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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 55


Chapter 55 A Wild Gamble 

Chapter 55 A Wild Gamble 

An hour had passed since breakfast

Imogen estimated that Henry must have woken up by now, so she and Troy went back to Henry’s ward

There were now two more people in the room. They were Troy’s aunts, Judith and Maria

In the corner, there were boxes of gifts, indicating that someone had come to visit Henry. Hey, Troy and Imogen are here.” 

Judith, Maria.Imogen and Troy greeted them

It seemed that Henry was still asleep

Go sit by Grandma,Try told Imogen

There was a coffee table and a couple of chairs in between. Worried that Imogen might not see- clearly, Troy guided her to the sofa beside Layla and sat down

Such a loving couple,Judith teased, seeing them together

Judith had seen the news about Troy and Sarah

However, she didn’t take it to heart. She believed that most men were the same. Regardless of how much they messed around outside, they always had to focus on their family

That’s for sure. Troy and Imogen are the most compatible couple I’ve seen,Maria added with

flattering smile

She had a slightly more distant relationship with the Marshall family, relying on any little business that trickled down from the Marshalls to make a living. Upon learning that Henry was in the hospital, she immediately came to express her concern in front of the Marshall family. Troy smiled faintly, chatting with Maria. How’s my uncle doing lately? I heard he recently acquired a small factory” 

Maria was visibly pleased that Troy was not annoyed and even took the initiative to engage with her. She quickly responded, Yes, he’s trying to expand into the luggage business…” 

Troy exchanged a few more words, and Maria’s happiness was evident

The conversation eventually took a turn

Maria’s gaze shifted to Imogen and Troy. Troy is almost thirty now, and Imogen isn’t young either. When are you guys planning to have a child?” 

After her remark, both Judith and Layla turned their attention to Imogen and Troy

Exactly, you two should have a child by now. Imogen is at the right age, so she could recover pretty soon after giving birth,Judith agreed

Imogen and Troy exchanged a glance 

Imogen instinctively placed her hand on her lower abdomen

She already had a child, but she didn’t dare let the child’s father know

Troy smiled and said calmly, We don’t have plans for a child at the moment.” 

Imogen’s fingers tightened slightly, but her face remained composed as she nodded in agreement

I understand. You young people want to enjoy each other’s company for a while.” 

Layla muttered, I’ve reminded them a few times. Every time, they just brush it off. I want them to 


Chapter 55 A Wild Gamble 

have a kid as soon as possible, but who knows how long I’ll have to wait?” 

Neither Imogen nor Troy spoke

They chatted in the ward for a while longer until Maria stood up to leave. Layla also sent Troy to work, suggesting he didn’t need to stay in the ward all the time

As the two left, Judith sat down beside Imogen and whispered softly, Imogen, here’s my advice. It’s better to have a child with Troy sooner rather than later. Don’t let some other women snatch the opportunity. Once you have a child and secure your position, you won’t be easily affected even if he has a lot of affairs.” 

Thank you for the suggestion, Judith. I’ll consider it,Imogen replied, though deep down she couldn’t help wondering if Troy would want to stay by her side once they had a child

She only dared to think about it, and she didn’t dare to gamble on it

Gambling with the life growing within her wasn’t something she could afford

Henry spent three days in the ICU before being transferred to a regular ward after being examined by Willard

Imogen had been resting at the hospital during these days, visiting Henry every day to chat with 


Her eyes were gradually improving, and she could see things more clearly than before

Layla spent most of her time at the hospital, keeping Henry company

Henry disliked being in the hospital. He was eager to leave the hospital as soon as he left the 

critical care unit, but with Willard’s help, they managed to persuade him

Can’t you understand? Staying in the hospital for a few more days won’t hurt you. What’s so bad about it?Layla sat by the bedside, peeling fruit while growling

Henry muttered softly, I don’t like staying in the hospital. I know my own body.” 

Just as he was speaking, Troy walked in from outside. Grandpa, you should listen to Mr. Brooks and stay here a few more days. We’re worried about you.” 

Henry remained silent

Troy glanced at Imogen on the couch, then approached the table and placed the items he was holding on it. I passed by a shopping mall and bought you this.” 

It was a Black Forest cake from Imogen’s favorite bakery

Imogen’s face lit up as she thanked Troy

She couldn’t wait to unwrap the packaging and savor the cake

Troy looked at Imogen’s smiling face and also couldn’t help but smile. He sat down next to her and softly advised, Take your time eating.” 

Imogen looked up at him and asked, Do you want to try it?” 

After asking, she suddenly remembered that Troy didn’t like sweets

Sure.Troy looked into her eyes and nodded gently

Imogen was slightly taken aback but used her fork to pick up a piece of cake and offered it to Troy Troy ate it without hesitation

Seeing their interaction, Layla’s face lit up with a smile. She joked, Troy, didn’t you bring anything for Grandma and Grandpa? Did you forget about us?” 

Chapter 55 A Wild Gamble 

It’s not just that he didn’t bring us anything. I remember Troy used to dislike cake the most. He wouldn’t even touch it. But nowHenry looked at them with a knowing smile

Layla couldn’t stop grinning. Troy really cares for his wife. Who knows? We might have a greatgrandchild soon.” 

Upon hearing their words, Imogen blushed slightly

Since Henry fell ill, Troy had been staying with her in the ward. They had been together all the time and shared the same bed as if they had returned to the past

Without Sarah, without the divorce agreement. They were just a normal, content couple

Troy looked at the rosy hue on Imogen’s cheeks and smiled

Enough teasing,Henry said, looking amused. Imogen, after all these years, you still love the 


Because she always felt bitter, she craved sweet things to satisfy her palate. Over the years, it had 

become a habit

Grandpa, please don’t make fun of me.” 

After finishing the cake, Imogen stood up, threw the packaging in the trash can, but somehow stumbled forward as if tripped by something

Quick as lightning, Troy caught her, his arms circling her waist. Their gazes locked, and he said, Why are you so careless?” 

Imogen steadied herself, holding onto Troy’s shoulders. I’m sorry, I got a bit dizzy just now.” 

She wasn’t dizzy. Her eyes had not fully recovered yet

Troy carefully helped her sit on the couch. Did you hurt yourself?” 

I bumped my knee against the corner of the table just now.” 

Troy knelt in front of the couch. Which side?” 


Gently lifting her long skirt, Troy found a purplish bruise on her fair knee

Troy pressed it gently, but Imogen stopped him. Don’t. It hurts.” 

Troy stood up and looked at her. Don’t move. I’ll get you some ointment.” 

It’s not a big deal, really.” 

Well, it still needs attention.” 

Troy left the room quickly

Imogen lifted her head and met the slightly ambiguous gaze of Henry and Layla. She suddenly felt 

a bit embarrassed

Layla cleared her throat. This brat seýms to be more considerate now. Imogen, you don’t have to be polite with him. If you need anything, just ask him.” 

Imogen blushed and nodded slightly

Grandma, I get it.” 

Troy returned with the ointment. He crouched down in front of Imogen, carefully wiped her knee with an alcohol swab, and then applied the ointment with a cotton swab

Imogen watched him, and a strange feeling stirred within her


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