ‘Valdo father’

I bowed my head and walked out of the gate but he stopped me “where are you going Pink? Why your face is too red as if…” the great king paused checking my face that I did my best to hide.

But I guess it was obvious to the blind to notice the print fingers on my cheeks and bruises on my neck.

I faked a small smile that was soon turned into a broken and frustrated one. He patted my shoulder gently but even so, I winced because it hurtled me.

The great king widened his eyes “what happened? Did Valdo….” And I cut off his worried questions. Because I had no intentions back then to answer anyone.

Even though that one was the great king. To all of them, I was rubbish. So why should I care about them?!

“I have to go. I’m leaving and I’m not going to wait for any permission. Please forgive me. but I don’t belong here and I don’t belong to the alpha king. At least… no anymore.” I said confidently avoiding eye contact with the great king. I know I was so rude and if I were in his shoes, I might be dead by now.

But…. I didn’t care to live anymore. I just wanted to get out of this circle of liars, heartless werewolves that’s all.


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