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Sir Your Wife Already Signed the Divorce Paper by Josie Johnson novel Chapter 90


Chapter 90 The Horrible Man 

Troy tilted his head, and his eyes were dim. He covered the left cheek that was beaten. Okay, I’ll 


I’ll go” 

Imogen also froze in place for a moment

She didn’t want to hit him, but in a panic, she slapped him

Troy took a few steps back, exited the door, and left

When Jason realized it, Troy had already walked to the elevator

Jason looked at Troy’s back and then at Imogen inside the door, feeling a bit helpless

Troy seemed a little aggrieved when he left just now

Imogen looked over. Jason hurriedly explained, Ms. Forbes, Mr. Marshall called me to ask about the hotel address and your room number. He made me knock on your door. I couldn’t refuse.Imogen nodded lightly and breathed a sigh of relief. I know. You can go back and rest.” 


Jason left. Imogen closed the door but no longer wanted to continue the show

She didn’t want to think about what had happened last night


Troy insisted on intervening to remind her that he ignored her being humiliated by his friend and left her for Sarah yesterday

The ridiculous thing was that he wanted to explain and even chased after her to Bennett City to explain

What could he say? It was nothing more than that he was worried about Sarah, so he had to go over and confirm her safety himself

But Imogen also wanted his care and love

Troy didn’t give them to her. He chose to leave her behind

She said, Troy, if you step out of this door today, we are over.” 

After hearing this, he still chose to leave

What else did he want to explain

His attitude and behavior explained everything

After leaving the hotel, Troy returned to New York City overnight and went to work as before

He forced himself not to think about Imogen

However, the more he forced himself, the more he missed Imogen

As soon as he closed his eyes, Imogen’s face appeared in his mind

Happy, proud, angry, sadAll kinds of her lingered in his mind

Or her lost and desperate eyes on their wedding anniversary that night

For two nights in a row, Troy dreamed of Imogen

The first time he dreamed of him divorcing Imogen. She hated him so profoundly that she went to settle abroad and never returned

The second time he still dreamed that they had divorced. Imogen married Liam. She smiled happily at the wedding

Troy woke up from the dream and couldn’t sleep at midnight

His bad mood tortured Lane and all the senior officials in the company

Troy had been illtempered for the past two days. He would be angry at anyone he saw

An employee in the secretarial department was reprimanded by him for a small mistake. Troy’s attitude made the poor guy feel he was a sinner to the whole world

The guy left Troy’s office with a crying face

Usually, Troy was a very decisive president

Usually, he was gentle, approachable, and friendly. In the business field, he had sharp eyesight and assertive tactics

He rarely deliberately made things difficult for employees

He paid attention to the present and the future and didn’t like employees to concern about the past. If the employees made mistakes, he didn’t want their explanation but a remedial measure: As long as the wrongdoer could make amends, he wouldn’t mind letting it go

It could be said that working in Marshall Group was pleasant

Compared to the past, Troy was a different person in the past two days

Everyone in the company, especially the employees who had to be in constant contact with Troy, was in a panic, fearing that one day they would be the scapegoat

Lane came in and backed up Troy’s call records and voice recordings as usual

Therefore, Lane knew many of Troy’s secrets

Troy handed the phone to Lane


go back up first and return you the phone later.” 

Lane left the office with Troy’s mobile phone and went to his seat to back up

Troy responded lightly. He looked at the computer screen without blinking and tapped the keyboard with his fingers quickly

Suddenly, the Bluetooth speaker next to him started talking

Hello. Mr. Marshall, it’s Daniel Woods from Woods Technology. The new energy plan you mentioned earlier” 

Troy frowned and glanced at the Bluetooth speaker

It was the previous phone conversation between Troy and Daniel

Troy’s mobile phone was connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the office. Lane must have accidentally clicked on the play button while backing up

Troy leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed his forehead

The entire office was filled with Daniel’s loud laughter

Troy stood up and was about to turn off the Bluetooth speaker. However, after the conversation. with Daniel was over, the next one was played automatically

Hello.It was Sarah’s voice

It’s me. Where is Troy?It was Imogen’s voice

Troy paused and took his hand back. He let the recording continue to play

Hello, Imogen. Troy is cooking for me now,Sarah said, Imogen, you might not know that Troy is 

a good chef. He lived alone when he was in college and practiced good cooking skills. He often cooked for me back then.” 

Troy frowned slightly

There was a strong showoff in Sarah’s tone, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable. He couldn’t even believe that Sarah had said that

You give Troy the phone. I have something to ask him.” 

What’s the matter? I can ask for you.Sarah’s tone was provocative

Give the phone to Troy! I have something to ask him in person!Imogen’s tone became serious. This phone will automatically record conversations. If you don’t want me to play this recording for Troy to listen to, give him the phone.” 

Hearing this, Troy smiled. Imogen was quite smart

There was a dozen or so seconds of silence. When Troy thought the conversation was about to end, another voice came in

Troy, Imogen called you.” 

Hold it for me. I can’t answer it now. What did she say?That was Troy’s voice

He remembered when and where the phone call happened. He suddenly remembered the day when Imogen had an accident. In the hospital, he asked her what she wanted to eat, and she said she wanted to eat the food he cooked

It explained

I asked her just now, but she didn’t say anything.” 

Troy said, Imogen, what’s the matter?” 

Troy, where’s my phone?” 

I have it.” 

What are you doing with my phone?” 

I left my mobile phone in the clubhouse and sued your mobile phone to contact the clubhouse employee to return it to me. I accidentally took it with me when I came out in a hurry. I’m sorry.” 


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