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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 152


Chapter 152 Grandpa Is Gone Because of Us

Let’s head back, Mrs. Marshall,Sue suggested as she stepped out with a blanket and a thermos. By that time, Charlene had already left

Sue saw the hurt look on Imogen’s face, and with a sense of accomplishment, she walked away cheerfully and arrogantly

Meanwhile, Imogen just sat there, clenching her fists in silence

Seeing that Imogen didn’t respond, Sue called out again to her. Mrs. Marshall?” 

Imogen then snapped back from her thoughts, took a deep breath, and nodded. Yes, let’s head back.” 

Sue observed Imogen’s expression, sensing that she seemed different from earlier

Once they were back in the villa, Sue offered to help Imogen to go upstairs, but Imogen declined. She settled on the sofa, saying, I’m waiting for Troy.” 

Sue simply nodded in response and went about her business

Around three in the afternoon, a black vehicle drove into the villa’s courtyard

Troy turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat. He raised his hand, which sported a steel watch, to rub his temples before removing the keys and stepping out

With long, confident strides, he entered the living room, where he found Imogen. She was leaning on the sofa, covered in a blanket, her eyes appearing distant as she stared blankly ahead

Troy then set his car keys on the table and sat beside Imogen. Why are you resting here? Do you want me to take you upstairs?” 

It was as if Imogen had just noticed him. Her gaze sharpened and slowly shifted to him, and in an eerily calm tone, she said, Hey, you’re back? No need to go up yet. I have something to ask you.His expression appeared weary. What is it?” 

How exactly did Grandpa die?Imogen’s eyes bore into Troy’s as she questioned him, her voice eerie

Troy hesitated momentarily after hearing her. He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead, saying, I’ve told you before, haven’t I? Grandpa was already very sick. He didn’t have long to live” 

She then cut him off and retorted, You’re still lying to me!” 

Upon hearing her words, Troy’s eyes snapped open, meeting Imogen’s chilling gaze, and he suddenly shivered

Even during their past arguments, while Imogen might have been upset or angry, she had never given him such a cold look

Troy briefly shut his eyes, preparing to reply, but was cut off by Imogen, asking, Did Grandpa meet Sarah before he passed?” 

Troy pressed his lips together and nodded subtly. Yes.” 

Imogen then felt the taut string in her heart suddenly snapped, and tears instantly streamed down her cheeks

While she didn’t want to believe Charlene’s words, she knew they held the truth

It became clear to her that Henry had met with Sarah for the sake of her marriage, and afterward, he couldn’t hold on any longer

Imogen wondered. How could I deserve this? How could I be worthy of Grandpa’s sacrifice?” 

The last time Henry was hospitalized, he used his wellbeing to allow her to reconcile with Troy. This time around, Henry had sacrificed his very life for her sake

If not being with Troy meant that Henry wouldn’t have died, she would rather have never to have been with Troy at all

Reflecting on this, she wondered, Why aren’t there any what ifsin this world?” 

She had never regretted anything as much as she regretted falling for Troy and even more so for marrying him

She had caused Henry to worry about her up to his last breath

Troy watched as tearsstreamed down Imogen’s face, and with a heavy frown, he reached out his large hand to wipe them away. Please don’t cry,he implored. It’s not your fault. It’s mineIs it really not my fault?she wondered

Troy was just as clueless about why Henry had met Sarah. The only plausible explanation seemed to be Henry’s attempts to protect their marriage by forcing Sarah away

Imogen quickly swatted his hand away. Her eyes were teary red, and her tone was icy as she snapped. “Stop trying to comfort me. We both know exactly why Grandpa went to see Sarah.She lifted her head and stared intensely into Troy’s eyes with an eerie calmness. Troy, it’s our fault that Grandpa is gone!” 

Please, Imogen, don’tHe murmured

Troy was the kind who looked ahead, not letting the past weigh him down

He believed that, regardless of everything, Henry had already passed on

What mattered most to him now was helping Imogen move past her grief, ensuring the wellbeing of their unborn child, and not letting her live a life consumed by guilt

However, Imogen was sentimental and took things to heart, finding it difficult to let go of the past easily

She closed her eyes momentarily, her face drawn with emotion. Hastily wiping away, the tears on her face, she looked at Troy and declared, I want to see Sarah.” 

Now is not the time. You need your rest!He protested

But Imogen was resolute. She disregarded him and sat up straight. I need to see Sarah. I have to ask her about this! I have to avenge Grandpa!” 

Seeing Troy’s unmoved stance, Imogen stood up and headed for the door. If you don’t let me see her, I’ll go myself!” 

Imogen!He exclaimed

Troy hurried over to Imogen, placing His arm in front of her to stop her. Sarah isn’t at the hospital anymore. She left days ago, and we don’t know where she is. But no worries, I’ve already sent people to look for her. Please, go back upstairs and rest. I promise I’ll let you know once we find her,he said earnestly

Locking eyes 

with Troy, Imogen chuckled as if she’d just heard the most ridiculous joke. Do you expect me to believe you’d let her go so easily? Are you still protecting her even now? What’s the matter? Are you afraid I’ll kill her?” 

Imogen didn’t believe a word Troy said and was determined to leave

Troy immediately pulled Imogen close, urging, Please, calm down!” 

Imogen resisted fiercely. Her head spun, and tears streamed down her face. The only thing on her mind was confronting Sarah and demanding answers

She retorted incoherently, I am calm! It’s you, Troy. It’s you who’s been blinded by Sarah! Do you like her so much that you don’t even care about Grandpa’s death? If you’re going to make excuses, at least make it a believable one. With your resources, how could you possibly not track her down?” 

Troy firmly grasped Imogen’s wrists and, without a word, lifted her, heading upstairs. Imogen, overwhelmed by Troy’s strength, cried out in frustration and bit his neck hard enough to draw blood. Troy! Where’s your conscience? Put me down! Grandpa cared so much for you’re protecting the person who caused his death!” 

you, yet 

Put me down!she continued, exclaiming, I have to see Sarah and get answers! Let go of me! You’ve no right to hold me back! I want a divorce!” 

Troy didn’t utter a word as he carried her upstairs

While Imogen protested loudly, Troy took her to the main bedroom and laid her on the bed

Imogen sprang up from the bed immediately, only to be held down again by Troy

He leaned close to her ear and said, Imogen, you’re not thinking clearly. Please, calm down, and then we can talk about this.” 

She then shot back defiantly. I am thinking clearly. I have to go, and you don’t have the right to stop me” 

Where will you go?Troy’s heart raced at her insistence to leave, and his face turned even more 


It’s none of your concern!Imogen declared

Silent and with a stormy expression, Troy got up and left the main bedroom


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