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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 126


Chapter 126 Feel Sorry for Her 

At a glance, the contents of the text messages were all kinds of abuse, cursing, and personal attacks

Troy frowned. His face was gloomy. He was furious

He couldn’t imagine how Imogen would feel when she saw her phone was full of insults

When he thought of Imogen admitting these alone, silently enduring her grievances and going to work, he felt unspeakable pain

And during the short period he looked at the phone, there were still new nuisance calls and insulting text messages coming in

Troy opened Facebook and looked through the homepage but couldn’t find Kenny’s dialog box

It showed that Imogen deleted the dialog box and chat history after blocking Kenny

Troy thought of something, flipped through the screenshots in the photo album, and found evidence Imogen kept

In the picture, the last sentence in the chat history of the two was Kenny’s message: [I will give you the title right to apply for my next season of the show. Would you like to come to the Four Seasons Hotel tonight?

Troy’s eyes were cold. He closed the phone, put it on the table with a snap, and made a call

Mr. Marshall? Why are you calling me?The person on the other end of the microphone sounded surprised and happy as if he couldn’t believe it

I heard that Kenny Reed has a very popular talent show under his management?” 

Yes! Mr. Marshall, do you want to invest? I don’t recommend this show. There are a lot of shortcomings, but they are all suppressed. Sooner or later, it will be found something trouble.” 

Something trouble? Then let it. I will let Kenny can’t stay in the entertainment circle anymore! If you do this well, I can think about the show you in management.” 


person on the other side of the phone was excited and assured him repeatedly, Don’t worry. Mr. Marshall, just wait and see!” 

In the evening, Troy had a social occasion

When he came out of the private room, it was almost ten o’clock in the evening

The partners were respectful to Troy, personally sent Troy to the elevator entrance, and wanted to follow Troy in. Troy told them to stop and took Lane into the elevator

The driver had already driven the car to the elevator entrance of the underground garage in advance

Troy exited the elevator, opened the door, and was about to get in the car

Suddenly someone called him, Mr. Marshall!” 

Troy followed the voice to look over and saw Liam walking straight towards this side, staring straight into Troy’s eyes. Mr. Marshall, can I talk to you in private?” 

Troy sized Liam up. What do you want to say?” 

Troy had not forgotten Imogen had feelings for Liam

Liam had spoken ill about Troy to Imogen

It’s about Imogen.Liam was neither humble nor overbearing

Troy winked at Lane and the driver

Lane and the driver immediately understood and stayed away from the car

Troy sat in the back seat, and Liam sat in from the other side

It was so quiet inside the car

Troy leaned against the back of the seat and spoke first, What’s wrong.” 

Mr. Marshall, I advise you to let Imogen go!” 

Troy raised his eyebrows

Liam looked serious. No one must have talked to you like this before.” 

So what?Troy asked

You are excellent. You can easily get whatever you want and are called an honor. It is fine for 

you to entangle with as many women as you want, but you should not provoke Imogen! And you shouldn’t let her pay for your mistakes and suffer the wrath of netizens! She is different from those people!Liam said

What does this have to do with you? Who are you to tell me this?” 

A friend. Imogen’s friend.” 

Friend? A friend who covets her?Troy said the point


Liam admitted frankly, Yes, it is because I like her that I feel sorry for her. I am afraid that people 


will never experience this feeling. If possible, I would rather bear all this for her!” 

Previously, Troy was the investor of Cloudwater City and Imogen’s brother in name, so Liam treated Troy with courtesy and respect

Since the news was posted, Liam’s attitude towards Troy became another extreme

In Liam’s opinion, Troy was just an extremely irresponsible playboy, not worthy of Imogen at all

As for the relationship between the two, Troy must have forced Imogen

Henry’s health was getting worse and worse, so Troy gradually revealed his true nature. Imogen didn’t want Henry’s old age to be marred by her estrangement from Henry’s beloved grandson, so she was forced to defer to Troy

It must be so

Therefore, you mean you use your news to divert public attention for her?” 

Liam asked without answering, Do you know why I beat someone?” 

Before Troy could answer, Liam played the phone recording, Listen to it yourself.” 

A conversation came from the mobile phone. She’s pretty coquettish” 

How do you know that? You want her?” 

I observed her that day. Her butt and waist looked sexy” 

If I could, I would keep her comfortable all night” 

She had so many customers. You can’t fuck her.” 

After a few dirty words, the recording was messed up. Probably a fight started. Someone said, Mr. Liam Thompson, you have a lot of fans, but you can’t hit people casually!After the commotion, the following words were even more piercing. Imogen had come to visit you. Aren’t you her guest too? You’re so protective of her. She must be making you happy, right

Imogen is shameless but can’t be scolded?” 

Troy’s hands on his knees slowly clenched. The veins on the back of his hands burst out, his knuckles turned white, his eyes were dark, and his whole body exuded a chilly aura

He closed his eyes. Kenny’s last Facebook message appeared in his mind


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