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Snare of Love novel Chapter 587

Armand quickly hid behind Dolores noticing Boyce’s rage, “I’m just telling the truth but you deny it, I’m sure Jasmine likes you, otherwise she won’t be so worry when you got hurt. Age is not an issue at all, look at Dolores and Matthew, there is an eight years gap, but they are doing well.”

Dolores turned to Armand, “You are talking about Boyce, why drag us in?”

She didn’t like someone mentioned about the past.

She was indeed young at that time, eighteen years old should be in university but she already got married.

Boyce took the chance, “He is full of crap, isn’t he? Never change!”

Armand stared at Boyce, “Don’t take this chance to attack me, I might not be able to fight you physically but I can seek help.”

Dolores slapped Armand on his shoulder, “Tune down, Theresa might hear you.”

‘If Armand knows what Theresa said today, wonder if he can still act so childish.’ Dolores thought.

Theresa’s name worked like a charm on Armand, he shut up right away.

“Hah, there’s something you are afraid of?” Boyce teased.

“Get lost!” Armand threw himself on the sofa without any more words.

Dolores held two bottles of liquor and told them, “Dinner is ready, let’s eat.”

She put the liquors on the table and headed to Theresa’s room to help with the bath and dressed. She then held her out while she tiptoes to the living room, avoiding hurting her wound on the way. Armand rose to help but he stopped noticing Theresa didn’t even look at him.

Dolores helped her to the dining table, Andrew immediately pulled out a chair, “Be careful, Renee.”

Theresa stroke his head, smiling, “You will be very famous amongst girls in the future.”

Andrew waved and said, “I only need one, too many women will cause too many troubles.”

His words made everyone laughed. Dolores pinched his cheek, “Stop saying nonsense.”

“It’s true,” Andrew defended with a grunt, “You and daddy argue once every few days, aren’t you?”

“What did you say?” his voice was too low, Dolores missed it.

Andrew quickly shook, “I said I got it, no more nonsense.”

Coral delivered the last dish to the table while Dolores arranged them, “Let’s eat.”

Boyce and Armand approached together.

“What a feast.” The whole table was full of mouthwatering food, like a feast at a hotel.

Boyce smiled, “Thank you, Dolores.”

After finished setting up the cutleries, she looked up and said, “It’s to celebrate your promotion, it’s worth it.”

Boyce was embarrassed slightly, it was not like he was promoted to be the chief, only the assistant.

Matthew came down when everyone was already seated, he sat at the main seat. Dolores opened the liquor and said, “The first glass should be for Boyce.”

Boyce stood up and took the bottle from Dolores, “Let me do it myself.”

He couldn’t let her poured him drink.

Dolores didn’t insist and sat down, “Honestly Boyce, who is Jasmine?” she asked, smiling.

She didn’t get to ask just now but she was still curious about Jasmine.

Boyce was mature and stable, it was rare that he was connected to a woman, he didn’t have many female friends.

Boyce froze, ‘Didn’t this topic has already passed?’

Armand put his glass in front of Boyce signaling him to fill it, “Do you want me to bring her here?”

“Can you just shut up?” Boyce threw a fierce glance at him, “Can’t you just be quiet for a while? Haven’t you realize Theresa is right opposite you?”

Armand was speechless while Andrew and Amanda snickered.


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