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Snare of Love novel Chapter 589

Mrs. Meyer looked at her daughter and said, “It’s late in the night already, it’s not good for you to stay here.”

By then, she could see that the relationship between Charles and them was not as good as she had thought.

If they were good friends, how could they remain this calm even after knowing that Charles was abducted?

“I wouldn’t be able to sleep even I go back Mummy. I’m worried about Charles.” Even if Tiana did not know how Dolores felt about Charles, she was sure that Dolores would never harm Charles.

“Tiana.” Mrs. Meyer was afraid that her naive daughter would be taken advantage of if she was left alone.

“You can go back, mummy,” said Tiana in a determined tone. Mrs. Meyer was out of ideas as to how to convince her daughter, so all she said was, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

“Okay.” Tiana promised instantly.

Matthew frowned, it appeared as if he did not want Tiana to stay there, let alone her taking up Dolores’ time, “It’s already late, I’ll have him delivered to you tomorrow. All of you, please just go back today.”

“Can you please tell Dolores that I want to meet her?” Tiana knew full well that Matthew did not want her there, but she was worried about Charles. Only Dolores could help him, so she could not leave yet.

“Tiana.” Mrs. Meyer wanted to convince her, but before she got to finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Tiana.

Tiana said, “Leave me alone, mummy.”

“Are you dumb? Can’t you read the situation? They obviously don’t want you here.” Mrs. Meyer was slightly annoyed at her daughter’s persistence as she said those hurtful words. However, she immediately regretted her choice of words.

“I’m sorry Tiana, I didn’t mean that…”

“It’s okay, I know that I’m dumb.” Tiana started tearing up as she felt devastated. She did not care when other people insulted her, but it hurt the most when her own family said that to her.

“Come in.” Dolores, who was standing in the door frame, said to Tiana.

Tiana heard that familiar voice calling to her.

She turned around, saw Dolores, and rushed towards her. She wiped her tears away and said to Dolores with a smile, “Dolores, I’m sorry for disturbing you this late in the night. Charles is gone, I’m worried about him. I can’t sleep well, but I don’t have friends to chat with me.”

Dolores knew that she was an upstanding girl. She held her hand and replied, “Don’t worry, you’re not disturbing me at all. You’re already calling me Dolores, after all. It’s my duty to take care of you.”

After she finished her sentence, she set her eyes on Mrs. Meyer, who was looking at Tiana worryingly. While Dolores’ first time meeting her was unpleasant to say the least, for Tiana’s sake, she decided to not bother her about it. After some thought, while Mrs. Meyer’s attitude was unnecessarily harsh, it was due to her motherly love and not wanting her daughter to be harmed.

Parents beneath the sky must have had it rough.

“I’ll take good care of her,” said Dolores to Mrs. Meyer.

Mrs. Meyer nodded and replied, “Much appreciated. I’m terribly sorry about last time.”

“Don’t mention it. Tiana will be safe here, you have my word.”

Mrs. Meyer thanked her again, she felt relieved after seeing how Dolores treated Tiana. She said to Tiana, “Tiana, mummy’s leaving now.”

Tiana nodded and replied, “Okay, I’ll go back tomorrow morning.”

Mrs. Meyer was at a loss of words, where would Tiana find a car around here?

“I’ll have my driver send her back.” Dolores said as if she could read her mind.

“Thank you very much.” Mrs. Meyer thanked her sincerely.

Dolores held Tiana’s hand and led her into her house with a smile on her face. Theresa was sitting on a sofa in the living room when Dolores told her everything about the current situation. When she knew what was going on, she did not want to trouble anyone, so she was fine with anything.

“Tell that to Mr. Nelson, let him release him.” Theresa also did not want Dolores to be indebted to Charles, as everyone knew about Charles’ intentions.

“He’ll handle this, so you don’t need to think about it anymore. I’ll help you to your room.” Dolores said while approaching Tiana.

“I’ll help you, Dolores. You shouldn’t move around much when you’re pregnant.” Tiana said as she saw the bandages on Theresa’s leg. It was obvious that she was hurt, so Tiana supported her arm with her body.

Theresa looked at Dolores with eyes that were silently asking her who the girl that was very willing to help her move around the house.

Dolores introduced Tiana to her, “She’s Charles’ newly-wed wife, Tiana. She’s a good girl.”

Theresa nodded and replied, “She does seem good, yes.”

Very naive, too.

When they reached Theresa’s room, Dolores got her a cup of water and said, “Take your meds.”

Theresa ate the medicine and replied, “You guys go do your stuff, I’ll head to sleep.”

Dolores nodded, “Just call for me if you need anything.”

“Call for you, nah. I sure as heck don’t want Mr. Nelson to hate me. I’ll call for Coral, or the new maid.” Theresa pursed her lips, “Your husband would turn me inside out if I trouble you.”

Dolores glared at her, “Yeah, yeah, just sleep already. You keep talking nonsense all day long like a certain someone called Armand.”

When Theresa heard the name Armand, her mood immediately soured as she replied, “I’ll sleep.”


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