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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 64

My Revenge Game My Cheating Boyfriend,

Loved Your Eneny 

Chapter 64 Never Divorce 

Troy took a deep breath and explained, Sarah has disappeared, and she might be in danger” 

Hearing him say this, Imogen felt somewhat helpless

She didn’t know how to make Troy understand that Sarah’s safety had nothing to do with her, and it was not an excuse she should sympathize with

Besides, judging by Sarah’s demeanor during their conversation in the morning, there was absolutely no indication of any illness

However, if Imogen voiced her thoughts, Troy would accuse her of lacking empathy

Even if Sarah’s not in any immediate danger, you would still go. You care about her, so why pretend otherwise?Imogen said, Besides, I don’t have to explain anything to you.” 

I know you like Liam, but you shouldn’t have chosen to meet him at this time and bring him to. see Grandpa” 

Don’t you do the same? Going to see Sarah at this critical moment and bringing her to meet Grandpa, I was just doing the same thing as you.” 

Sarah had an episode, and I had to bring her here to calm her down. You also said before that we could bring her here when Grandpa was in a regular ward, so why are you upset now?Troy looked at Imogen, puzzled

Imogen never expected Troy to justify himself like this

Her husband was called away by another woman with just one phone call, didn’t come back for a night, and the next day brought that woman to meet his elders. And yet, Troy asked Imogen why she was angry

In Troy’s mind, Sarah’s condition was the top priority. When Sarah had an episode, Troy had to comfort her first. What a legitimate reason

Troy never thought about comforting Imogen and instead accused her of lacking empathy

Imogen smiled and said, Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Liam has always had fragile health and gets easily distressed. He really wanted to visit Grandpa, so in order to soothe his emotions, I had no choice but to agree. I hope you can understand, Mr. Marshall. You surely have some empathy, don’t you?” 

Upon hearing those words, Troy’s expression froze, and he said coldly, Imogen!” 

What’s wrong?Imogen raised an eyebrow at him, asking, Isn’t this a normal thing? Mr. 

Marshall, I don’t understand. Why are you upset?” 

Imogen! I’m not kidding!Troy’s brows furrowed as he stared at her intensely

I’m not joking with you either,Imogen said seriously


you deliberately trying 

o provoke 


Imogen smiled. Provoke you? Why would I want to provoke you?” 

Imogen, don’t forget what you promised Grandpa!” 

Imogen didn’t expect Troy to use Henry’s words to threaten her

She found it amusing

I only promised Grandpa that we would get along well. I didn’t make any other commitments.As Troy’s face grew even more sullen, Imogen smiled. Mr. Marshall, those were your very words 


yesterday. If you can leave and spend a night with your lover, why can’t I? Before you point fingers at me, perhaps you should reflect on your own actions first!” 

Troy paused before saying, If that statement bothers you, I apologize. What happened yesterday was an emergency, and I never intended to break our agreement with Grandpa.” 

Imogen looked at him with a mocking expression and said, Troy, it seems you’ve completely misunderstood Grandpa’s intentions! He wants us to truly reconcile and reconsider our decision to divorce, not just put on a temporary show of harmony to please him!” 

I understand,Troy said calmly

What do you understand?!Imogen retorted, Just answer me. Have you ever considered giving up Sarah completely, separating from her, and not divorcing me?!” 

Seeing Troy remain silent, Imogen smiled. Why aren’t you saying anything” 

I have considered it,Troy interrupted her, looking into Imogen’s eyes

Imogen’s voice choked momentarily

Imogen scrutinized Troy’s sincere expression, searching for any hints of deceit, but no matter how hard she looked, she couldn’t find any

Imogen said, Troy, don’t lie to me.” 

I’m not lying.Troy slowly approached and stood in front of Imogen. I have genuinely considered separating from her, never getting a divorce in a lifetime.” 

Imogen looked up, gazing into Troy’s clear eyes, feeling her heart in turmoil

Imogen quickly regained her composure and said, Okay, then answer me this. If Sarah calls again and says she’s ill or missing, will you go find her?” 

Troy fell silent for a moment


Imogen noticed his hesitation and smirked lightly. You’re just thinking about it, but you’d better talk to me when you can actually take action. Alright, you can go back now. I need to rest.” 

If Troy stayed the same, leaving just one phone call from Sarah, then his thoughts of not divorcing Imogen were useless

Imogen didn’t want a husband who could be called away by other women at any time

Troy was a skilled deceiver, and Imogen didn’t want to believe him anymore

Are you going to bed at nine?” 

I’m tired today.” 

Do you want to relax?” 

Relax?Imogen looked up at Troy


Troy stood in the shadow, with his face barely visible under the dim light

How to relax?” 

Sit still.” 

Troy squatted down on one knee in front of Imogen, his hands resting on her thighs, gliding against her skin

The temperature on his hands was scorching as he slowly caressed her

Chapter 64 Never Divorce 

A tingling sensation surged through Imogen’s body, causing her to tremble as she bit her lip. Troy observed her expression, lifted her skirt, and slowly explored

Stop,Imogen held his hand beneath her skirt

Don’t want to?Troy looked into Imogen’s eyes, slowly withdrawing his hand, and stood up. Imogen looked at Troy, lowered her gaze, and clenched her legs tighter

Troy walked away

Imogen tightened her grip on her skirt. She wanted to say something but remained silent eventually

Suddenly, the sound of water came from the bathroom

Imogen raised her head, saw that the bathroom door was open, and realized that Troy hadn’t left but had gone to the bathroom

After a moment, Troy came out, wiping his hands, and looked at Imogen

Imogen quickly lowered her head

Troy smiled and knelt in front of Imogen again, saying, I rinsed my mouth.” 

Troy’s fingers touched Imogen’s leg, sending a slight chill through her. Imogen trembled and tightened her grip on her skirt

Troy held her hand and deftly moved her hands aside, gripping her knees gently and slowly parting them. Just enjoy yourself.” 


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