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Snare of Love novel Chapter 441

It was raining heavily, Boyce Shawn let Dolores Flores wait for him inside the car, “I’ll go take an umbrella.”

He went to the trunk to get an umbrella in the rain and opened it, the rain hit on the umbrella producing the noisy sound, he walked to the front passenger seat and opened the door, “It’s raining too heavily, let me carry you in my arms to go inside.”

Dolores stepped on the board and got out of the car, Boyce immediately protected her from the rain using the umbrella.

She held Boyce’s arm, “It’s okay, I can walk, it’s just a short distance.”

Boyce didn’t force her, after all it was inappropriate for man and woman to touch each other.

She was walking slowly, Boyce put down the umbrella when they were inside the house. Armand Bernie and Abbott Baron had left, the dining room was also cleaned up already, Coral was tidying up the kitchen.

Dolores turned and looked at Boyce who was standing under the roof, the rain was dropping very fast from the sky, even the wind was carrying a bit of moisture, she lowered her voice and said, “I’m in a bad mood today, don’t mind about what I’ve said.”

“I know.” Boyce pursed his lips, “I’m the one who needs to apologize, I shouldn’t have suspected you in that way.”

“Tell Armand and Abbott, don’t tell that we had gone out today.” When she went out of the bungalow with Boyce, she didn’t evade them, they must have asked Coral about their whereabouts when they didn’t see them downstairs.

“I’ll call them, you shall go inside first because you’re already outside for a long time.”

Dolores nodded and said, “Drive slowly, it’s night-time, some more it’s raining, the vision is bad.”

“I will,” Boyce answered.

Dolores turned and walked into the house. Coral was going to throw the rubbish outside, she put down the things in her hands and trotted toward Dolores when she saw Dolores standing there, “Let me hold you.”

Dolores held her hand and walked inside slowly, “Coral, don’t tell Matthew that I had gone out today.”

Coral lowered her eyes and said, “Okay.”

“Is he still asleep? Does he throw up?” She was still worrying that his stomach might be impaired since he drank with empty stomach.

“So far so good.” Coral kept her head low, she didn’t dare to look at Dolores’s eyes.

“I remember that there is anti-alcoholic drug at home, help me to take one pill.”

Coral hesitated for a while and said, “Okay.”

She had also poured a glass of water, she walked toward Dolores, with the pill and water in one hand, while holding Dolores to go upstairs with another hand, “Be careful, watch your steps on the staircase, the doctor had told that you can’t get out of the bed.”

“I know my limits, it’s okay.” When she reached upstairs, she pushed the door open, there was only a bed light being switched on in the room, the lighting was a bit dark. She could even smell the alcohol lightly, she took the glass of water and pill from Coral’s hand, “You can go down first, it’s okay for me to stay here.”

Coral agreed and said, “You must be careful, call me anytime if anything happens.”

Dolores hummed and walked slowly into the room, Coral watched her walking beside the bed, then only she closed the door and went downstairs.

Matthew Nelson was lying on one side, hiding himself in the dark, Dolores walked beside the bed and put the water and pill on the table. She sat at the bedside and stretched her hand pulling him slightly, “Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

His body was very heavy, Dolores couldn’t turn his body if he didn’t want to. She thought that he was sleeping, so she didn’t continue. She sat at the bedside, watching the rain hitting on the window continuously, her eyelashes were flapping slightly, she seemed to be thinking about something.

Matthew kept his eyes open, but he didn’t move.

One of them was lying on bed while another was sitting, both were thinking about different things.


Dolores’s phone rang due to an incoming message, she took out her phone and unlocked the screen by swiping it. It was a message from Charles White, she hesitated for quite a while before opening the message, there were only a few words, “Goodbye, I’ve left.”

The rain today was so heavy, some more it was during the night-time.

She sighed slightly, it’s fine, she hoped that everything would get back to normal.


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