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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1. The Baby 

Chapter 1: The Baby 

Ms. Forbes, the examination results show that you have a very thin uterine wall, which could possibly lead to miscarriage. You should be more careful in your diet and exercise.” 

As she spoke, the doctor continued writing on the white paper, listing the medication Imogen needed. After some time, she handed in the paper. We have a pharmacy outside. Please take these medicines regularly.” 

Imogen took a deep breath, grabbed the paper, and slowly stood up. I will. Thank you, doctor.” 

You must be careful, okay?” 

The doctor’s eyes flashed with worry. Pregnant women with thin uterine walls were more prone to having a miscarriage. The worse was that most women had very low chances of conceiving again after they lost the first child

Don’t worry, doctor. I’ll take care of myself. Thanks again,Imogen replied and smiled. After three years of trying and waiting, the heavens finally heard Imogens prayers. No one was more eager for the arrival of the baby than her, and she would make sure to protect it with all her might

After buying the medicine, she left the hospital and went to her car

Ma am Imogen, there are still twenty minutes before your husbands arrival. Do you want to 

somewhere else first before going to the airport?The driver asked, looking at her through the 

go rearview mirror

Let’s go to the airport.” 

Imogen couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. Just the thought of seeing her husband again after a while made her feel ecstatic

Troy Marshall, her husband, had been on a business trip for almost a month, and she dearly missed him

On the road, Imogen couldn’t stop staring at the ultrasound results. She read the details over and over again as if she couldn’t believe it. Then, she gently placed her hand above her flat stomach. She couldn’t believe she would meet their baby eight months from now

Now, she couldn’t wait to tell Troy the good news

Shortly, they arrived at the huge airport. The driver parked the car and turned to her. Mrs. Marshall, do you want me to call Mr. Marshall?” 

Imogen glanced at her wristwatch and realized that Troy would have already got off the plane

I’ll do it,she replied before dialing her husband’s number

However, her calls kept being directed to customer service. Troy wasn’t picking up her calls

Oh, his flight must be delayed. Let’s wait here.” 

An hour passed, and Imogen still couldn’t see a sign of Troy yet. She took out her phone again and called him

Let’s wait a little bit longer,Imogen murmured when her calls were still not answered. After all, most flights were always either canceled or delayed. Some flights could even be delayed for more than two hours

Two hours later, Imogen called her husband again. Imogen heard a beep, making her smile


Chapter 1: The Baby 

Troy! Where are you? Was your flight delayed?she asked

There was silence on the other line, making Imogens brows furrow. Troy?” 

Sorry. Troy went to the bathroom. I’ll let him call you once he comes back,a monotonous feminine voice muttered

Imogen was confused. Huh? What-” 

Before she could finish her sentence, the call had already ended. Imogen looked at her phone screen, confused and worried

As far as she knew, Troy didn’t bring a female secretary with him for this business trip

Ten minutes had passed, but Troy never called her back. Imogen waited a few more minutes until she couldn’t hold it any longer

Troy’s phone kept ringing, Imogen anxiously waited for him to pick up the call. Just when she thought no one would answer, a familiar deep and husky voice entered her ears


Troy! Where are you? The driver and I are waiting for you here in the parking lot of Terminal D. Just come here and you’ll spot us easily.” 

Imogen,Troy paused for a long time. I’m sorry. I forgot to turn on my phone after arriving here. I left the airport already.” 

Imogen s smile instantly faded

What? HHow?Imogen asked. I’ll wait for you at home, then? I have important news to tell you.” 

A deep sigh escaped from Troys lips. Okay. I also have something to tell you.” 

Great!Imogen beamed. I’ll ask our servants to prepare your favorite food.Just go home. I have an urgent matter to attend to, so I’ll probably be late.” 


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