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Snare of Love novel Chapter 586

Her face turned stern, “We ended. I will still consider others if there’s a suitable person, but not him.”

She sounded stern and the meaning was clear. She would never reconcile with Armand but had not lost faith in love, she would still consider being in love with the right person, she didn’t give up.

It didn’t seem like she said that impulsively. Dolores didn’t say anything else, relationship was not something a third party could easily get involved with. She held Theresa’s hand tightly, “I will support whatever you decide.”

That was the only thing she could do for her.

“I want to go back to city C once I recovered. Although Oscar is currently taking care of the factory, the shop needs to have its person in charge, or else we will be losing customers.” There was no reason for her to stay here in B City, but she had work to do in city C.

“I’ll go back with you once you’ve recovered.” Dolores had the same thinking, 'Cloud' was her work, and she couldn’t leave it aside. Matthew could take care of everything here.

It was a long life, she didn’t want to stay home and do nothing her entire life, that was not the life she wanted, she was not the kind of woman who gave up on a career for marriage.

Theresa agreed, “Although you are married and having a good life with Mr. Nelson, one shouldn’t depend on man, one should have own career.”

“We are such a good buddy, we even have the same thinking.” Dolores smiled, “Take a good rest and dress pretty tonight.”

“Will there be a handsome man?” Theresa joked.

Dolores patted her, “Yes.” Then she stood up, “I’m going to take a nap and then get the dinner ready when Coral is back.”

Theresa opened her arms wide and said, “I can only help with the eating.”

“Getting well soon is the biggest help you could give me.” Dolores smiled as she left the room. She dropped by to see her children, there were sunken into the world of chess, not even realizing the door was opened. She then went upstairs for her nap.

She was sleepy but couldn’t fall asleep. Two hours later, Coral came back with the new maid with groceries. Dolores went down hearing them.

“What did you buy?” Dolores asked as she approached.

“Didn’t you say we have guests? So I bought a bunch of vegetables, meat, and seafood.”

Coral put everything in the kitchen and took them out, “Oh yes, I bought a salted goose at “Delicacy Camp.”

She looked up and said, “I heard that this tastes good, but you can’t eat much, you can taste a little, salty food is not good for a pregnant woman.”

Coral was so considerate.

Dolores nodded and helped with the dinner preparation but was stopped by Coral. “Both of us can handle everything, go and have a nap.”

“I can’t sleep, let me help.” Dolores looked at everything Coral bought while thinking of dishes she could make.

So they stayed in the kitchen the entire afternoon, preparing for the dinner feast.

The three men came home at seven o’clock in the evening.


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