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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 80


Chapter 80 You Missed an Inch 

Under everyone’s gaze, she cleared her throat and said, Six inches, I think.” 

That long? Really?” 

There was another round of laughter

Imogen started spinning the bottle. She was going to finish it after she asked her question. But she didn’t realize that the bottle was coincidentally pointed at Troy

In an instant, she turned to look at Troy

Mr. Marshall, do you choose truth or dare?Imogen asked, looking at him


If it wasn’t the wrong occasion, Imogen was very tempted to ask him if he’d ever had even the slightest bit of affection for her

Everyone around was talking and giving Imogen questions

Someone asked how long Troy’s was

Someone asked Troy how long it took for his first time

Someone else asked Troy how many women he had slept with in total

She knew how long the Troy’s were. There was no need to know about the latter issue. Granted, she had no business in his private life before marriage. But she might feel uncomfortable if she knew. It was better not to know

But she knew most of the information about Troy. She had to ask the one she didn’t know

Imogen thought about it and asked, How did you and Ms. Page meet and get together?” 

The employees perked up their ears as well, waiting for Troy to tell his story

Troy looked over at Imogen. By now, Imogen’s heart felt slightly tense. There was silence all 


A moment later, Troy said slowly, We met at an event on campus because we were going to work together on a show. We got together after the show.” 

Did you guys fall in love over time during rehearsals?Someone asked


That’s what happened

Imogen felt frustrated in her heart

The romantic relationship in college was beautiful, innocent, and unforgettable

Before she fell in love with Troy, she had thought about having a great relationship in college

After falling in love with Troy, she was never meant to love anyone else

By the time she was in college, he had graduated and joined the company. She was always chasing in his footsteps

As Sarah said, she accompanied Troy through his youth, side by side. Perhaps that was why it was unforgettable

Imogen muddled through a few more rounds next

Imogen’s cell phone suddenly vibrated twice with messages. Seeing that there was nothing around for her to do, Imogen picked up her phone and glanced at the message

It was from Troy. 

He said: [You missed an inch just now.

Imogen’s frustration vanished straight away at the sight of the words

Imogen’s face wasn’t flushed when she was being joked about by everyone, but she was flushed this time. She gave Troy a sneaky glare, replied with a bomb on Facebook, and turned off her phone screen

When playing the game, everyone wanted nothing more than to see the leader make a fool of himself. These employees were no exception. They all thought of ways to spin it to Troy, so they succeeded once again

Sam was already pondering, asking the woman if they knew each other

If they knew each other, the problem would be well solved

However, Troy didn’t give him a chance to ask because Troy chose to take a dare this time

The male colleague who asked was kindhearted. He asked, Mr. Marshall, you need to hold the fifth girl from the left for twenty squats. That’s okay, right? It’s easy enough.” 

That did sound much better than the very outrageous questions that preceded it

Who was the fifth girl on the left side

Someone was the first to count out and shouted, It’s Ms. Forbes.” 

Ms. Forbes, please do me a favor.” 

“Ms. Forbes, your boyfriend wouldn’t mind, would he?” 

Troy had stood up, Imogen, come over here.” 

Imogen stood up and walked over

Troy easily and adeptly scooped her up in a horizontal position and began to squat

Imogen clasped her hands around his neck and didn’t dare move a muscle

Twenty squats were done quickly

His breathing wasn’t even disorganized, just slightly ragged. The heat of his body was all over Imogen’s face

Sam exclaimed in wonder, What a simple thing for Mr. Marshall. This is too easy!” 

Come again.” 

The truth or dare was played until 4: 00 in the afternoon

The employees were happy but tired, so they went back to sleep

Imogen went back with Mia and the others, and she got another message from Troy on the way: [Do you want to come to my place to soak in the hot spring?

Imogen knew what he was thinking. She replied instantly: [No, I’m going to rest

(Are you sure you don’t want to come? We’re only here until tomorrow. Are you going to the pool?

Imogen wrestled with this for a moment and replied: I will go there at night.

Troy replied: [There were food scraps left at the bottom of the pool. The official announcement says eating over there is not allowed.

Troy was afraid she might leave after eating over there

[Okay, then I’ll go over after dinner,] Imogen replied

Imogen leaned back against the bed and played with her phone for a while

Sarah had a phrase hanging on the hashtags: Sarah Page German.” 

Imogen clicked in

Sarah was on a variety show right after she returned home, and the variety show just aired today

The hashtag was a variety video clip in which Sarah introduced herself and said she could speak German

The other guests let her try to say a few words. Sarah said, Then I’ll tell a story in German.Sarah spoke German next

Having heard Troy tell stories in German so many times, Imogen thought it was familiar. Sarah said, It’s a very classic fable, a crow and a fox.” 

A crow stole a piece of cheese. It sat high up in a tree and was trying to eat the cheese. However, the crow was never quiet when it was eating. A fox came running when it heard that pleased slurping sound as it nibbled the cheese. The fox said slyly to the crow, Oh, crow, I have never seen a bird with such beautiful feathers and such a beautiful body as yours

If you also have a good voice and sing very eloquently, then the crowd will surely choose you as king and ask you to be the chief of the hundred birds. These words of praise and compliments, and flattery made the crow proud how it wanted people to hear its beautiful song! Just as it opened its mouth to sing, the piece of cheese fell. The fox immediately took a quick bite and mocked the stupid crow as he ate it

Everyone should have heard this story.” 

One guest responded, I’ve heard of it. I remember it from a book.” 

Another guest in charge of control asked, Ms. Page, why did you learn German when you stayed in France for the first few years? Was there any coincidence?” 

Imogen felt nervous. She seemed to have a premonition of what Sarah would say

Sarah smiled lightly, I actually learned it from a friend. He speaks French, Spanish, Japanese and German, and whenever I can’t sleep, he tells me stories in German.” 

The guests suddenly realized and gave a meaningful oh

It was true what happened


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