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Snare of Love novel Chapter 539

Because she was in a bad mood, Dolores didn’t listen clearly to whose voice it was. She asked in annoyance, “Who are you?”

Charles took a look at his phone, wondering whether he had heard wrongly. He seldom saw Dolores angry, who had triggered her?

He put the phone back next to his ear and said, “I am Charles.”

This time it was Dolores who looked at her phone, surprised that Charles had called her, “How did you find out my phone number?”

“I know where you are, is it even difficult to find out your phone number?” Charles laughed bitterly, “Are you unhappy that I’m contacting you?”

Dolores sat on a stool for show-changing at the porch, and explained, “No, it’s just that I’m not in a good mood.”

“Why are you not in a good mood, can you tell me?” Charles asked.

“You phoned me, there must be something going on right?” She wouldn’t tell other people why she was in a bad mood.

Why would she advertise Matthew’s indecent photos?

She would be crazy if she did so.

“There’s indeed something going on, that’s why I called you out of the blue. Were you going to hang up on me?” Charles laughed.

Dolores pursed her lips without saying anything.

Charles voice passed through again, “Make a trip to White City.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have time.” Dolores rejected him abruptly.

She really had no time for that. On one hand it was because of the matters at the shop and factory. On the other, it was the matter about Matthew.

Charles gave a bitter laugh, it was what he expected but he couldn’t help feeling disappointed.

“We’re still friends, right?” Charles suppressed his sadness and smiled, “If I’m sending you an invitation to my marriage, are you still not coming?”


Had she misheard?

Charles was getting married?

“Really?” Dolores asked uncertainly.

“Of course, would I joke around with this? Are you feeling sad because I’m getting married with another woman?” He asked laughingly.

“No, I am just very surprised.” She hadn’t heard any news of this beforehand. And now he is suddenly getting married.

“So, if I’m inviting you to my wedding ceremony, will you come? Are we still friends?”

Without waiting for Dolores’ reply, Charles said again, “It might be inconvenient for you, I’ve already gotten Tom to pick you up.”

Dolores held her forehead. He was not giving her an opportunity to reject him.

But this was his wedding, and since he had already invited her, it wouldn’t be nice if she didn’t go.

She thought about it, and agreed. She’ll treat this as a getaway. Hopefully when she came back from White City, Matthew would have settled the matter with those photos.

“When will Tom be coming over?” Dolores asked.

“He should have arrived now.”

Dolores was speechless.

“You’ve already planned everything.”

“I have to make sure everything is prepared for your matters.” Charles’ tone was still joking around.

This was because Charles’ wedding would be held tomorrow, so she had to depart today. If she left now, she would make it just in time.

She informed Theresa about it. Because it was summer, so she brought two sets of clothing to change, as well as a little gown. After all, she was attending someone’s wedding, of course she had to put on something proper.

Theresa knew that Charles had sent someone over, so she wasn’t worried. But she was also as surprised as Dolores regarding his sudden marriage.

His actions were fast.

She wasn’t even sure who the partner was.

Tom was driving a multipurpose vehicle. It was very spacious, and allowed her to rest.

After Dolores got on the car, she asked, “Is your master Mr. White really getting married?”

It was just that she felt it was too fast, as if a dream.

“Yeah, we can’t joke around with these things.” Tom started the engine and replied.


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