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Snare of Love novel Chapter 521

Dolores Flores didn’t think that this woman would say such intimate things in the public.

She was a bit embarrassed, and didn’t know on how to reply her.

Seeing Dolores blushing and uneasy, the woman smiled, "We are both married, so we are in the same situation. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, don't you think?"

Dolores smiled, and didn’t say anything.

However, this woman didn't mean to stop, "You are young, and definitely don't know the things inside."

The woman leaned over again, and even the ‘trainee doctor’ behind Dolores Flores lowered his body, trying to understand how much childbirth affected woman.

Before, he had never thought of this question, and thought it was a natural matter, pregnancy and childbirth.

The book he bought before only talked about the stages of pregnancy, and did not say what damage childbirth would cause to a woman’s body.

"Let me tell you about a friend of mine. When she gave birth to her son, her son was too big. She said that when she was giving birth, the cut on the side was very deep, and there was no anesthesia during stitching. I didn't experience it, and just listening to it makes me terrified." When the woman said this, it was like she experiencing the pain; her face was tensed.

Dolores had given birth before, and had heard that this method would be used if the child was too big. However, she had not used this method.

At that time, her condition was not very well. She didn’t know if it was because the nutrition wasn’t kept up, as the two kids were very small.

"You think about it. That place on woman is just that big, and it’s forcibly stretched out. Even if it recovers afterwards, it’s impossible for it to return to its original state. I advise you to have a Caesarean section too. For your husband, you have to do Caesarean section.” The woman looked knowledgeable, and was adamant.

Dolores just smiled politely. Although the topic was too much, her heart was not that bad to switch topics.

"Say something; I’m serious about it. Women and men are different. Men don’t need to give birth. To put it negatively, their part wouldn’t change. We are different. It would sag after the couple has been together for a long time, plus giving birth. Oh. I think women are too miserable. It would be fine to meet a man with conscience. If they don’t have conscience, risk your life to give birth to a child, and he will still want to divorce with you.” The woman seemed to be lamented, and very insecure, but Dolores Flores understood that women were always sensitive during pregnancy.

It was probably that her husband is very busy, and didn’t care enough about her, so she would have such extreme emotions.

“Don’t think too much.” Dolores comforted.

The woman saw that Dolores seemed to not care, and didn’t understand, “Do you really not care about it. After you lose everything will you then understand. I have way too many examples around me. Just about the friend of mine I told you a while ago, the one who gave birth using side cut. She and her husband are now getting divorced.”

Dolores glanced at the woman, and didn’t talk. Perhaps, the negativity around her affected her too much, making her to have such thoughts.

Dolores sighed deeply. She thought that if a man loved a woman, even if there were changes, then he would probably understand, as she had given birth to his child.

To apply this woman’s words, when a woman met a man with no conscience, no matter how hard she tried to maintain, he would change his heart.


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