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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 134


Chapter 134 Plan

Troy looked at the head of the industrial park

The head of the industrial park immediately straightened up and agreed, I agree with Mr. Fox’s approach. Let’s reduce the public pressure first and then mediate privately. It’s just a matter of compensating some money. If you let him continue to make trouble like this, it would be extremely detrimental to the company.” 

Troy leaned against the back of the sofa, his right hand resting on the armrest and his fingers lightly tapping in a rhythmic pattern. The situation is still escalating. At this time, there must be reporters waiting at the Ma River’s home. If we went to settle privately now, it would only make people think that we are guilty. Moreover, the administrative review results have not come out yet. Let’s wait a bit longer.” 

Mr. Fox disagreed with Troy’s idea, The company has been plagued by negative news recently, and the stock price has been consistently falling. It has made shareholders very unhappy.. Regardless of the result of the administrative review, even if it’s the fault of the deceased, it would be a good deed to compensate the deceased’s family. It can save the company’s reputation.” 

I remember that Mr. Fox used to be full of spirit. The size of the industrial park today is thanks to Mr. Fox’s hard work. Sitting in the office for a long time, how did you become so hesitant and fearful?” 

Mr. Fox. ” 

The reporters have targeted the Marshall Group. Do you think privately compensating will reverse public opinion? If there were similar incidents in the future, would we still settle privately? The Marshall Group is not accustomed to being taken advantage of. If it were really our responsibility, we should actively compensate. If it were not our problem, the Marshall Group wouldn’t suffer this.” 

The head of the industrial park glanced at Mr. Fox

Seeing Troy’s insistence, Mr. Fox sighed and looked at the head of the industrial park. Do as Mr. Marshall says. There are reporters waiting downstairs. Be cautious with your words, not too arrogant, and not too humble. Follow the police’s instructions on everything!” 

The head of the industrial park calmed down. I understand.” 

At that moment, someone knocked on the door

Mr. Marshall.” 

It was Lane’s voice

Come in

Mr. Marshall, Mr. Cross’s secretary has responded. She will meet us at Elysium at 7 pm.Public opinion and compensation for the deceased’s family were small matters. What Troy was really concerned about was the possibility of trouble from higher authorities

I understand.” 

Mr. Fox smiled. In recent years, the industrial park has attracted more and more investment. Mr. Cross was reliable as always.” 

As soon as the fire happened, he immediately halted production in the industrial park and waited for the relevant departments to investigate

Since they had already ruled out safety hazards it would be better to restore order sooner

Delaying it for one moře day would cost a lot of money

All thanks to Mr. Marshall and Mr. Fox’s capable management.The head of the industrial park smiled and said

Two days later, the industrial park began to resume work

Mr. Marshall, are we not going back yet?Lane asked

Even though Mr. Marshall could have returned home yesterday, he insisted on staying here for one more day. She didn’t know why

Troy glanced at the date on the phone screen and fell silent

After the company’s fire incident, he once again experienced the frenzy of public opinion

People on the internet followed blindly, even with evidence against them

So, how helpless and desperate must Imogen feel

Was the compensation he gave her too late

Did she Watch the interview

What was she thinking? Would she still choose to divorce him

Book a flight for me.” 

Wednesday evening

Imogen returned home after work and saw a pair of handmade men’s leather shoes and a black windbreaker on the coat rack at the entrance

She blinked in surprise. He’s back

Finished work?” 

Imogen looked up and saw Troy sitting on the sofa in the living room, leaning against the back of the sofa, legs crossed, his gaze fixed on her

Yeah. Is your matter settled?Imogen regained her composure and continued changing her shoes

It’s almost done. I’ve left the rest to others.” 

Imogen walked into the living room wearing slippers. Troy poured a glass of water and placed it on the edge of the coffee table, casually saying, Did you watch the interview video that day?I did.Imogen sat down on the sofa and took a sip of water

Troy paused, seemingly surprised by Imogen’s brief response. He tentatively asked, Do you have any thoughts?” 

Looking at him, Imogen replied with just two words, I don’t.” 

Troy’s eyes darkened

When should we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate?” 

Troy stiffened and his gaze fixed on Imogen. After a moment, he spoke slowly, Are you still determined to divorce


We have already made our relationship public



Who said being public means we can’t get divorced


Didn’t I already tell you last time

Because of Liam, right? Because he sacrificed his own career, fought for you, attracted the 

attention of netizens for you, and played that recording for you

Frowning, Imogen looked at him with confusion. What do you mean? Liam fought for me? What recording

It’s nothing.Troy turned his gaze. away and shook his head. So, what’s the reason for you wanting a divorce

I just don’t want to live with you anymore. You can fulfill your promise to Sarah, and I can live plain and simple life. Is that not okay

So, it’s because of Sarah? What do you want me to do? I’ll do it

Don’t you always want to be with her? I’ll make it happen for you


Fine, if you didn’t like her, I would send her abroad. She won’t be able to affect us anymore. How about that?” 

Seeing Troy unaffected by his own words, Imogen stood up, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. Troy, please stop deluding yourself. No matter what you do, I will still insist on getting a divorce!” 

After speaking, she turned and walked up the stairs

Imogen, don’t go!” 

Troy hugged her from behind, his arms tightly wrapped around her waist, his warm breath brushed against the back of her neck as he pleaded softly, Give me another chance, please” 

Don’t be so cruel

Just when he realized that he had fallen in love with her and couldn’t live without her, she wanted a divorce

Troy, I have given you plenty of chances, but you never seized any of them.” 


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