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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Something Happened 

Imogen followed Troy as they walked out of the interrogation room and crossed paths with Lucas. Troy nodded at Lucas and patted his shoulder. I’m leaving this to you. We’ll head back first.” 


Imogen nodded toward Lucas

Imogen wasn’t familiar with Lucas, but she knew that Lucas was the top lawyer in Marshall Group Legal Department and was wellknown throughout New York City


presence was likely related to handling the matters regarding leaked confidential information, and getting her out seemed like a secondary concern

Let’s go.Troy turned around and glanced at Imogen

Imogen lowered her gaze and followed behind Troy. Didn’t you say you would stay in Paris for two days? How come you’re back so soon?” 

Troy’s gaze was profound as he wrapped his arm around her waist and chuckled, You’re asking me now? Were you really planning to spend the night in there?” 

Two days was just a rough estimate. Troy got on the plane once things had been taken care of. After landing, his mobile phone was turned on, and there were missed calls and text messages from Lane, ensuring he could see them when he got off the plane

After learning the situation, Troy immediately asked the driver to divert to the police station, and he contacted Lucas

Imogen pressed her lips together. Mr. Johnson said those things in front of so many employees. There is nothing I can do” 

Unless she revealed their marital relationship in public

You’re so stubborn.Troy criticized. You could have called grandpa, uncle, or even Leo. They could have ensured your release.” 

In today’s situation, if it were anyone else, they would have been out and about by now. Only Imogen would have stayed in there obediently

She was clearly in the circle of celebrities, yet had a heart that yearned to be ordinary

Such a status would attract attention no matter what kind of movement or action occurred

When she first joined the company, many whispered behind her back that she had used connections to get in. So, over these years, she had worked exceptionally hard to dispel those rumors and prove herself

Imogen fell silent momentarily, wanting to ask Troy how he would react if she publicly announced her relationship with him at the company

The words were on the tip of her tongde, but she didn’t say them

His attitude was apparent. He blamed her for not finding someone to get her out rather than blaming her for not publicly revealing the truth to prevent the possibility of being taken to the police station in the first place

Imogen changed the subject and asked, The person who leaked the confidential information, has he been found?” 

It’s been confirmed, don’t worry.” 

That’s good to hear.” 

Having endured until this point, Imogen was already mentally exhausted. Once she was out, the tension that had been gripping her eased instantly. She leaned against Troy’s shoulder in the car and quickly fell asleep

Imogen woke up in a daze after an unknown amount of time, and they had already arrived at the Galaxy Villa

Troy was carrying her upstairs, and when he saw her wake, he whispered soothingly, We’re home now. You can sleep on the bed.” 


Imogen murmured with a soft sound from her throat. She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep

Troy pushed open the door of the master bedroom, carefully placed Imogen on the bed, gently removed her clothes, and covered her with a blanket

The entire process was extremely slow. Troy was cautious not to startle Imogen awake

Troy canfe to the dressing table and observed the bottles and containers on top of it. He located a bottle of makeup remover, dampened a few cotton pads, and gently removed the makeup for Imogen

Probably because the makeup remover was a bit cold, when it touched Imogen’s skin, she couldn’t help frowning and waved her hand to brush it away

Troy pressed her hand back down and held the makeup remover pad, gently wiping it across Imogen’s face

Imogen unconsciously tilted her head to avoid it

Troy had no choice but to free up one hand and gripped Imogen’s chin, painstakingly helping her remove the makeup

This was the first time Troy served others like this

After removing the makeup, he sat by the edge of the bed, unable to resist leaning in to gaze at Imogen’s face closely

Her eyes were tightly shut, and her lashes were thick and curly

Her skin was fair and delicate, with almost imperceptible pores unless observed up close, and there were only a few fine, tiny hairs

The sound of a ringing phone echoed in the room

Troy regained his focus, immediately took out his phone from his pocket, answered the call, and upon ensuring Imogen hadn’t been startled awake, he then left the master bedroom with an unhurried pace

Hello, Mr. Marshall? Mr. Marshall?” 

The call was from Mr. Johnson

After connecting, Mr. Johnson couldn’t hear any response from the other side, making him 


It wasn’t until he called Mr. Marshall for the third time then only he received a response from the other side

Mr. Johnson, why are you calling at this hour?” 


Troy carefully closed the door of the master bedroom before responding aloud

It was nice that you were back, Mr. Marshall. I had heard from Lane that there was another issue in Paris. The staff there hadn’t handled things properly and had caused quite a mess. Fortunately, your timely intervention prevented it from escalating into a major disaster. Your presence truly made a significant difference for the company.Mr. Johnson always had to butter someone up before getting to the point

Troy smiled politely and said, Mr. Johnson, please go ahead and speak your mind.” 

Only then did Mr. Johnson explain his intentions, The company’s confidential information had been leaked, and I was worried. So, in a hurry, I may have offended Ms. Forbes unintentionally. I have always been loyal to the company. If there’s any misconduct on my part, I hope Mr. Marshall can put in a good word for me with Ms. Forbes.” 

Troy had just returned home with Imogen when Mr. Johnson’s call came in. It was evident that Mr. Johnson had been monitoring their situation closely

If Mr. Johnson truly believed his actions were inappropriate, he should have personally called Imogen. The fact that he called Troy’s phone instead indicated an attempt to test Troy’s stance.. Everything would be fine if Troy didn’t take this matter to heart

But if Troy did care about it, Mr. Johnson could also present himself well in front of Troy to avoid any future repercussions

Mr. Johnson, you’re overthinking this. Your actions were entirely in the company’s interest and within your responsibilities. You acted rightfully, and Imogen is a reasonable person. She will surely understand you, Mr. Johnson.Troy let out a smile

This laugh sent chills down Mr. Johnson’s back

Troy continued, Understanding is one thing, but it’s clear that Ms. Forbes was upset. An apology is due

Speaking of which, why did you call me, Mr. Johnson? Since you should be apologizing to Imogen.” 

Mr. Johnson was stunned

Troy’s unwillingness to heed Mr. Johnson’s words was a clear sign of his resentment toward him for causing Imogen distress

It wasn’t that Troy deliberately favored Imogen

It’s just that it was clear that Imogen couldn’t have leaked the confidential information

One reason was that she was a member of the Marshall family and had no motive for committing 

the crime

Secondly, she had no connection to the leaked project whatsoever. She was unaware of its progress and had no contact with the collaborating companies

Relying solely on Imogen having taken a nap in his office to accuse her of leaking confidential information was highly unreasonable and seemed to be motivated by personal interests rather than a fair judgment

After an exchange of pleasantries, Troy suddenly asked, Is Charlene adjusting well in the subsidiary company?” 

Mr. Johnson was momentarily speechless and hesitated briefly before saying, Thank you for your concern, Mr. Marshall. With her mature age, she should be able to adapt well.” 


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