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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 194



Chapter 194 You Who Can’t Be Seen 

Troy took Imogen to the hospital for a checkup

On the way, Imogen sent a message to Charlie. [Charlie, are you okay? I got stepped on and injured. I’m heading to the hospital now. You go back to the hotel and wait for me.

Charlie replied with an emoji that seemed to express relief after a close call

[I’m fine.

[Goodness, these fans are like a cult!

[Is your injury serious?

Imogen sent. [Not serious. Don’t worry.

Charlie sent. [Did you go to the hospital alone? Where are you right now? I’ll come with you.] Imogen glanced at Troy in the driver’s seat next to her. [I’ve already left the airport now. Just wait for me at the hotel.

After a few seconds, Charlie suddenly replied. [Imogen, I think I just saw dimwit earlier!

Imogen’s heart skipped a beat, and she glanced at Troy guiltily. She felt like she had been caught in the act, just like you secretly met your ex but got stumbling upon by their current partner. [Are you sure you didn’t mistake someone else for him? How could he be here?

After sending the message, Imogen stared at the screen anxiously, her heart racing

[It’s probably my mistake. I can’t talk to you anymore. The bus is here. I’ll head back to the hotel and wait for you.

[Okay.] Imogen sighed with relief

Imogen’s examination showed a mild concussion, and the doctor advised her to rest for a few days

In addition, Imogen had numerous bruises on her body. The doctor prescribed an ointment to promote blood circulation and relieve stasis

Troy held the ointment in his hand, then turned to Imogen and said, Let’s go. I’ll take you back to the hotel.” 

Imogen glanced at the ointment in his hand several times, but Troy acted as if he hadn’t noticed. and instead put the ointment into his pocket

Imogen had to speak up, Could you give me the ointment? I’ll go back on my own.” 

Troy stared at her with an unfriendly gaze. Are you going to tear down the bridge now you have 

crossed the river?” 

Imogen averted her gaze nervously, tried to sound tough, and said, I’ve already been examined, and I’m fine. I can go back to the hotel on my own. If you take me back, Charlie might see us.” 

What’s the problem if she sees us? Are we doing something we shouldn’t?” 

It’s you who can’t be seen.” 

Troy smiled. Let me put it differently then. I’m heading back to the hotel, so it’s not a big deal to give you a ride on the way, right?” 

Imogen found no words to say

How could she forget? Since Troy had been following her, he would definitely be staying at the same hotel as her

Back to the hotel room, Imogen stood at the doorway, glanced at Troy, and said, I’m here now. You can go.” 

Troy didn’t even take a step back. Aren’t you going to invite me in?” 

Imogen shook her head firmly and said, No!” 

You have injuries on your back. How are you going to apply the ointment by yourself?” 

I can ask Charlie to help me with it.Imogen said cautiously. She kept a close eye on Troy to make sure he didn’t overstep any boundaries

Fine, then you go inside. Once you’re in, I’ll leave.Troy conceded and handed her the ointment. Imogen looked at him skeptically, took the ointment, and asked, Really?” 


Imogen took out the room key from her pocket, swiped it, and with a beep, the door opened

A sudden force struck her from behind as she turned to say something to Troy

With a bang, the room door opened and closed

By the time Imogen realized what was happening, she was already pressed against the inside of the room door by Troy

Imogen gritted her teeth and spoke with frustration, Troy! You tricked me again!” 

She would be a damn fool if she trusted Troy ever again

A triumphant smile flickered in Troy’s eyes as he raised a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. Imogen was about to say something else when she heard Charlie’s voice from outside, Imogen, you’re back? What did the doctor say?” 

Imogen clenched her mouth shut and glared at Troy

After a moment, they heard Charlie muttering to herself, Huh? Did I hear it wrong?” 

When Charlie returned to her room, Imogen immediately pushed Troy away. Get out!” 

Troy took the ointment from her hand without changing his expression. He walked over to the sofa, sat down, and opened the ointment box. I’ll help you apply the ointment. Once it’s done, I’ll leave.” 

Imogen raised her hand to her forehead in exasperation

If you want to spend more time with me, you can keep dragging this out.Troy said with a smirk. Imogen glared at Troy with eyes as sharp as knives

Resignedly, she grabbed a box of cotton swabs and placed them on the table. Sitting down beside Troy, she lifted her skirt to her knees

Her once flawless and fair legs were now covered in bruises of various shades. There was even a spot that seemed to have been pressed by a high heel, leaving a deep indentation with broken skin around the edges

Emotions stirred in Troy’s deep eyes as his large hand gently stroked the bruised skin on Imogen’s legs. Does it hurt?” 

To be honest, as long as you didn’t touch it, it didn’t hurt

But Troy’s touch was too light, as gentle as a feather brushing over her skin, making Imogen shiver with goosebumps

If you’re going to apply the ointment, do it quickly!” 

Troy’s face darkened. He squeezed the ointment onto a cotton swab and applied it to one of the bruised areas

Ah!Imogen gasped, caught off guard by the sudden pain. Troy, can’t you be more gentle?” 

Sorry, you said to do it quickly, so I forgot about the pressure.Troy said it casually as he squeezed a bit more ointment

Imogen glared at him again in frustration

This bastard Troy must be doing this on purpose

The ointment applied to her skin was cooling and soothing

As Imogen looked up, she saw Troy’s serious expression. His gaze was focused and concentrated, as if he was dealing with something important

From Imogen’s perspective, Troy’s long and thick eyelashes were distinct, his nose was high and straight, and his features were welldefined

Suddenly, Troy lifted his gaze, locking his eyes with Imogen’s

Imogen quickly averted her gaze, pretending to look elsewhere casually

Is there any other place on your body that’s injured apart from your back?Troy smiled lightly


Then lie down on the sofa.” 


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