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She belongs to the Alpha King novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36*** She’s in danger!

King Valdo pov***

I didn't know what to do, even Derek was standing in his place shocked but his facial expressions were weird. Or maybe I couldn’t read it. it was hard for me to read anything.

All of sudden I felt my feet getting weaker as if I lost my strength. As if something bad is going to happen. I started to yell at all of them even at my father ‘the great king’ . I didn’t know how he just didn’t stop her. And where the hell were my men to stop her?!

I gazed at Derek with eyes full of rage and hatred, he was keeping something from me “why the hell don’t you look worried?”

He bowed his head politely but a smirk covered his fucking face “your highness, what could I do? I tried to stop her. And to be honest, I even mind-linked with her.”

I widened my eyes “how the hell did you do that? she is not your Luna!” I shouted shockingly.

But he didn’t look like a liar to me. maybe he just earned that power for mind linking with anyone he wants to.

But what if? That was far away from happening.

I hollered accusing him with lies “liar!!!!!!!!!!!! She is not your mate! She is mine. You just want to make me hate her or to leave her to you. Don’t underestimate me, Derek!” I warned him.

He raised his head up and huffed “I’m not king Valdo! I won’t go into losing a battle. But I’m telling the truth and when you find her, ask her about that. and no it’s not one of my powers.”

My father and my beta said in the same breath “if Derek is telling the truth then it means… Pink has two mates?!”

I gritted my teeth angrily “hell no! of course not. I’m not going to share my baby Pink with anyone else. And that can’t be happening. He abused her.”

And my tongue slips those words, my father stopped me by that word “what does that mean? If he touched her before you and if she was used even as a victim, then why did you accept her to be your Luna?”

I rubbed my face trying to exclaim myself and my thoughts “father! She was a victim and she was virgin and if you want to blame anyone then you should ask me to throw Derek in jail not asking me to forget about my mate.” I said to my father in an annoyed tone.

Seriously! How he could even think of that! I thought he loved her! I didn’t give a shit about all the babbling around me.

All I wanted to know was finding my Luna. My baby Pink. The drums and pain in my chest started to race and grow up deeply. I started to lose the ability to talk or even to stand on my own feet.

I struggled to open my eyes, all of sudden, I felt my feet weaken even more and echoes of screams in my head. The voice was too far to be understanding. But soon I heard it as a repeated message in my brain.

It was a signal from Pink trying to contact me, Mindy. Yes, she asked me to help her.

I heard it repeatedly but soon the voice stopped. And from weakness to powerful, I felt so refreshed as more than I used to be. I gesture to my beta “come with me. she is in danger. I heard her message.”

And when I said that, Derek's face turned red and grimaced “what? How and why I didn’t hear her!” he was asking me but obviously he was wondering. Maybe even him thought he was her mate! Idiot! That can’t happen in a royal werewolf’s family!

I smirked and ignored his questions, I excused from my father “father, I have to go now and save my mate. I can’t stay any longer. I’m sure she tried to mind link me. I think she was kidnapped.” I informed my father and once I stopped by the door, my father stopped me by yelling “take the men with you. And where are you going to search for how and how you will find her?”


The readers' comments on the novel: She belongs to the Alpha King