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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 88




Chapter 88 Her Plan 

Cedric hurriedly said, Troy, don’t say that. Of course, we are friends!” 

Then tell me the truth.” 

Before that, I have a question.” 


After you left yesterday, Imogen said that she married you, and you are a couple. Is it true?” 

Yes,Troy replied in a deep voice

Cedric was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect it to be true. What? When did you get married? Why don’t I know

Three years ago.” 

Three years ago?Cedric couldn’t believe that they had been married for three years

How could this be possible

In other words, you are cheating 

Answer my question first. Who asked you to find me yesterday, and who told you about Sarah’s injury?” 

If I tell you, you can’t tell others. It was Sarah who asked me to find you. She was afraid that you would not come, so she asked me to exaggerate.” 



Did you see her after she was injured yesterday” 

No, she called me and said that your mobile phone was unavailable. Don’t blame me for this matter: Sarah said that you were with Imogen, and she was afraid that you would leave her. She cried and begged me for help. What can I do?” 

Do you know what day it was yesterday?” 

It was Sarah’s birthday

But Cedric knew that Troy didn’t want this answer

He recalled when he found Troy and Imogen in Nacre Restaurant, and they were having a candlelight dinner. Could it be… 

Your wedding anniversary?Cedric guessed

That’s right.” 

What a coincidenceCedric laughed dryly

He was used by Sarah

Sarah must have known that Troy and Imogen were married, and she also knew that yesterday was their wedding anniversary, so she deliberately asked Cedric to find Troy

Fortunately, although Troy and Imogen were eating at that time, Troy favored Sarah more. Otherwise, Cedric would be implicated if he helped Sarah

Cedric had known Sarah for many years, and he didn’t think she was such a person, but knowing the fact, he regretted meddling in her business

Since you don’t know that, I’ll forgive you this time. You should apologize to Imogen and don’t do 

it again.” 

I see,Cedric responded immediately

No matter how much Troy liked Sarah, Imogen was his wife, and he must respect her

Lane quickly sent the video of the set to Troy’s mobile phone, and he also sent over a message: [Mr. Marshall, the monitoring of the set was broken. This video was accidentally captured by the photographer in charge of shooting the bloopers.

Troy was lost in thought

The monitoring was broken. Was it a coincidence

After watching the video, Troy had a judgment in his mind, and he went to Sarah’s attending doctor’s office

The doctor was having a rest, and when he saw Troy, he was a little flattered. Mr. Marshall, why are you here?” 

Doctor, I have a question for you.” 

It’s about Ms. Page’s injury, right? I’ll tell you everything I know.” 

I want to know how serious Ms. Page’s burn is.” 

The doctor’s face changed, but he remained calm. Mr. Marshall, I don’t know what you mean. Isn’t it written in the medical records?” 

Troy’s face was calm, and he was confident. With sharp eyes, he smiled lightly. Dr. Turner, you are a smart person. Do you prefer to offend Sarah or me?” 

Ms. Page’s real burn area is less than 1%. She just had two blisters on her leg. I don’t want to do this, but Ms. Page and her agent asked me to say that. The medical record isn’t signed, and it has no effect at all.” 

In other words, she didn’t fall into a coma at all, right?” 

No, Ms. Page was sober when she was sent to the hospital yesterday.” 

Okay, I see. Thank you.” 

Troy stood up and left the office

When he arrived at the hospital yesterday, it was almost ten o’clock in the evening. Sarah woke up this morning. She happened to sleep for one night, and her plan wouldn’t be exposed. 

Standing in the corridor outside the ward, Troy looked at the sky in the distance

If he didn’t get these things himself, he wouldn’t believe that Sarah and her agent had lied to him. Why did they do this

Troy had an answer in his heart, but he wanted to hear Sarah’s explanation

He walked into the ward

Sarah smiled at him, Troy, you don’t have to go out for so long. They didn’t stay here too long.” 

Troy said with an indifferent face, I went out for a walk. How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?It hurts very much, so I want you to stay with me. If you stay with me, it won’t hurt anymore.If Troy didn’t know the truth, he would stay with Sarah

However, he knew that Sarah was acting now, and from the perspective of a bystander, he thought she was hypocritical

She still needed to improve her acting skills

Troy said calmly, Where does it hurt?” 

Sarah said, My back, waist, thighs, and calves all hurt.” 


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