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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 171

Chapter 171 The Truth 

Imogen hung up the phone and returned to her seat

Charlie saw that Imogen was a little depressed, so she asked casually, Who called just now?” 

A friend.Imogen bit her lower lip

Hmph, I do know how many friends you have. The friend you are talking about is Troy, right?” 

Imogen did not answer her question

Seeing that she had guessed right, Charlie complained, Why is he still calling? Did he pester you? Imogen, don’t move and forgive him!” 

No,” Imogen said firmly, It was his friend who called just now, saying that he was drinking. His friend needed me to persuade him. He was injured to save me. I can’t ignore his friend’s 


Alex said, I believe Imogen is not so muddled, but now she needs some time to move on.” 

Two hours later, Imogen, Alex, and Charlie arrived in Tromso

From the airport, they took the bus to the hotel

Looking out from the bus window, they saw that there was still a layer of snow on both sides of the road

The hotel Charlie booked was Aurora Creo Hotel

I read in the guide that this hotel is right by the pier, with a good view. There is an outdoor hot pool on the top floor. Then, you can experience hot and cool sensations,Charlie said

In winter in Norway, soaking in the hot pool outdoors on the top floor was indeed an unusual experience

After checking into the hotel, they packed their luggage, and after a brief rest, they went to the hotel restaurant for dinner

The hotel’s restaurant was facing the pier, where people could eat delicious food while watching the beautiful scenery

As soon as Imogen sat down opposite Charlie with a dinner plate, she heard someone calling her, Imogen?” 

As soon as Imogen raised her head, she saw Erik walking over with a look of surprise. Imogen nodded and smiled at him

Charlie gave Imogen a meaningful look and said with a smile, We meet again. Do you live here 


Yes.Erik stood by their table, smiling with two pointed canine teeth and a sunny and cheerful aura about his body. But it’s a pity. We are leaving tomorrow. Did you arrive here just now?” 

Charlie said, Yes. Did you see the aurora?” 

Erik answered. I see!” 

As he said that, Erik took out his mobile phone, found out the photos, put his phone on the table, and slowly swiped them one by one. Look, these are the photos I took. My photo skill is not good, but the aurora is so beautiful!” 

Imogen and her friends all looked at the photos on the phone

In the photo, the sky was dark blue, full of stars, and a green aurora passed across, which was gorgeous

Charlie exclaimed, You are too modest. The photos are so beautiful!” 

Erik scratched his head in embarrassment. It’s because the aurora is so beautiful. People like me who don’t have photography skills can take pictures like this.” 

Hearing what Erik said, Imogen looked forward to seeing the aurora very much

Then, what are you going to do after dinner?Charlie asked

We’re going skiing! Do you want to come together?Erik’s eyes lit up. He looked at Imogen 

expectantly and then looked at Charlie

Charlie gave Imogen a meaningful look. Why don’t we go skiing too? Anyway, Aurora has to wait until night, and there are still a few days left, so don’t worry.” 

Alex also looked at Imogen, It’s okay. Imogen, what do you think?” 

With a smile on his face, Erik looked at Imogen

Imogen raised her head and saw that the three of them were looking at her expectantly. After thinking about it, she nodded and agreed, Okay. Let’s go skiing.” 

As for the sport of skiing, she had only seen it on the Internet, and she also wanted to try it. Erik smiled happily, revealing a mouthful of white and neat teeth. The little canine looked extremely cute. Then I’ll go and tell my classmates! Let’s go together later!” 

After speaking, he left excitedly

Looking at his back, Charlie smiled wretchedly and said to Imogen, It seems that we are destined to meet each other. Even though we have arrived in Norway, we can meet each other.” 

Imogen smiled and said nothing

She knew what Charlie meant, but she was really not interested in Erik

After eating, they simply went back to the room to take a rest and then met Erik and the others in the downstairs lobby of the hotel and went to the ski resort together

In Galaxy Villa

Troy slowly opened his eyes. He felt his headache was very serious after a hangover

He closed his eyes impatiently and reached out to rub his head

There was some noise of snoring

Until the headache subsided a bit, Troy opened his eyes, rubbed Mochi with his hands, and stared at the ceiling in abstraction

He dreamed that Imogen called him and cared about him

A trace of bitterness flashed across Troy’s heart

Only in his dream would she treat him like this

Only in the dream could he relieve the pain of lovesickness

He missed her very much

Because he thought about it, the thoughts grew wildly in his heart. When he closed his eyes, his head was full of her face

Only alcohol palsied his brain could he sleep peacefully

The phone ringing interrupted his thoughts

Troy picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table and saw that the caller was Lane. He 


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