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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 9



As tensions rose at the dinner table, not only were the Marshall Group’s staff upset, but even Sarah’s team members found it hard to maintain their composure. Under the table, Sarah’s assistant discreetly tugged at Ylah’s sleeve, urging her to ease the situation

However, Ylah appeared determined not to back down and maintained her defiant posture. Imogen, staying composed, calmly asked, So, you’re suggesting that Grandpa Henry only cares about business relationships and not emotional ones, Ms. Willy?” 

Ylah’s face stiffened, and she quickly defended herself, No, that’s not what I meant.” 

Just then, the door opened, and Troy and Sarah entered side by side

Troy, with his striking looks and prestigious background, and Sarah, beautiful and successful in her career, made an envinducing pair. Everyone couldn’t help but admire them together

The product manager leaned over to Imogen and whispered, Mr. Marshall and Ms. Page make a perfect match.” 

Imogen’s heart pricked, and she forced a smile, standing up to welcome the two of them to their 


Mr. Marshall, you’re too kind. Please sit here. Sarah, join us as well,Ylah said, taking the lead and arranging for Troy and Sarah to sit together

Others also stood up to welcome them, and the atmosphere eased slightly

Let’s all take our seats.” 

With Troy’s words, everyone settled back down

The atmosphere at the dinner table turned friendlier, and Ylah and others initiated a conversation, occasionally teasing Troy and Sarah

Troy didn’t talk much, but when he did, his words were on point, drawing everyone’s attention

Amidst the lively banter, Imogen remained unusually silent. With Troy and Sarah present, she felt unnoticed by the rest of the group

At one point, Ylah glanced at the food on Sarah’s plate and reminded her, Sarah, be mindful of your appetite. Celebrities have to manage their bodies carefully.” 

Sarah playfully responded, Oh, you’re right.She then placed a piece of pork belly on Troy’s plate. Troy, I can’t finish this. Would you mind helping me out?” 

In front of them sat a spicy pork stew, the meat immersed in a pool of fiery red chili oil sauce

Knowing that Troy had a delicate stomach and disliked spicy food, Imogen was about to warn him, but before she could speak, he calmly picked up a piece of meat and ate it without flinching. Imogen’s words got stuck in her throat, and she swallowed them back, realizing that she had almost unintentionally insulted herself. It reminded her that even something as unpleasant as arsenic would taste sweet if offered by someone she liked, much like these spicy chili When someone offered a toast to Imogen, she politely declined, citing recent gastrointestinal discomfort, and opted for sparkling water instead of wine


As the drinking continued, Ylah steered the conversation back to Imogen and casually asked Troy, I heard that Ms. Forbes is your sister, and she worked under your command. You two must be very close!” 

Troy glanced at Imogen and then at Sarah beside him, responding calmly, We brought her in at 


Chapter 10: Siblings 

Grandpa’s request.” 

To others, his reply seemed normal. After all, when Imogen joined the Marshall family, Troy was already twenty years old, and they hadn’t grown up together. There was no real sibling bond between them

But for Imogen, those words cut deep, causing fresh pain to surge within her heart

She couldn’t tell if Troy was deliberately distancing himself from her in front of Sarah or if it was a genuine reflection of his feelings

Perhaps it was both

After three years of marriage, it seemed that she still hadn’t managed to truly touch his heart. All his actions toward her over the years were perhaps only for the sake of appeasing Henry. Putting on a faint smile mogen replied, Mr. Marshall and I have a purely professional relationship. There’s neither a good nor a bad connection between us. However, Ms. Willy, it appears you’re quite curious about me.” 

Ylah boldly grinned, saying, We’ll be working together, so it’s only natural to be a bit curious, Ms. Forbes. But if you’re uncomfortable with my questions, I’ll forget everything I heard here.The dinner extended for over two hours, and as it came to an end, the workday was also drawing 

to a close

Imogen suggested that everyone leave work first before she headed back to her office

At 8 pm, she turned off the lights and prepared to leave. Yet, she noticed that the CEO’s office was still brightly illuminated

Hesitating for a moment, she mustered the courage to approach Troy’s office and knocked on the 


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