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Snare of Love novel Chapter 588

The maid opened the door and saw two women who seemed to be mother and daughter, "Who are you looking for?" she asked.

"Is my sister here?" Tiana asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Tiana Meyer, please let them know," Tiana said politely.

The maid looked at Dolores, "It's someone named Meyer."

Dolores was shocked as she saw Mrs. Meyer and Tiana, she was shocked that they would visit here.

"Charles disappeared," Tiana sobbed.

Dolores was stunned, "How and why?"

"Tiana said Charles sent someone over, is that true?" Mrs. Meyer asked.

Tiana didn't understand what happened but Mrs. Meyer did.

It was not a secret that Declan and Matthew were not on good terms now, the person he tried hiding desperately disappeared, of course, he would be furious. Guessed he knew Charles was involved, hence, he kidnapped him and then asked her for the man. She promised to hide the man for Declan and it was her responsibility now that he disappeared. She knew she had to find the lost man before she approached Declan to release Charles.

Charles told Tiana not to mention that he sent someone here, but Tiana got anxious when Charles disappeared. Under Mrs. Meyer's pressure, she told her that the person Declan looking for was sent here.

That was the reason for her visit.

"Talk to me," Matthew overhead their conversation as he approached, so he could guess the entire story.

Mrs. Meyer was direct, "Declan asked me to hide that person, I wanted to reject at first but Charles said he has a place for him, so I agreed. I never expected that he will send him here. I think Declan is angry and kidnapped him. My intention is simple, hand me the man in exchange for Charles."

It was her fault, she knew Charles and Matthew were friends but didn't know they were this close.

"He is a criminal, he needs to be sent to the police, not other people. Mrs. Meyer should understand this as your husband is an expert in this area. Do you want to break the law and bring shame to your husband?" Armand said coldly.

He was afraid that Matthew would hand him over to Mrs. Meyer, he had nearly beaten him to death if Boyce hadn't stopped him.

Mrs. Meyer regretted so much that she agreed to help Declan. She didn't care much, she just wanted Charles back and cut ties with Declan after that.

"Charles sees you as friends, he's now captured, aren't you supposed to try saving him?" Why did he sound like he was not handing him over?

"I'm sorry, we are not close and not friends with him, he had another intention when he sends the man over…"

"Armand." Dolores stopped Armand. Tiana was here and she married Charles, regardless of his intention of sending the man over, he should not mention it in front of the Meyer. This would hurt Tiana and affect Charles's relationship with the Meyer.

She turned to Matthew, "What do you think?"

Matthew asked her to go back inside, "Go in first, I'll be right back."

She nodded, "Call me no matter what."

Matthew nodded. They gathered for an enjoyable dinner tonight but what happened to Charles ruined their appetite.

"Let's talk in some other place." Matthew was still with his casual wear as he didn't plan to go far, he just didn't like discussing about this at home.

They sat in the garden in front of the villa.

Matthew pulled Boyce aside, "Have you interrogated him?"


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