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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 208


Chapter 208 Is He at The Marshall Villa

Imogen returned home, scanning the living room but not finding Mochi

She bent down to look under the table and indeed met a pair of round, big eyes

She couldn’t help but laugh

Recognizing Imogen, Mochi ventured out from under the table, meowing

Imogen bent over, picked up the cat, and settled on the couch, stroking its fur. Pulling out her phone, she called the Marshall villa

After a few seconds, the call was answered, and Daisy’s voice came from the other end, Hello, Ms. Forbes?” 

Daisy, is Layla home?” 

She is. Let me hand the phone to her.” 

Daisy glanced at Troy sitting on the side sofa and passed the phone to Layla

Imogen? Are you back from your trip? How was your time abroad? Why did you call?Layla took the phone, motioning Troy to be quiet

Grandma, it’s nothing major. I just wanted to visit, but I was unsure if you’d be home, so I thought I’d call first.” 

I’m home. Come over soon, I’ve missed you,Layla replied

Troy’s lips curled into a bitter smile upon hearing this

Even though he couldn’t hear Imogen’s voice, he could guess what she had said

She wasn’t just asking if Layla was at home, she was inquiring if he was at the Marshall villa

By the way, Grandma, is anyone else at home?Imogen hinted

Layla, understanding who Imogen was referring to, shot a glance at Troy and decisively replied, No! It’s just me and Daisy here.” 

Okay, I’ll head over right away.” 

After hanging up, Imogen fed Mochi and headed out

Back in the Marshall villa, Layla put down the phone and glared at Troy, Why are you still sitting here?” 

Troy sighed, Grandma” 

Calling out to me won’t help. I won’t assist you in deceiving Imogen. What good is regretting now? Where were you earlier?Layla sighed, It was your grandfather and I who helped facilitate this marriage, hoping Imogen would have a good life. But now, this outcomeI’m too ashamed to face her.” 

Troy paused before speaking, I’ve let you and Grandpa down. I’m sorry.” 

If she doesn’t want to see you, I won’t let her come over when you’re here. And if she’s here, you better not show up.” 

Troy’s expression darkened, and after a brief moment, he softly said, I understand. I’ll leave nowI’ll pick up Grace from the airport tomorrow morning and bring her to the villa.” 

Fine, fine, you’ve said that before. Just go.Layla gestured dismissively

Troy got up and left in big strides

Once in his car, he drove a short distance, and then killed the engine. He leaned back in his seat, eyes closed

From this position, he could see the entrance of the Marshall villa

About half an hour later, a familiar car stopped at the entrance

Imogen alighted, opened the trunk, took out some gifts she had bought on route, and entered the 


In the afternoon, when Imogen left the villa and returned to her spacious singlelevel apartment, the security guard informed her of a parcel awaiting her

Receiving the box marked fragile,she realized her camera had arrived

Testing it, she took some snaps of Mochi

The clarity and detail were much better than phone shots. The photos of Mochi, with its cone of shame, round eyes, short legs, and fluffy fur, melted her heart

She decided to log into her Instagram account and posted two pictures of Mochi

After the previous controversies, her follower count had surged

Under her Instagram post where she had shared a photo of the divorce agreement, many comments expressed that they had misunderstood her in the past and now felt sympathy for her and supported her

Initially, she didn’t want to use that Instagram account anymore

However, in today’s highly interconnected world, any slight move of a celebrity would be posted online. Many events were even influenced by opinions on social media

Imogen wasn’t sure who was behind her father’s death, but she feared that if her private investigations were exposed, she might meet the same fate as her father

Thus, she needed to maintain her online presence to protect herself

If she died, the truth would be revealed

There was also another possibility, Noah might uncover some leads, but due to procedural issues or interference from insiders, the case might not be reinvestigated

In that case, she would use her public visibility and influence to pressure the relevant departments to reexamine the case

That said, the Internet was a doubleedged sword

She needed to maintain her online presence. Despite her reluctance, Imogen still had to manage her Instagram account diligently

After posting Mochi’s pictures, she received many comments praising the cat’s cuteness and some rehashing past events

She noticed someone asking about her Australian trip, probably having known about it from Charlie

Imogen carefully penned a detailed account of her travels with Charlie, integrating photos from various places they visited, which earned her more praise

The next morning at 6:20, a black Porsche Cayenne drove into the airport parking lot

Troy got out of the car and entered the terminal, waiting in the arrival area


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