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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 161


Chapter 161 Dissolution of Marriage 

Imogen didn’t hear clearly but thought it was Troy’s raving in his drunkenness

She pumped her wrist, but instead of it, Troy gripped it tighter

Imogen reached out to move Troy’s finger, but she could not

Troy whispered again. Imogen, I love you.” 

Imogen paused, and the movements of her hands suddenly stopped. Thinking that she was hallucinating, she turned her ear and asked softly, Troy, what did you say?” 

I love you, Imogen, don’t leave me, I know I was wrong, I still love you, don’t leave me” 

Troy was well aware of his cowardice, he was afraid of seeing Imogen’s cold and mocking eyes, so he had to beg Imogen in this way

Imogen lowered her eyes after hearing this

She thought that perhaps Troy had identified the wrong person in his sleep

Even if he hadn’t mistaken her for someone else, he didn’t want to divorce her just because he felt guilty

After suffering so much and paying a terrible price, she absolutely should not entangle with him any longer

Imogen continued to move Troy’s fingers one by one

Sensing Imogen’s intention to leave, Troy felt a sense of loss and despair

Hearing his confession, she didn’t react

Was it impossible to keep her after all

A sourness welled up from the bottom of his heart

No, he couldn’t let her go

Troy’s big hand holding her wrist suddenly exerted force, Imogen exclaimed and threw herself on him unexpectedly

Troy turned over, pressed Imogen under him, accurately caught her lips, and kissed her hard. Her lips were tender and soft, and he couldn’t help but fall for her


There was a strong smell of alcohol on his breath, Imogen held her breath, put her arms on his chest, pushed his shoulders hard, turned her head left and right, and struggled to avoid his hot lips, Troy, let me go” 

Troy’s chest was like a steel wall, and Imogen couldn’t move him with all her strength

Troy released a hand to pinch Imogen’s jaw, and when Imogen was in pain, the tip of his tongue forcefully pushed open her teeth, driving straight in and acting recklessly, making Imogen gasp for breath

Imogen was angry and anxious, just about to open her mouth and bite him, when Troy suddenly stopped and buried his head in her neck socket. The hot breath he exhaled sprayed all over her neck, and he muttered, Imogen, what do you want me to do so that you don’t leave me? I will promise you whatever you want me to do!” 

Unless you can bring the child back to life. I can stay with you, the father, for the sake of the child. Only you know that’s not going to happen.Imogen was silent for a few seconds, looking at 

Chapter 161 Dissolution of Marriage 

the ceiling and answering seriously

Hearing about the child sent a chill through Troy’s heart

He didn’t answer in any way, lying on top of Imogen, breathing evenly, as if he were asleep

Those mumbled words just now seemed like they hadn’t happened as if they were just Imogen’s hallucinations

Imogen pushed him off her body, straightened her clothes, and got up to leave the room

Before she left, she glanced at Troy on the bed and said, Hurry up and get to the Courthouse when you’re sober, there’s no point in waiting any longer.” 

The door opened and closed

Troy slowly opened his eyes, the smile on his lips was extremely bitter

He couldn’t keep her anyway

With her cleverness, surely she could see that he wasn’t drunk

It’s just that she saved his face by not debunking it

The lies can no longer continue

How he wished he was drunk and would never awaken, then they would never get divorced

Troy closed his eyes and got up from the bed with difficulty

When organizing his clothes, he touched the cigarette case and lighter in his pocket, unconsciously took it out and lit a cigarette, opened the window, and slowly smoked it

Cold wind puffs, sparks bright and dark, smoke in front of his eyes

In the past, Troy didn’t know why people liked to smoke so much

Now, he understood

A cigarette finished, Troy stubbed it out and blew out the cold air for a while longer until the smell of smoke cleared from his body before exiting the room

Imogen was waiting for him downstairs

She seemed to know that he would come down soon

The two looked at each other, and then quickly looked away

What was unspoken was his reluctance to go, and her decision to go

Let’s go.” 

Okay.Imogen stood up, followed Troy, and got into the car

This time, Troy didn’t deliberately slow down and had a smooth ride

The car was soon parked in the parking lot outside the Courthouse

This was their second time here

Troy and Imogen got out of the car one after the other, each grabbed their documents, and walked in silently, side by side, neither one speaking, the silence was eerie

As he walked in, Troy suddenly took Imogen’s hand and said before she could pull out, One last time.” 

During the three years, he had many chances to hold her hand and hold the shaky kite string. Too bad he still missed it

The kite flew away, completely out of his sight

His hand was as warm as ever, covering her whole hand

Imogen remembered the last time she’d been to City Hall when her eyes couldn’t see clearly, and he’d taken her hand and walked up the steps just as he was doing now

It seemed no different from the last time. Yet it seemed like there was something different

In front of the window, Troy and Imogen submitted the file

The staff glanced at the name, raised his head, and was about to speak when he suddenly realized something and lowered his head again to take a closer look at the name on top of the ID

Making sure he was right, he looked up, his eyes flicking between Troy and Imogen, and asked, Why the divorce?” 

Troy and Imogen were getting divorced, did Troy cheat on his wife? As if discovering some secret, the staff tried to suppress the curiosity and excitement inside

We don’t get along well.” 

We’re emotionally broken.” 

Imogen and Troy answered together

After answering, the two looked at each other

Are you sure? Marriage is a lifelong thing. Don’t you want to think about it anymore?” 

I’ve thought it through,Imogen replied calmly

At this moment, Imogen finally realized the difference between this visit to Courthouse and the 


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