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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 48

Chapter 48.1: Heartless 

Daddy, I also want to tell you that I am going to divorce him, besides paying tribute to my grandfather.” 

Daddy, you will definitely be surprised to hear this news. During the Festival, I told you that he was very kind to me and was your good soninlaw. It’s only been a few months now, and we’re going our separate ways. Do you think it’s funny? To be honest, I also think it’s funny. Since he proposed a divorce to me, I’ve been a bit confused. How did I get to the point of divorce with him.” 

If someone told me during the Festival that I would divorce Troy in a few months, I wouldn’t believe it.” 

I love him so much, how could I divorce him? But such a thing really happened unexpectedly.” 

It’s a long story, I don’t know where to start anymore. I’m already pregnant and you’re going to have a granddaughter. Please bless my child inside me. Actually, I still like him. I’ve loved him for 10 years, and after three years as a couple, how could I easily forget him? I feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Maybe we are determined to only have the marriage for three years as our fate.” 

What he has always liked is his exgirlfriend and I haven’t been able to keep his heart warm for three years. We can’t continue anymore, so I can only choose to let goIf you were here dad, you would definitely persuade me to let go, but I can’t let go.Imogen said with a trembling voice, I liked him for ten years and finally became his wife. We’ve been doing well for the past three years, how come we’re suddenly getting divorced?” 

Why is there a sudden divorce? Why did we suddenly reach the stage of divorce?” 

Imogen chatted alone in front of her father’s tomb, speaking her heart out to make her feel better

Now that the matter is settled, there is no doubt that they will divorce

Since we have reached this point, let’s accept it calmly

She still has a child. She will give birth to the child and give him the surname Forbes. This is her own child and she will take good care of it to grow up

Imogen understood in her heart that after her experience with Troy, she would never open her heart and fall in love with another person in her lifetime again

Troy is handsome with a prominent family background and outstanding talents, but he is also cold and heartless

He personally taught her a lesson about his actions

Imogen stayed in the cemetery until the afternoon

After discussing her divorce with Troy, she told her father about her next plans

After letting grandparents of the Marshall family know about their divorce, she will resign from the company. Regardless of whether Troy agrees or not, she will leave and find a suitable place to live and have the child born there to settle down

In the future, she will occasionally bring her child to visit her grandparents

Imogen knelt in front of the tomb and bowed three times to his father, Daddy, this time I’ll leave first, and I’ll come see you again during the New Year.” 

Imogen stood up and drove out of the cemetery

As she was queuing up to get on the highway, suddenly a black sedan quickly came over and 



inserted itself between her and the car in front of her. Imogen quickly stepped on the brakes

On the highway, the black sedan kept driving in front of Imogen, maintaining a close distance

The brake lights of the front car lit up, and Imogen immediately stepped on the brakes to slow down. Then, she looked in the rearview mirror, changed lanes, and overtook the black car

The black car caught up again and drove in front of Imogen again

A few minutes later, the previous situation was repeated, and the black car slowed down and then drove in front of Imogen, slowing down

Imogen wanted to change lanes, so she followed suit, but the black car stuck in her position. Imogen estimated in her heart that she had encountered someone intentionally doing that


She clearly didn’t know the license plate number of the car in front of her. When the black car passed by her just now, she smiled at her through the window, and the driver was also clearly unfamiliar to her

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Chapter 48.2: Heartless 

When getting off the highway, the black car came behind her, followed Imogen, got off the highway, and then drove in front of Imogen while slowing down, so Imogen had to slow down also

The black car driver saw Imogen slow down and drive herself even slower

Imogen had to stop. However, parking is not allowed on the roadside in the area

Imogen tried to change lanes, but she also followed suit and got stuck in front of Imogen’s car

After leaving the car several times, Imogen’s heart was already filled with anger

She knew in her heart that even if she successfully overtook the black car when changing lanes, she could not get rid of her unless she kept accelerating and racing with the black car

Not to mention her poor driving skills, even if she did, she dared not take the risk of her own safety and the safety of her unborn child

Imogen sought stability, watched the rearview mirror change to the outermost lane, stopped at the roadside with a signal light, and called the police

Suddenly, a loud bang came

An airbag deployed

Imogen had a huge headache and dizziness. Before falling asleep, she realized that it seemed like the white car behind her had been following her since getting on the highway

A sharp braking sound rang in her ear, with a bangsound, the entire car exploded, the fire raging, leaving only one skeleton

The familiar scene was replayed over and over again in her mind, and she opened her eyes warmly, her head almost bursting with pain

The smell of disinfectant came and Imogen understood that it was in the hospital

Her eyes were a blur, and she thought it was because she had slept too long. She reached out and rubbed her eyes, giving them a few seconds to react. After waiting for a while, her eyes were still a blur

Imogen let out a thud in her heart, and inexplicable fear and worry surged into her heart

You’re awake,said a female voice in her ear

Imogen, with a dazed expression, followed the voice and could only see the general outline of the speaking woman and the color of the clothes, but could not see the woman’s face or the specific style of the clothes clearly

Next to the woman, there is another tall man wearing similar clothes

There are another two beds beside her bed, and the patients are talking to their family. Hello, I’m a policeman.The woman came up and took Imogen’s hand, and put it on her shoulder. The doctor said that you had a slight concussion caused by a car accident, and there was fluid in your brain. Now you can’t see clearly. It’s the fluid that oppresses the optic nerve. When the fluid is absorbed slowly, your vision will recover.” 

Unable to see the warmth and coolness clearly, she felt particularly insecure. She tightly grasped the woman’s hand and excitedly asked, How is my child? Is my child still there?” 

Don’t worry, the child is very strong and still alive.” 


But if I’m injured, will medication have an impact on the child?” 

I’m not a doctor, and I don’t know about that. However, the doctor said that your injury wasn’t serious and the report didn’t mention it. After careful medication, I think the child would be fine.” 

That’s good, that’s good.Imogen finally breathed a sigh of relief

So, how are you feeling now? I need to know the specific situation of the car accident. Can. answer me now?” 

Sure, go 


ahead and ask.” 


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