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Snare of Love novel Chapter 590

Dolores could not help but to be amused by how childish Matthew was behaving.

“I really want you to look at a mirror right now, you should see how mean your face looks.”

Matthew snorted coldly in response as he grabbed a towel to wipe her legs.

She tilted her head and looked at him, “Are you mad?”

Why would he be quiet, then?

All of a sudden, Matthew flung the towel to the side, grabbed her ankles with both his hands and pressed her against the bed. Dolores struggled, wanting to break free and said in a soft voice, “What are you doing? The children are still here, you know, you’re gonna wake them up.”

He said in a deep tone as his eyebrows twitched naughtily, “You won’t wake them up if you moan softly.”

Dolores was rendered speechless by him.

“How can you be more shameless as time goes on?” Dolores started struggling even more, afraid that he would start to think with his crotch, and do inappropriate things right in front of the kids.

Matthew bent his knees and pressed her leg with his own against the bed, so that she could not move. He was thinking straight, surprisingly enough, since no matter how little self-control he had before Dolores, he would still not be impulsive enough to justify doing inappropriate stuff right in front of children.

He stared daggers into Dolores in silence, she was not particularly old, her long, silky hair also made her even younger, and her face was as white as porcelain. He stroked her face and said, “Lola, you must know that I hate his thoughts of you, very, very much.”

He was utterly unable to treat someone who was eyeing his wife with compassion and kindness.

“I’m a normal human, you see. My woman must only belong to me, no one else can even think of having her.”

Dolores knew that if someone was on Matthew’s mind that much to the point where they were affecting him mentally, it was only natural if she was also upset at that fact.

“I know, I love you and only you. I’m that way towards him due to my moral obligation.” Dolores expressed her feelings. Matthew could be very jealous at times, so she felt that she must explain to him to stop him from over-complicating stuff.

She started laughing out of the blue, “You know, the longer I spend time with you, the more I find out that you’re vastly different when you’re outside than when you’re at home.”

“Hmm? In which aspects do you see that? Tell me.” Matthew was slightly interested as he lied down sideways to avoid falling on her stomach.

Dolores replied, “Let go of my legs, then I’ll tell you.”

Matthew refused, “Tell me first.”

She turned her head around and replied, “Did your employees ever see you behaving this stubbornly?”

“My stubborn side is only shown in front of my wife, they are nowhere near qualified enough to see it.” He said that with a straight face as he did not see any problems in his statement.

Dolores was speechless again.

“Yeah,” she said as she sighed, “You definitely are a normal human.”

Matthew grabbed her hand and said, “Touch and feel it.”

Dolores’ eyes widened, as she stared at him while stuttering, “W-w-what are you doing now?”

“I’m letting you touch my body and feel my body heat and my heart beating. You can tell that it’s not made of iron nor steel, it is an entity with its own heat and mind. It also can’t escape death, just like everyone else in the world. So, it is a normal heart, you can’t ask it to behave like a divine god with no lusts nor desires.” Saying that, he saw Dolores’ blushing face, chuckled and added, “You must be thinking about lewd stuff, yes?”

She coughed and said in a stable voice, “No.”

She definitely was not thinking about lewd stuff.

Absolutely not!

Even if she did, she would rather die than admit it.

For her, in front of Matthew, the word “shame” was thrown out of the window long ago.

Dolores was brought completely off topic and on a tangent to outer space.

“What’s that saying again? You tend to follow whatever good or bad things that are done by people close to you.”

“Are you talking about me?” Matthew said as his brows lifted slightly.

“What are you talking about?” Amanda said while rubbing her eyes as she was not used to the lights in the house right after waking up.

“Nothing much, go back to sleep.” Dolores hugged and patted her on the back.

“Mummy, you promised to bring me to the pet shop tomorrow, remember?” Going to the pet shop was basically Amanda’s top priority.

She was only half awake but she still did not forget to remind Dolores.

Dolores assured her, “Yes I do, I’ll bring you there tomorrow, but you’ll have to sleep first.”


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