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Snare of Love novel Chapter 512

Matthew Nelson lowered his eyes to looked at the ice cream that was passed to his lips. His lips felt cold as they touched the ice cream. The coldness dissipated the warmth of his lips. He opened his mouth to cover the spoon. He ate the ice cream that was passed by his daughter.

Amanda Nelson didn’t mind that the spoon was used by him. She couldn’t wait to scoop the ice cream and put it into her mouth, “It is so delicious.”

It was sweet and cool and there was a light milk taste. Her eyes looked happy. She felt so much happiness after only eating a spoon of ice cream.

“Dad, after I finish my ice cream, are you going back with me? We will go back to see Mommy.” After saying that, she scooped another ice cream and passed it to him.

Matthew again ate the ice cream that was fed by his daughter. He was chewing the sweet taste in his mouth. Yet, he was bitterly thinking about how to explain to the two kids in his mind.

Andrew Nelson also raised his head to look at him.

He seemed like he was looking forward to his answer.

He looked at his children. His eyes kept blinking and he frowned. His face looked extremely bitter. Normal people would know he was suffering in his heart after looking at his face.

Andrew slightly sighed. He lowered his head to eat another spoon of ice cream, “I don’t know what you want. Sometimes you two are fine. Sometimes you two quarrel with each other. Is it fun?”

Didn’t he know that his sister and he were the ones who were suffering?

They had a father but they looked like children without a father. He wanted to let his father change his mind to have a normal family life. Who knew…

While thinking, Andrew took another deep sigh as he felt helpless.

“And you didn’t think about our feelings. You two are too wilful.”

Matthew’s gaze moved between the two kids’ faces. In the end, he said with a low voice, “Give us some time.”

“Then do you miss Mommy? Andrew raised his head to look at him. He seemed like he was worried, “When Mommy is not around you, are you going to find another woman?”

Andrew was worried that he would love another person again. He had abandoned his Mommy once.

“If you make another mistake, we and Mommy really will not forgive you,” Andrew said the words clearly.

Doing mistake once could be barely accepted. The second time would never be forgiven!

Matthew was speechless.

“I miss your Mommy. When she is not around, I will not find another woman. I only want her in the future.” Matthew seriously looked at his son, “You have to take care of your sister and Mommy when I am not around.”

Andrew nodded vigorously, “I will.”

Amanda who finished the ice cream put down the spoon and crawled onto Matthew’s body and hugged his neck, “Dad, aren’t you going back with us?”

She understood the conversation between her Dad and brother. It seemed like her Dad was not going to see her Mommy.

She couldn’t understand adults’ matters. She felt like her Dad should go to see Mommy, “The baby in Mommy’s belly could move now. Don’t you want to see the baby?”

Matthew stared at his daughter's face. However, his heart was in a mess. While he was trying hard to control the feeling of how much he missed his wife, his rationality also told him that it was not a good time to meet her before the matter was over. The two forces in his mind were battling. No one could persuade the other. He felt like he was floating on the dangerous waves as he felt so bad in his heart.

Dolores Flores’s face appeared in his mind. The balance in his mind had obviously tilted. He looked at his son, “Help Dad to do something.”

“What. You can say.” Andrew was straightforward. However, there was a condition, “You have to promise me one thing if I help you.”

Matthew helplessly looked at his son. ‘This kid is still young but why does he have so many thoughts?’

“Okay, you say it first.” He couldn’t do anything to his own son. He could only promise him.

“You have to come to see us at least twice a week,” Andrew said. This was his request.

In fact, he still didn’t fully believe in Matthew. He was afraid that Matthew would love another woman after separating from Dolores for a long time.

Matthew looked at his son silently. He originally wanted to see them frequently. However, after Andrew said the words, he seemed like a cheater, as if he would not become faithful in love.

He moved closer to his son and stared at him, “Do you not believe me that much?”


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