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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 34



Chapter 34.1: Clarification 

Sarah, please believe me. I give you my word that I will always be by your side. You can trust me completely, and I will never let you down. I won’t break my promise to you

But youre already married. You have a wife now, and I can no longer be with you. Who do you think I am? If I had known about your marriage earlier, I would never have reached out to you or gotten involved with you. How could you make me deal with Imogen?Sarah cried, overcome with emotion

I apologize for the situation with her. It’s not something you need to worry about. We decided to pursue a divorce through mutual agreement, and the process is underway. I expect to obtain the divorce certificate soon.” 

Sarah, can you trust me again this time? I promise, I genuinely won’t break my promise,Troy asked, pleading

With her sweaty eyes, cautiously, Sarah asked, Really?” 

Yes, really,Troy nodded and assured her

With thaf, Sarah embraced Troy, and the tears she was trying to stop fell onto her red cheeks, saying, “Troy, I can’t bear to leave you. I really can’t bear it. I’d rather die than be away from you.” 

Hearing her sobbing words, Troy held Sarah close, gently comforting her as she cried

In the middle of their hug, Ylah suddenly interrupted and warned, Mr. Marshall, there’s something I need to remind you.” 

What is it about?” 

Please bear in mind that Sarah is a public figure, and her reputation is of utmost importance. If news of your relationship were to come out, it could have significant consequences for her personal and professional life. It’s essential to consider her wellbeing and future before proceeding. If you find that you cannot protect Sarah and her reputation, it might be best to reevaluate the relationship and prioritize her safety and happiness.” 

Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to Sarah,Troy promised solemnly

That’s good to hear. You don’t know that she seemed lifeless when I met Sarah abroad.” 

As Ylah and Troy engaged in conversation, Sarah’s gaze fell upon a small red mark on Troys shirt collar. Instantly, her body tensed up, and a mix of emotions washed over her, leaving a visible hint of sadness in her eyes. Reacting impulsively, she pushed Troy away, unable to hold back her tears, which started flowing uncontrollably

What’s wrong?Troy was bewildered, not understanding the reason behind her reaction

Please, don’t come over, don’t touch me, and don’t touch other women!Sarah cried, her emotions were raw, and her words were filled with hurt. Troy froze in place, trying to understand the reason behind her outburst. In the room, he caught a glimpse of a floor mirror, and as he approached it, he noticed a faint strawberry print on his collar

While this moment was unfolding, Ylah’s phone rang, interrupting the tension. She hurriedly stepped outside to answer the call. An anxious voice came through the microphone and said

Yeah, please quickly check the trending topic on Instagram.” 

Yeah opened the app and discovered a popular search term for Star Entertainment. Star Entertainment’s official blog clarified that their investment in Cloudwater City has no connection to any specific actress. Instead, it is a regular commercial activity that had already 


been planned last year. Multiple marketing accounts have shared and spread clarification, generating numerous comments from passersby representing various backgrounds and perspectives

Since Sarah returned to Canada, her works haven’t gained much popularity, but quite a few people are searching for her.” 

It’s quite amusing how some fans skillfully use a topic to express their own ideas and end up pressuring the company to issue a clarification.” 

Although Troy is not an artist, he still has a diverse fan base, and many of them have become active in the comment section under the Instagram post

After quickly skimming through the comments, Ylah rushed back into the room and said, Mr. Marshall, take a look

She handed her phone to Troy directly

I hope Mr. Marshall can explain the situation to Sarah; otherwise, these passersby might assume that Sarah was merely speculating, which could be very damaging to her

Troy swiftly scrolled through the comments and immediately contacted Mr. Jordan. He worked on containing the situation’s impact and then got in touch with the person in charge of Star Entertainment to address the matter more comprehensively

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0 10:47 

Chapter 34.2: Clarification 

Upon receiving Troy’s phone call, the person in charge of Star Entertainment nervously explained, Mr. Marshall, I had no choice. The chairman insisted on this clarification. He said

If anyone has questions, heIl personally address them.” 

With a mix of concern and frustration, Troy hurriedly stepped outside and dialed his 

grandfather’s number

Hello, Grandpa,Troy greeted

The old man’s voice on the other end of the line hummed with music as he responded, Troy, what can I do for you?” 

Troy said, Grandpa, did you instruct someone to issue the clarification for Star 


Since you took over Marshall Group, I’ve stopped meddling in the company’s affairs. But this matter is different; I had to intervene,the grandfather replied

Troy couldn’t hide his dismay, but his grandfather continued, But Troy, look at what youve done now! You didn’t even have breakfast this morning; instead, you went straight to find Sarah


you not take my words seriously? What about Imogen these past three years? You shouldn’t have married her if you weren’t willing to take responsibility from the beginning. You know, I introduced her to you for happiness. Now, how do you expect me to face Imogen?” 

After a brief pause, Troy continued, I promise this won’t happen again in the future, but I hope you’ll discuss things with me before making decisions next time.” 

As the morning slipped away, Imogen woke up later than planned. The kind servant aunt in the old house took care of her, preparing a fresh breakfast to start the day. Realizing she couldn’t make it to work on time, she made the decision to spend some extra time at the old house with her grandparents. They enjoyed a pleasant lunch together, cherishing the opportunity to catch up

As she was about to leave, the caring old lady handed her an invitation letter for Eventbrite Charity Dinner. She explained that the invitation was sent to her, but since she couldn’t use it, Imogen should attend with Troy, as they were subtly trying to bring them together

Unbeknownst to her grandparents, Imogen and Troy had already signed a divorce agreement

I’ve never been to such a dinner party before, I’m afraidImogen hesitated. Don’t worry. Troy will accompany you. Everything will be fine,the old lady reassured her, patting her hand

Summoning her courage, Imogen nodded and agreed to attend the dinner with Troy

After leaving the family mansion, Imogen headed to the company. And as soon as she stepped out of the elevator, Imogen headed towards her office and accidentally bumped into the CEOs office secretary

The secretary informed Imogen, Director Forbes, Mr. Marshall mentioned that if you arrived, you should go see him.” 

Alright, understood,Imogen replied

Imogen proceeded directly to the CEO’s office, knocked on the door, and upon receiving permission, entered the room. She asked, Mr. Marshall, how may I assist you?” 

Sitting at his desk, Troy looked up at her and questioned, Youre here, just came from the 



family mansion, right?” 

Yes,Imogen confirmed

I called you here to inquire about something. I hope you will be honest with me,Troy said. What is it?Imogen inquired

Did you inform Grandpa that I went to search for Sarah?” 


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