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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 30


Chapter 30: I Will Compensate You 

Imogen hesitated, her lips parting to speak, yet words eluded her

Taking a deep, measured breath, her emotions churned with bitterness

She couldn’t do it

She couldn’t take that gamble

She had long realized that in Troy’s eyes, she paled in comparison to Sarah

If Troy could sacrifice her to shield Sarah from harm, what would stop him from doing the same to protect Sarah from mere rumors

After all, these were only whispers on the internet, lacking any real sting

Charlene’s confidence only grew in the face of Imogen’s silence. Director Forbes, are you brave enough to take this wager?” 

Without a word, Imogen ended the call

Deep down, she knew that wagering was a lost cause. Even if Troy was in the dark about all this, and even if he did find out, he might still condone it

She couldn’t just accept defeat; she deserved an explanation

The studio manager had already forwarded her the soundless surveillance footage from that day in the dressing room

The video might have been mute, but the actions spoke louder than words

Casually, Imogen clipped a portion of the video and shared it in the Facebook group of Sarah’s team, along with several fan group screenshots. [Apologize on Instagram, or brace yourself. If I release this video, ponder the fallout.

The Facebook group fell silent

No one stepped forward; no one accepted blame

Five minutes had gone by

Realizing that no response was forthcoming, Imogen reached out to several influencer accounts she had collaborated with

If this would cause a stir, she was ready to amplify it, leveraging both positive and negative publicity from this endorsement. At least it would be trending

As she was navigating this storm, her phone rang

The screen displayed Troy’s name

A flicker of hope ignited within Imogen. Could he have noticed her post on Instagram and was now reaching out in concern

She picked up and greeted, Hello, Tro 

Imogen, don’t release the surveillance footage.” 

Troy’s first words hit her like a cold wave, causing the smile that had been playing on her lips to fade instantly

She should’ve known better

She shouldn’t have harbored any illusions regarding Troy

Drawing a shaky breath, she found even the act of breathing felt like an ordeal

Chapter 30: 1 Will Compensate You 

Now it made sense why Sarah’s team was so defiant and selfassured

With Troy’s backing, her threats were rendered impotent

Perhaps sensing her silence, Troy continued, I regret what happened during Sarah’s shoot. I misunderstood you, and I’m sorry.” 

Imogen’s response was a bitter laugh

The absurdity of it all was overwhelming

Would he have felt remorse about that day if not for the current circumstances? If Sarah wasn’t involved, would he even have considered apologizing

She knew the answer was a resounding no

Troy, I don’t want your hollow apologies. I just want the online hatred directed at me to stop.Imogen, I understand your pain. I’ll ensure this issue is suppressed. Just refrain from releasing the video.” 

A realization struck her, a silver lining in her moment of despair: it was fortunate she hadn’t taken up Charlene’s wager

So, I’m just expected to take the fall? To be the scapegoat and bear the brunt of the blame, to face unwarranted criticism?Imogen’s voice cracked as she all but shouted into the phone

I’ll make it up to you.” 

Make it up? What exactly can you offer besides money? Can you give me back what truly 

matters?Imogen retorted, emphasizing each word. Unless you’re saying you won’t divorce me, is that it?” 

There was a long pause from Troy’s end before he finally spoke, What do you want?Imogen scoffed

He truly wanted it all. He desired to leave Imogen for his past love while expecting her to bear the weight of everyone’s scorn, all to shield his beloved

If they aren’t content with me as the director, perhaps I should just resign?” 

No, I won’t accept that condition,” Troy responded with finality

Exhausted, Imogen realized there was nothing to gain from this conversation. Troy might have had wealth to offer, but that was far from what she sought. Over the past three years, her earnings and bonuses have provided her with more than enough

Enough, Troy. Let’s end this discussion. Goodbye.” 

With a click, she hung up, then lay down, enveloped in a sense of desolation, uncertain of her next step

Her phone buzzed again

She answered irritably without looking at the caller ID, I meant it when I said goodbye. Don’t bother calling back.” 

Imogen, it’s Liam,came a familiar voice

Caught off guard, she quickly glanced at the screen. Oh, I’m sorry, I thought it was someone else.I figured. I saw the commotion on Instagram. How are you holding up? Everything okay?” 

It’s manageable,she replied, trying to sound nonchalant. Just a few hateful comments, that’s all.” 


Chapter 30: I Will Compensate You 

The digital hatred didn’t cut deep

Only Troy had that power

Liam responded, Alright, just so you know, there’s already a trending topic related to this. It looks like your Mr. Marshall is behind it.” 


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