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Snare of Love novel Chapter 511

Matthew Nelson hugged her with a hand while his other hand was stroking her back one and another.

He was sweating and he had the smell of sweat. The smell was faint and it wasn’t unpleasant.

He moved closer to his daughter’s ear. His voice was mixed with heartbroken feelings and mixed with the feeling of wanting to spoil her daughter. It was very gentle, “You will become ugly if you keep crying.”

Amanda Nelson cared a lot about her appearance. She was praised since young. She couldn’t stand to become ugly. Her face was still full of tears and she asked as she sobbed, “How do I look ugly?”

“You will become ugly if you keep crying.” Matthew reached out his hand and his finger touched the corners of her eyes to wipe off the tears, “Simona is a good girl. Don’t cry anymore.”

He was used to calling this name. Even she was no longer called Simona Flores, he still liked to call her this way.

Amanda sobbed. Her eyes were teary as she looked at Matthew. She sobbed as she asked, “Dad, are you leaving us because you think that I am ugly…”

After saying that, her tears fell again. She finally had a Dad but they had to separate again after a short period of time. She missed her Dad so much in this period of time.

She was crying sadly…

She felt sadder as she kept thinking about it.

Her words directly stabbed Matthew’s heart. He had never thought that he didn’t want them as he felt heartbroken towards them. His forehead touched his daughter’s head as he kissed her nose and mouth, “No. Simona is not ugly. Simona is the prettiest girl in the world. You are my dear daughter.”

“Dad.” Amanda tightly hugged his neck. Her little face buried into his shoulder as she cried. Matthew patiently comforted her. He knew that she felt wronged in her heart.

Oscar Adams was completely stunned at the side. He stared at the man who was hugging Amanda. He thought in his mind. ‘What is going on? This, this fool… No, is this man Amanda’s father?’

He lowered his head and looked at Andrew Nelson who was beside him. His gaze seemed like he was asking him what was going on.

He frowned and his expression looked funny, “Is this man really your father?”

Andrew was very sure as he nodded, “Yes.”

Oscar was speechless.

That day he saw him sitting here and laughing like a fool. Why was he doing that?

Oscar looked at Matthew again. Matthew also looked at him at the same time. Just now when he came out from the entrance of the neighborhood, he saw Oscar taking care of the two kids. ‘Who is he? What is the relationship between him and Dolores Flores.’

‘Dolores wouldn’t let someone who is not familiar taking care of her kids. Just now he looked so nervous and he didn’t seem like acting. It seems like he is taking good care of the kids.’

Oscar laughed, “Hello. Why don’t you go in? I saw you giggling on the roadside, I thought…”

He didn’t say the word “fool”. Matthew didn’t look like a fool at all after seeing all these.

Even though he didn’t say it, Matthew knew that he wasn’t going to say some pleasant words. His voice was not too high or too low but it seemed like he was trying to probe him, “Who are you?”

He had never seen this person around Dolores or heard that she had friends or relatives in city C.

He squinted. ‘If he is not Jolene’s relatives. Could it be…’

He had a guess in his mind. It was not hard to understand the relationship between the people around Dolores. In the past, Jessica Lennon and Randolph Flores were her family members. Now it was Jolene Harris and Stanley Lennon. Jolene’s relatives were in City B. Then, was this man Stanley’s relative?

Oscar smiled, “It is a long story. Why don’t we settle the matter and find a place to talk about it?”

Matthew didn’t say anything. He agreed with it.

Oscar patted Andrew’s shoulder, “Be obedient. I will be right back.”

The driver who almost hit them was still standing there. He had to teach him a lesson. Otherwise, he would be guilty if he recklessly hit someone next time.

“Okay.” Andrew nodded obediently. After Oscar left, Matthew looked at Andrew and asked, “How are you doing recently?”

Andrew nodded. He looked a little down, “It’s okay. Sister and I go to school. Mommy is very busy and our life is pretty full.”

After saying that, he turned his head. He seemed to feel bad in his heart.

Matthew touched his head, “Are you angry?”


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