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Snare of Love novel Chapter 540

Amanda, who was nestling in his arms, moved and asked, “Daddy, when can we see mommy?”

Matthew looked down at his daughter and patted her back, “Sleep for a while. You’ll see her when you wake up.”

If they set off now, they should be able to reach city C before it got dark.

The car quickly drove past the two figures by the river.

When Matthew looked out of the window, he had already passed the part of the road and missed Dolores.

And Dolores, standing by the river, was completely unaware of the passing of her son, daughter and Matthew behind her.

She was just shocked that Charles had married only for the sake of his career.

She couldn’t agree with such a course of action.

“The woman you’re marrying is someone who will be with you for the rest of your life. How can you just want someone’s family to be good?”

“Then what should I be looking for?” Charles tilted his head to look at her.

“At least some good feelings for her. Otherwise, if the girl who marries you knows that you are only doing it for your career, she might hate you in the future.”

Marriage was a second birth for a woman. She didn’t have the opportunity to choose what kind of family she was born into and what parents she had for her first half-life.

But, it was possible to choose a husband, to decide what kind of person to spend the rest of her life with.

Charles was clearly taking advantage of someone else.

“I’d like to, but how can I control my heart too?” He smiled and asked, “Do you have a good way? Can you teach me?”

Dolores avoided his gaze, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

In particular, Charles actually wanted to say that it was the same as anyone else if it wasn’t Dolores.

“You’re pretty today.” His gaze fell on Dolores’s dress, a pink V-neck dress, with the knee-length silk skirt wrapping around her slender body and fine legs. The beaded flowers made out of tiny pearls embroidered on the skirt and the slight bulge on her belly made the elegant and graceful dress looked even more gorgeous.

Perhaps it was a woman who had become a mother that could give off this kind of warm and soft feeling in her body.

Dolores smiled politely and didn’t reply.

She felt whatever she said could be answered by Charles with something she couldn’t answer.

So she just didn’t open her mouth.

Then neither of them spoke again, just standing in silence. As the sun got higher and higher, the cool shadows by the river shifted position too.

Dolores said, “Today is your big day. You should have a lot of things to do. It’s better to go back early.”

Charles hummed. He then called Tom, and they left the riverside.

On the other side, Matthew, who was already on the highway, received a message from Theresa. There wasn’t any text, but just pictures.

With Dolores’s permission, Theresa had looked at the contents of the file bag. She was utterly not well after reading it, and she understood why Dolores seemed so terrible.

She didn’t know what conspiracy was in it and didn’t think as much as Dolores did. She only wanted to tell Matthew that such a thing had happened and ask him if it was true or not?

Because she was afraid that Dolores would be hurt.

She had experienced betrayal and knew what it felt like.

Matthew was just as shocked as she was. He had never even met the woman in the photo, but how could there be so many photos like this.

Where had Theresa gotten them from?

He quickly called the number back, and soon the other end picked up.

Theresa’s anxious voice came through, “What’s going on? Is it real?”

“Where did you get these photos?” Matthew’s voice was icy as he asked that who had taken these photos. If Theresa knew all about it, did Dolores see the images too?

Was there any misunderstanding?

“Didn’t I tell you last time that someone sent something over without a signature or address, and after Lola read them, she asked me to give them to you, but you said to put them here with me first.”

“She had seen it, right?” Matthew felt unsettled, afraid that Dolores would take it seriously and misunderstand it. He was worried that she would get angry and get pissed off. After all, she was pregnant now.

To be fair, he would also freak out if Dolores had such a picture in front of him.

“Of course, she had seen them. She looked terrible after seeing them. So that’s why I’m curious that are these real?”


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