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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 150


Chapter 150 No Need for a Pregnant Woman to Keep a Vigil 

Imogen’s heart stopped for a moment and then began to beat nonstop

It must be someone’s prank, right

But at this very moment, the notifications from all significant platforms came one after another, and if you clicked on anyone, it would be related broadcasts

Troy, in the news, was still wearing the same clothes he left today

So, Troy went to the hospital

Grandpa. Grandpa was dead?! 

Grandpa, who loved Imogen, passed away

The news caught Imogen entirely off guard. Imogen felt her heart seemingly hit by a heavy fist 

and pulled together fiercely. Imogen was grieved, and her eyes immediately turned red and foggy

When Grandpa came to see Imogen a few days ago, he was still in good health

Grandpa said a few days ago that he would wait for Imogen’s child to be born and hug his greatgrandson

Why suddenly… 

No, how could Grandpa be willing to leave without seeing Imogen’s child born

Imogen sniffed, immediately sat up from the bed, and shouted, Sue, call the driver over. I’m going to the hospital!” 

Imogen must see Grandpa for the last time

Sue came in from the outside, who had seen the news, and persuaded Imogen, Mrs. Marshall, just now, Mr. Marshall called and told you to stay at home. Don’t go anywhere and take care of yourself” 

I have to go!Imogen shed tears and called Troy directly without badgering Sue

When Imogen got through, before Troy spoke, Imogen choked up and said, Troy, ask the driver to pick me up! I’m going to the hospital!” 

Imogen, you” 

Don’t persuade me! I’ll walk over if the driver doesn’t come to pick me up!” 

Since Imogen’s father passed away, Troy’s grandparents were the people who loved Imogen the most. They were Imogen’s closest relatives. As a granddaughter or granddaughterinlaw, how could Imogen just stay at home when Grandpa was dead?! 

Troy frowned and said in a low voice, Wait at home. I’ll pick you up.” 

Please hurry up,Imogen said, wiping away tears

Don’t cry. I’m coming.” 

Imogen let out a muffled Okay.” 

After the call, Imogen changed her clothes and waited anxiously. Now, the scabs from the wound on Imogen’s face have fallen off

It wouldn’t be too ugly to see Grandpa like this

Soon after, the sound of a car engine came from the courtyard

Troy entered the living room and saw Imogen appear at the stairs on the second floor. Troy hurriedly asked Imogen to stop, Don’t move!” 

Troy went up the stairs quickly and lifted Imogen in his arms. Looking at Imogen’s red and swollen eyes and her face stained with tears, Troy frowned and said, Why did you get out of bed?” 

Just a few steps. It’s okay.” 

It’s not okay.” 

Imogen didn’t bother with Troy about this but asked in a muffled voice, Grandpa was fine a few days ago. Why did he suddenly” 

Troy paused and lowered his eyes. The last time Grandpa was hospitalized, Mr. Brooks said that he could only extend Grandpa’s life by three monthsGrandpa was very weak and might die at any time. Not suddenly.” 

Hearing this, Imogen started to cry again

Troy sighed, put Imogen in the back seat, caressed her cheeks, and wiped away the teardrops with his thumb. Don’t cry. Grandpa was in heaven and didn’t want you to be like this. He always wanted to have his greatgrandson. You and the baby must be fine for Grandpa’s last wish.HmmImogen replied, wiping away her tears indiscriminately. Imogen could not help but cry with her throat stuffed, tears falling without stopping, no matter what

Troy cuddled Imogen into his arms tightly and patted her on the back lightly, like coaxing a child. You would become a crybaby if you continued to cry.” 

The driver took the wheelchair and started the car

The car drove directly to the church

At this time, Henry’s body was also sent to the church under the arrangement of Leo, where Henry would be dressed up and visited for the last time

The church was also undergoing decoration

When they were about to arrive at the church, Troy took Imogen’s hand and told her, When arrive, you only need to stay by Grandpa’s side. You don’t have to do anything else. Clear?Okay.” 


Agnes was already dressed in black, waiting at the entrance of the church. At the sight of Troy and Imogen coming over, Agnes handed them two white flowers

Agnes pushed the wheelchair and said, Troy, go and do your work. I will take care of Imogen.Agnes, thanks.Troy leaned over and told Imogen, Would push yourself if you didn’t feel well. You must tell me. I need to go to work first.” 


Troy strode away. Agnes wheeled Imogen to the lounge, looked at Imogen’s red eyes, and comforted her, Imogen, don’t be sad. Everyone will die. Grandpa didn’t want you to be like this.I know. Agnes, I justjust miss Grandpa.Imogen’s voice choked up with tears as she spoke. Troy initially wanted to keep it from you, but what the unscrupulous media did was irritating, and Troy even smashed a camera angrily.” 

It was indeed Troy’s nature

For Grandpa’s death, Troy was grieved no less than Imogen. Those media competing to report then would only add fuel to the flames



Chapter 150 No Need for a Pregnant Woman to Keep a Vigil 

How could such a big be kept secret? Why not tell me the truth.” 

Troy’s also doing it for your good. Grandpa was being dressed up now. Grandma and Judith are in the lounge. Let’s go there first and wait.” 


In the lounge, Layla sat alone on a chair, lost in thought


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