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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 173


Chapter 173 A Campfire Party 

But Imogen was not proficient yet, so she fell while sliding down the snow slope and didn’t get up for a long time

It happened that Erik was nearby. He slid over to help Imogen

Imogen propped herself up from the snow poles, wiped the snow particles from her eyes, and said. to Erik, Thank you.” 

Erik smiled shyly. You’re welcome. Imogen, can I add you on Facebook?” 

Fearing that Imogen would disagree, he hurriedly explained, I want to transfer the dry cleaning fee to you.” 

Imogen said, Okay, TH let Charlie give it to you when I return.” 

Erik smiled happily, revealing two pointed canine teeth. Okay! Thank you, Imogen!” 

At this time, the days were long, and the nights were short in Norway. It got dark at three or four in the afternoon

The ski resort turned on the lights early, brightening the ski resort

They stayed at the ski resort until over five o’clock and were exhausted when they left. But they didn’t feel tired at all in their hearts. Instead, they were thrilled

Seeing Imogen’s tired but relaxed expression on the bus, Charlie patted her shoulder and smiled. How is it? Skiing feels good, right?” 

Imogen nodded. I had a great time today.” 

That’s how it should be. Don’t think about anything. Just have fun. I’m sure you’ll forget about dimwit in a month!” 

Imogen smiled

Hearing this, Erik looked at Imogen and Charlie curiously. He guessed the dimwit Charlie was talking about should be Imogen’s exboyfriend

Charlie looked at Erik and the others and started chatting. Erik, which university are you from!Erik said, Université de Bordeaux.” 

Charlie raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise, Are you studying there or an AmericanFrench?” 

AmericanFrench,Erik answered, When I was twelve, my family was settled in France.” 

Because of this, he didn’t pay much attention to the domestic news. He didn’t know Imogen and Troy at all

Have you got the permanent residency yet there?” 

Erik shook his head. No. We plan to return to domestic areas during Christmas this year. And we will stay domestic if there is no accident. And we will not go there.” 

Why? Isn’t it good over there? Why do you want to go back to America?” 

Erik thought for a while and said, It’s not bad. My parents think we should return to where we were born. It just so happened that I also graduated from university, so we went back.” 

It’s good to come back. Our country has been developing very fast recently.” 

Erik asked with a smile, Imogen, where are you from?” 

Charlie glanced at Imogen with a smile. What’s the matter? Are you going to come back to play 

Chapter 173 A Campfire Party 

with us?” 

Erik smiled shyly and looked at Imogen but didn’t speak

We are from New York City. If you can come to New York City, please get in touch with me. We’ll treat you to dinner.” 

Unexpectedly, Erik’s eyes widened. He said in surprise, Really? New York City is also my hometown!” 

Really? What a coincidence!Charlie, Imogen, and Alex looked at each other in surprise. Really! Our family used to live on the side of the old town. I didn’t know how there is now.” 

A lot of places over there have been demolished.” 

Erik smiled. Unfortunately, my family sold the house when we went abroad. By the way, Charlie, please give Imogen’s Facebook number to me.” 

Charlie raised her eyebrows and looked at Imogen

Imogen nodded slightly

Erik also said, Imogen agreed.” 


gave Imogen’s Facebook number to Erik

Erik added it immediately

Imogen immediately agreed

Erik smiled at Imogen and sent a cat head emoji on Facebook, which was very cute. Imogen smiled at him but didn’t reply

The rooms of Erik and his friends were not on the same floor as Imogen and her friends

Only Imogen, Charlie, and Alex left inside after Erik and his friends got out of the lift. Charlie looked at Imogen teasingly and smiled. Why did you suddenly agree to add him on Facebook?” 

He helped me while skiing and asked me to add him again, so I couldn’t refuse.” 

I think it’s pretty good. But I didn’t expect that his home also happened to be in New York City. Maybe you two can get into a relationship later.” 

Imogen said, Well, let’s talk about it later.” 

She didn’t have any feelings for Erik

Charlie slumped on the bed back in the suite, not wanting to move

The three rested in the room for half an hour before going to the dining room for dinner. After dinner, the three went to the lukewarm pool on the top floor

The exhausted body was surrounded by the warm and smooth water, making people feel refreshed as if all the pores had been opened and the exhaustion had disappeared

The hot pool was outdoors, with gusts of cold wind. Imogen couldn’t help but bury herself except for her head in the water, enjoying the beautiful view of the harbor leisurely

After soaking in the lukewarm pool, they went to the sauna again. They met some foreign friends, chatted happily, and talked about many topics

After finishing the sauna, Charlie returned to her room, lay on the bed, and beautified her pictures

While beautifying the pictures, she asked, By the way, I need your opinions on something.” 

Say.Imogen was applying a mask, saying only a word

Shall we rent a car to chase the aurora tomorrow or join a small tour group?” 

Didn’t we plan selfdriving?Alex suddenly thought of another question. If we drive by ourselves, can we catch the aurora? I’m afraid we don’t understand and miss it.” 

I’m struggling with this problem. I originally planned to drive by ourselves. But I looked at the weather when I was soaking in the pool just now. It’s cloudy these days, and the clouds are relatively thick. The forecast software also said that the probability of seeing an aurora is low. So why don’t we join a small tour group? The tour guide has worked here for many years and has more experience than us.” 


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