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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 205


Chapter 205 How About I Give You a Medal

He didn’t like Sarah. He only felt guilty and wanted to make amends to her. But that guilt disappeared completely after Samara hurt Imogen and his grandfather passed away

He liked Imogen, but she didn’t believe it at all

If he had liked her for a long time, why did he propose a divorce? If he had only recently started liking her before the divorce, why did he change his mind so easily? It was hard for him to explain

you. I’ve liked you for a long 

I didn’t ask Sarah to quit the entertainment industry, and I didn’t plan to marry her. Imogen. I like you. I know you don’t believe it, but I still want to tell you. I like time. It’s just that I was foolish and didn’t realize my feelingsImogen found it funny and laughed. You liked me a long time ago, but you just didn’t realize it? Troy, do you think I’ll believe such an excuse

You like me, but you went on a business trip to see Sarah for a month? You like me, but you proposed a divorce? You like me, but even if I were pregnant, you would ask me to have an abortion? You like me, but you let me be insulted as a third party in the relationship? You like me, but you went to see Sarah on our wedding anniversary? You like me, but you told your aunt that you would divorce me after our marriage?” 

Imogen’s words were sharp and piercing as she questioned him

As she spoke, her eyes began to turn redder

Because of Samara, the mother of Sarah, Imogen had to stay in bed to protect the baby. Because of Henry’s passing, she lost her child. Now he was telling her that he had liked her for a long time. It was ridiculous

If that’s really the case, then you’re the executioner who killed our child. I will never reconcile with you.Imogen closed her eyes and took a deep breath

It was all Troy’s fault. She had already wanted to let go, but he insisted on entangling her and reminded her of her sorrow

Troy couldn’t defend himself

Faced with Imogen’s questioning, he could only apologize, and even those apologies seemed useless


If he had realized his feelings for Imogen earlier, he wouldn’t have let Sarah return to the he wouldn’t have proposed a divorce, and she wouldn’t have hidden her pregnancy news. They would have protected their child like an ordinary couple. He would have accompanied her for prenatal checkups and had someone constantly by her side, not letting her suffer during pregnancy, and not allowing her to be hurt by Samara. Henry would have held on for a little longer… 

All of this, all because of him” 

He was the one who destroyed his own marriage and killed their child

She was determined not to forgive him

He had expected this outcome but still held onto a glimmer of hope, hoping they hadn’t reached the point of no return

But the cliff had long been placed in front of them. It was just that he turned a blind eye and couldn’t see it clearly


Were they really beyond repair

Troy closed his eyes and started the car silently

The car passed over the black and yellow speed bumps and merged into the traffic

It was unusually quiet in the car, with only the sound of surrounding car horns and noise

After an unknown amount of time, the car stopped at the entrance of a pet hospital

Troy unbuckled his seatbelt. Let’s go, Mochi is in there.” 

Imogen had already calmed down and simply didn’t want to respond to Troy

Upon hearing his words, she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car, following behind Troy into the pet hospital

The receptionist stood up respectfully when she saw Troy and said, Mr. Marshall, are you here to pick up Mochi? Please follow me.” 

She sneaked a glance at Imogen, and she had slight face blindness

Imogen wasn’t a public figure, and there weren’t many photos of Imogen circulating online. The receptionist mistakenly thought that Troy had found a new mistress

She took Mochi, who was wearing a cone of shame, out of the cage and was about to put it in a carrier. Imogen stepped forward and volunteered to hold Mochi, saying, Let me take care of it.The receptionist hesitated for a moment and said, Miss, ringworm is contagious” 

Imogen reassured her, saying, I know, it’s fine.” 

Seeing this, the receptionist let go and said to Troy, Mr. Marshall, please wait here with the two of you. I’ll bring Mochi’s medicine to you.” 


Imogen sat down on the nearby sofa, lifting Mochi’s cone of shame and carefully examining Mochi

After a month apart, Mochi had grown quite a bit but still had the appearance of a small kitten with slightly longer fur

Its belly was plump, indicating that it was a good eater

There was a shaved patch of fur on its hind leg that was visibly red and without fur, most likely the location of the ringworm

Mochi snuggled in Imogen’s arms, with the white paw resting on her arm, looking up at Imogen and meowing

As if it was asking, Where have you been all this time?!” 

Imogen’s heart melted as she listened to its voice, and she couldn’t help but stroke Mochi’s back continuously, responding to it with a meow

Meow,Mochi continued to meow at her

Meow,Imogen continued to respond

The two continued to meow at each other like this

Troy couldn’t help but smile faintly

Gradually, Mochi wanted to rub its head against Imogen’s hand but was blocked by the cone of shame, and it tried to scratch it off with his claws but couldn’t manage to remove it


Imogen couldn’t help but laugh out loud and reached out to boop Mochi’s nose. Mochi dodged backward and bit down on Imogen’s index finger, gnawing on it playfully

Its milk teeth didn’t apply much force, making it feel more like a tickle

The receptionist approached with the medicine, explaining to Troy how to use it, while Imogen continued to tease Mochi, attentively listening

Okay, I got it.Troy held the medicine box and turned to Imogen, saying, Let’s go.” 

Imogen stood up and put Mochi into the carrier, then carried the box and left the pet hospital

Imogen stood in front of the car and saw Troy about to open the door to get in, so she said, Give me the medicine. I’ll take a cab back.” 

Troy paused at the driver’s seat door and said, I’ll take you back,” 

No need” 

Even if we’re divorced, I’m still your brother. You’re going to refuse such a trivial thing? Are you planning to cut off all ties with Grandma as well?” 

Imogen didn’t move. Do you think divorced couples can still be like siblings?” 

Why not?” 

Whenever I see you, it reminds me of that unhappy experience. So, it’s best if we see each other less in the future. Don’t worry, I’ll still be filial to Grandma, but there’s no need for anything else” 

Troy’s large hand trembled as it gripped the car door handle, his throat feeling a pang of sourness. As he had expected, she didn’t want any interaction with him

She wanted to be a normal divorced couple, becoming strangers with him from now on. Although there was still the relation of being Grandma’s grandson, he could already guess that every time she went to Marshall villa, she would definitely make a call to Layla and make sure that he wasn’t there before going over. Grandma would also side with her

So, it would be difficult for him to see her in the future

Tory guessed that she didn’t want him to accompany her because she didn’t want him to know where she lived, even though he already knew from the location sharing

What should he do

How could he keep her by his side

Imogen spoke again, You don’t have to give me the medicine. I can go in and buy another box. You can go back first.” 

Then she turned around and was ready to get in the pet hospital again

Troy stopped her from leaving, suppressing the bitterness in his heart as he said, No need to buy another box. I’ll give you the medicine.” 

Imogen halted her steps and turned around

Troy appeared behind her without her noticing and handed her the medicine box. He moved his lips but didn’t say anything

Imogen took it and looked up at him. How much was the money for Mochi’s treatment? I’ll transfer it to you.” 

There’s no need for that.” 

It’s still necessary. We’re already divorced” 

In an instant, Troy’s frustration reached its peak. He spoke coldly, Since you want to keep things so separate between us, how do you thank me for retrieving your wallet from the thief? How do you thank me for rescuing you from the crowd? How do you thank me for saving you from Jeremy and helping you with the antidote, rushing you to the hospital for emergency treatment? Are these all not worth repaying?” 

Imogen frowned. She hadn’t expected Troy, who was usually decisive, to be so nitpicky


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